9 research outputs found

    Luminescence study of detergent optical brighteners in the context of developing optical environmental sensors for water quality control

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    Water quality and anthropogenic loads in many, but not all, cases are related. Some water quality monitoring programs analyse samples for the presence of Escherichia coli. These bacteria can come from humans and animals. Human‐attributable effluent contains optical brighteners (OBs) from detergents. A convenient and affordable optical quantitative method giving a linear luminescence outcome over several orders of detergent concentrations in the water solution is demonstrated. The proposed method uses the common presence of OBs in detergents. Detergent concentration in water can be used as a surrogate indicator of resultant anthropogenic loads in water bodies. The proposed optical method with linear outcome over several ranges of detergent water concentrations is described. Optinių baliklių skalbimo priemonėse liuminescencijos tyrimas siekiant sukurti optinius aplinkosauginius vandens kokybės kontrolės jutiklius Santrauka Vandens kokybė ir jo antropogeninis turinys daugeliu atvejų, nors ir ne visada, yra susiję. Kai kurios vandens kokybės stebėsenos sistemos analizuoja mėginius ir nustato, ar juose yra Escherichia coli bakterijų. Šios bakterijos gali būti žmogiškosios ir gyvūninės kilmės. Nuotekose, kurios susidaro dėl žmonių veiklos, esti optinių baliklių (OB) iš skalbimo priemonių. Pateiktas patogus ir nebrangiai atsieinantis optinis kvantinis metodas, kurį taikant gaunami tiesiniai liuminescencijos įverčiai, esant skirtingoms skalbimo priemonių koncentracijoms vandenyje. Siūlomas metodas taikomas skalbimo priemonėse naudojant OB. Skalbimo priemonių koncentracijos vandenyje duomenis galima panaudoti kaip pakaitinį vandens telkinių užterštumo rodiklį. Aprašomas optinio metodo taikymas bei tiesiniai įverčiai, gauti tiriant įvairias skalbimo priemonių koncentracijas vandenyje. Reikšminiai žodžiai: vandens kokybė, optiniai aplinkos taršos tyrimai, antropogeninio turinio vandenyje kontrolė ir mažinimas, nuotekų stebėsena, optiniai balikliai, skalbimo priemonės. Исследование концентрации оптических отбеливателей в растворах моющих средств по спектрам люминесценции для контроля качества воды Резюме Качество воды и культурные отложения во многих случаях взаимосвязаны. Иногда при анализе качества воды проводятся исследования на наличие бактерий Escherichia coli, которые могут появляться в отходах, связанных с человеческой жизнедеятельностью, и в отходах животных. Сточные отходы, связанные с жизнедеятельностью человека, содержат оптические отбеливатели из моющих веществ. В настоящей работе описывается практичный и удобный оптический метод для количественной оценки концентрации моющего вещества в водном растворе по линейному выходу люминесценции оптических отбеливателей. Концентрация моющих веществ может быть использована в качестве непрямого индикатора наличия отходов человеческой жизнедеятельности в сточных водах. Ключевые слова: качество воды, оптические измерения загрязнения окружающей среды, мониторинг сточных загрязнений, оптические отбеливатели, флюоресцирующие отбеливающие реагенты, моющие средства, токсикология окружающей среды. Firstd Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Structural and ultrastructural alterations in human olfactory pathways and possible associations with herpesvirus 6 infection

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Skuja et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Structural and ultrastructural alterations in human olfactory pathways and putative associations with human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection were studied. The olfactory bulb/tract samples from 20 subjects with an unspecified encephalopathy determined by pathomorphological examination of the brain autopsy, 17 healthy age-matched and 16 younger controls were used. HHV-6 DNA was detected in 60, 29, and 19% of cases in these groups, respectively. In the whole encephalopathy group, significantly more HHV-6 positive neurons and oligodendrocytes were found in the gray matter, whereas, significantly more HHV-6 positive astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia/macrophages and endothelial cells were found in the white matter. Additionally, significantly more HHV-6 positive astrocytes and, in particular, oligodendrocytes were found in the white matter when compared to the gray matter. Furthermore, when only HHV-6 PCR+ encephalopathy cases were studied, we observed similar but stronger associations between HHV-6 positive oligodendrocytes and CD68 positive cells in the white matter. Cellular alterations were additionally evidenced by anti-S100 immunostaining, demonstrating a significantly higher number of S100 positive cells in the gray matter of the whole encephalopathy group when compared to the young controls, and in the white matter when compared to both control groups. In spite the decreased S100 expression in the PCR+ encephalopathy group when compared to PCR- cases and controls, groups demonstrated significantly higher number of S100 positive cells in the white compared to the gray matter. Ultrastructural changes confirming the damage of myelin included irregularity of membranes and ballooning of paranodal loops. This study shows that among the cellular targets of the nervous system, HHV-6 most severely affects oligodendrocytes and the myelin made by them.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Letalas galvas traumas (epidemiologija, morfologija, patogeneze, tanatogeneze, tiesmediciniska diagnostika un novertejums)

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    Separate summary in Latvian, English, Russian, 42 p.Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLELVLatvi

    Quantitative comparison of the IHC results between PCR<sup>+</sup> and PCR<sup>-</sup> cases.

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    <p>(A) Distribution of HHV-6 positive astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the encephalopathy group. (B) Distribution of HHV-6 positive oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the encephalopathy group compared to controls.</p


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    <p>(A) Immunoreactivity observed in the olfactory tract of HHV-6 positive subjects: HHV-6 immunopositivity in the astrocytes (white arrow) and oligodendrocytes (black arrow), × 250. Confocal microscopy, representative image of HHV-6, insert, × 1000. (B) S100 immunopositivity in the cells of the olfactory bulb: positive neurons (white arrows), negative neurons (arrowheads), astrocytes (black arrows), × 200. (C) S100 and GFAP immunopositivity in the astrocytes (white arrows) and S100 positive oligodendrocytes (black arrows) of the olfactory tract, × 250; insert, × 200. (D) CD68 immunopositivity in the activated microglial cells/macrophages close to the neurons (black arrows) and oligodendrocytes (white arrow) of the olfactory bulb, × 200. (E) CD68 immunopositivity in the activated microglial cells/macrophages (black arrows) and MBP expression (white arrows) of the olfactory tract, × 250; insert, × 100.</p

    Quantitative comparison of the IHC results between the gray and the white matter.

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    <p>(A) Distribution of HHV-6 positive glial cells in the encephalopathy group. (B) Distribution of S100 positive glial cells in the encephalopathy group. (C) Distribution of CD68 positive activated microglial cells/macrophages in the encephalopathy group and both control groups.</p


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    <p><b>Ultrastructural changes observed in the olfactory pathways of HHV-6 positive subjects.</b> (A) A fragment of neuron revealing irregularly dilated perinuclear space (white arrow), remarkable decrease of rough endoplasmic reticulum, polyribosomes (black arrows), mitochondria and vacuoles (arrowhead). (B) A fragment of astrocyte nucleus, an electron-lucent perinuclear cytoplasm (white arrow) with scanty intermediate filaments (black arrow). (C) Two oligodendrocytes with characteristically structured nuclear chromatin, dilated perinuclear space (white arrow) surrounded by a narrow rim of cytoplasm containing some swollen mitochondria (black arrows), cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes. Myelin layer surrounding axons is thin; profiles of the paranodal loops are greatly varying. (D) Some myelinated axons and dendritic processes. Myelin layer of axons shows irregularity and ballooning of paranodal loops (black arrows).</p