189 research outputs found

    Dislocation Breakaway Damping in AA7050 Alloy

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    rappresentano ad oggi la famiglia di materiali a più elevata resistenza specifica nel campo di temperature fino a 800°C. La maggiore riserva per una introduzione incisiva nelle applicazioni industriali è ancora il costo di questi materiali. Costo che è rappresentato dalla somma dei costi dei materiali costituenti e del processo di fabbricazione. Per quanto una diminuzione dei costi dei materiali costituenti sia sicuramente possibile per effetto dell’aumento dei volumi prodotti, le maggiori riserve sono concentrate sul processo di fabbricazione. Il processo standard consiste nella preparazione di lotti di precursori che vengono comunemente consolidati per compattazione isostatica a caldo, [2-7]. In questo filone il CSM ha investito risorse per ottenere una soluzione innovativa che ha permesso il contenimento della voce “costo di fabbricazione” rispetto alla linea di Compattazione Isostatica a Caldo (HIP) con un risparmio finale che ha raggiunto il 40%

    Mulch-based no-tillage effects on weed community and management in an organic vegetable system

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    Weeds can cooperate with the agroecosystem\u2019s functioning by providing ecosystem services. Effective weed management should mitigate negative weed\u2013crop interference, while maintaining a functional and balanced weed community. In a two-year trial, the in-line/roller crimper (RC) was used to terminate an agroecological service crop (ASC; here barley, Hordeum vulgare L.) before organic zucchini (Cucurbita pepo, L.) and compared with green manure (GM) ASC and tilled no-ASC with Mater-Bi mulch on the rows (No_ASC). Zucchini yield, soil N availability, weed density/cover, biomass, and community composition were assessed. Analysis of variance, exploratory statistical analysis, and non-parametric inferential approaches were run, respectively, on agronomic data, species-specific weed frequencies, and Shannon diversity. Zucchini yield was the highest in No_ASC, due to soil N immobilization under high C:N barley residues in GM and RC. Multivariate analysis discriminated RC from tilled systems, outlining a specific ensemble of weed species correlated to Shannon diversity. From zucchini fruit set, RC selectively favored Polygonum aviculare L. and Helminthotheca echioides (L.), reasonably because of their oligotrophy and creeping habit. Their dominance finally caused low RC weed control. Results highlight strong weed selective pressure by the mulch-based no-tillage. Understanding the mechanisms underpinning the impact of soil management practices on weed community can drive towards a tailor-made and more effective weed management

    Green manure and compost effects on n-p dynamics in mediterranean organic stockless systems

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    Stockless systems, where plant and animal production are uncoupled, represent a common condition in Mediterranean areas. In organic systems, soil fertility is mainly managed by green manures, whereas composts of plant origin represent suitable soil conditioners. The low P content of these materials, together with the shortage of animal waste availability, determine potential nutrient depletion overtime and, in calcareous soils, P mining conditions. In a two-year field experiment in Central Italy, the effect of green manure vetch (Vicia villosa) (GM+) was compared with a control left fallow (GM-), combined with P-based fertilizers (F) on organic maize (Zea mays). Yields and N-P dynamics were evaluated by direct measurements, nutrient balance and efficiency index. N balance was higher than in GM+ GM- (+71.8 and -23.6 kg N ha-1, respectively). P enriched compost with RP (rock-phosphate) (EP), showed significant improvement in P use efficiency (meanly +34%) than other treatments (unfertilized control (RP), not P enriched compost (NEP)) and P equilibrium in the short run. On the other hand, P-fertilizers and maize residues soil incorporation determined P surplus in a long perspective (up to +10 kg P ha-1). Results emphasize the possibility of P reintegration in stockless organic systems without animal wastes

    Comportamento meccanico in prove di fatica a caldo di compositi metallici a matrice di lega SP-700 rinforzata con fibre di Carburo di silicio tipo SCS-6

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    Il presente lavoro descrive le fasi di fabbricazione e di caratterizzazione di campioni di lega composita a matrice di titanio SP-700 e rinforzo costituito da fibre continue di SiC. I campioni fabbricati sono stati caratterizzati in microscopia , prima e dopo la compattazione isostatica a caldo. Il materiale è stato sottoposto a prove di trazione e fatica a temperatura ambiente, 450°C e 600°C. Sono illustrati i risultati delle prove che hanno mostrato una resistenza in trazione di almeno il 20% superiore a quelle della sola matrice. Infine sono state esaminate le superficie le sezioni di frattura delle provette sottoposte a fatica per descrivere le modalità ed i fenomeni agenti durante la deformazione


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    A field experiment was carried out in Central Italy on growing melon (Cucumis melo L.) after barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Three different systems of cover crop termination (green manure, roller crimper and fallow, as control) were combined with three doses of compost (0, 15 and 30 t ha-1 d.m.) in a strip plot design. The main objective of the research was to evaluate their effects on organic melon production and on short and long term soil nitrogen (N) fertility. Marketable yield and quality and soil N availability along the melon cycle were determined and a simplified N budget calculated. Green manure (GM) treatment showed the highest total and marketable yield, followed by fallow (FA), while roller crimper (RC) was characterized by a significant lower yield respect to the other two treatments (45% and 62% of the marketable yield of GM and FA, respectively). On the other side, long term soil N fertility of GM and FA were characterized by N deficit unless combined with compost application at the dose of 15 t ha-1 d.m

    Agroecological practices and agrobiodiversity. A case study on organic orange in southern Italy

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    7noopenThe integration of Agroecological Service Crops (ASCs) into agroecosystems can provide several ecological services, such as nutrient cycling and disease and weed management. A two-year experiment on an organic orchard was carried out to compare barley (B) and horse bean (HB) ASCs with a control without ASC (Cont) in combination with fertilizers. Their effects on soil fertility and weed- and soil-borne fungi communities were evaluated by direct measurements, visual estimation, and indicators computation. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify latent patterns and redundancy among variables, whereas a correlation analysis was used to discriminate the compared systems within the PCA matrix. The empirical results of this study put in evidence the correlation among soil, weed, and fungal variables. A slight contribution of fertilizers on the system’s variability was observed, whereas a clear effect of ASCs was highlighted. The systems differed in weed communities, with the lowest density associated to B and the highest to Cont. B showed the highest fungal diversity, with changes in community compared to HB. HB showed a contribution on soil fertility, being associated to organic matter increase and N availability, and evidencing mixed impacts on soil quality and ecosystem functioning. Overall, the above-ground diversity and below-ground community results were inter-correlated.openCiaccia C.; La Torre A.; Ferlito F.; Testani E.; Battaglia V.; Salvati L.; Roccuzzo G.Ciaccia, C.; La Torre, A.; Ferlito, F.; Testani, E.; Battaglia, V.; Salvati, L.; Roccuzzo, G


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    Il materiale composito costituito da una matrice Ti6Al4V, rinforzato con fibre lunghe di SiC (tipo SCS-6), è stato caratterizzato sia allo stato di fabbricazione che dopo trattamenti termici in vuoto. Attraverso la microanalisi EDS e la spettroscopia di fotoemissione (XPS) e Auger (AES), è stata determinata la concentrazione dei principali elementi, operando su sezioni metallografiche. Le analisi sono state eseguite in varie posizioni: tra le interfaccie di fibra, nel rivestimento in carbonio e nella matrice. I dati sperimentali nella zona di reazione sono stati discussi e confrontati con andamenti teorici

    Prognostic Role of Serum Chloride Levels in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) can be complicated by electrolyte abnormalities, but the major focus has been concentrated on the clinical significance of serum sodium levels
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