29 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to investigate if a mild LLI altered plantar pressure distribution during running at approximately 12Km/h. Nowadays running can be considered one of the most important recreational activities, and mild leg length inequality (LLI), which appears to be usual among runners, has been related to running injuries. The hypothesis was that runners with mild LLI would present smaller values of plantar pressure at the lateral heel, and greater values at the medial midfoot at the long limb; and greater values at the lateral heel and lateral midfoot at the short limb in comparison with runners without LLI. Plantar pressure distribution was acquired using Pedar X mobile System. Measurements were performed under the feet of 14 runners distributed in two groups: control (LLI1.0cm). Contradicting the initial hypothesis, results demonstrated that runners with a mild LLI did not present significant differences in plantar pressure distribution in comparison to subjects without LLI, and between long and short limbs. These findings point out that analysis of plantar pressure distribution was not an efficient method for detecting small asymmetries or possible adjusts in lower limbs during running


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    Overuse injuries in running have been linked to a rigid surface; on the other hand, acute injuries are considered multifactor, since a combination of running speed, surface, shoes, fatigue and training is involved (Walker, 2005). Many stress fractures are due to cumulative impact shock, which is believed to be greater on a hard surface like concrete (Feehery, 1986).The purpose of this study was to compare plantar pressure (PP) distribution on 4 different surfaces. The hypothesis was that surfaces considered rigid would present smaller contact time and greater values in plantar pressure variables in all foot areas; and surfaces considered compliant would present greater contact time and smaller values for the same variables

    Rearfoot alignment and medial longitudinal arch configurations of runners with symptoms and histories of plantar fasciitis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare rearfoot alignment and medial longitudinal arch index during static postures in runners, with and without symptoms and histories of plantar fasciitis (PF). INTRODUCTION: PF is the third most common injury in runners but, so far, its etiology remains unclear. In the literature, rearfoot misalignment and conformations of the longitudinal plantar arch have been described as risk factors for the development of PF. However, in most of the investigated literature, the results are still controversial, mainly regarding athletic individuals and the effects of pain associated with these injuries. METHODS: Forty-five runners with plantar fasciitis (30 symptomatic and 15 with previous histories of injuries) and 60 controls were evaluated. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. The assessment of rearfoot alignment and the calculations of the arch index were performed by digital photographic images. RESULTS: There were observed similarities between the three groups regarding the misalignments of the rearfoot valgus. The medial longitudinal arches were more elevated in the group with symptoms and histories of PF, compared to the control runners. CONCLUSIONS: Runners with symptoms or histories of PF did not differ in rearfoot valgus misalignments, but showed increases in the longitudinal plantar arch during bipedal static stance, regardless of the presence of pain symptoms

    In-shoe dynamic foot loading during running in different running surfaces

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    Associado ao aumento do número de praticantes de corrida, houve o aumento proporcional no número de lesões em corredores. Esta ocorrência pode estar relacionada ao volume semanal de treino, aos desvios posturais em membros inferiores, ao tipo de calçado e ao piso selecionados para a prática da corrida, e até mesmo à experiência prévia na modalidade. A superfície de corrida pode ser considerada como um fator extrínseco relacionado a estas lesões e tem sido pesquisada atualmente mas com resultados controversos ainda quanto a sua influência nas sobrecargas do aparelho locomotor. Já, o tempo de experiência na corrida também pode ser considerado um importante fator extrínseco que foi até agora superficialmente estudado. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a influência de quatro diferentes superfícies de corrida (asfalto, concreto, grama natural e borracha) e da experiência prévia na prática da corrida (até 2 anos, entre 2 e 5 anos e acima de 5 anos) na distribuição da pressão plantar. Foram realizados 3 experimentos para responder aos objetivos do presente trabalho, cada um com sua casuística particular: experimento 1 (n=44) e 2 (n=57) para responder a influência do tipo de piso nas cargas plantares; e experimento 3 (n=126) para responder a influência da experiência da corrida nas pressões plantares. Em todos eles, corredores recreacionais adultos (entre 18 e 40 anos) correram nos 4 pisos estudados a uma velocidade de 12km/h em um trecho de 40 metros onde se investigou a pressão plantar por meio de palmilhas capacitivas (Pedar X, Novel) colocadas dentro de um calçado esportivo padronizado. Para investigar o efeito da experiência na corrida, as medições foram realizadas somente no asfalto. Os dois primeiros experimentos responderam que a grama atenuou em até 16% o pico de pressão plantar nas regiões laterais comparada aos demais pisos, inclusive à borracha cujo comportamento foi similar ao do asfalto e do concreto, superfícies consideradas rígidas. Este resultado pode ser atribuído a estratégias de movimento mais flexíveis das extremidades distais, particularmente do complexo tornozelo/pé, na superfície mais complacente, o qual não foi observado nas superfícies mais rígidas (asfalto e concreto), assim como, surpreendentemente, no piso de borracha. O terceiro experimento respondeu que corredores com menos do que dois anos de experiência na corrida apresentam maiores picos de pressão de cerca de 10% em retropé e antepé em relação aos mais experientes (acima de 5 anos). A atenuação de cargas plantares observadas em corredores mais experientes pode estar relacionada à adoção de um padrão motor mais eficiente que resultaria em uma maior habilidade de acomodação da extremidade distal às cargas. Como conclusão, os resultados destes experimentos demonstram que tempos de prática menores que dois anos e correr no asfalto, concreto ou borracha promovem maiores sobrecargas plantares. A combinação tempo de experiência acima de 5 anos e correr na grama é a condição que mais promove atenuação de sobrecargas plantaresThere has been an increase in the number of injuries proportional to the increase of the number of runner. This occurrence can be related to the weekly distance of trainings, lower extremities postural alignment, type of the selected footwear and the running, and the previous experience in running. The running surface can be considered as a extrinsic factor related to these injuries and has been currently studied. Although the results concerning its influence in the overloads of the locomotor system are controversial. The time of running experience can also be considered an important extrinsic factor that is still superficially studied so far. The objective of the present work was to investigate the influence of four different running surfaces (asphalt, concrete, natural gram and rubber) and of the previous running experience (up to 2 years, between 2 and 5 years and up to 5 years) in the plantar pressure distribution. Three experiments had been carried out to answer to the aims of the present work, each one with its particular casuistic: experiment 1 (n=44) and 2 (n=57) to answer the influence of the type of surface in plantar loads; and experiment 3 (n=126) to answer the influence of the running experience in the plantar pressures. Adults recreational runners (between 18 and 40 yrs old) run in the four studied surfaces over 40 meters in a speed of 12km/h where the plantar pressure was investigated by in-shoe capacitive insoles (Pedar X, Novel) placed inside an standardized sports footwear. To investigate the effect of the running experience, the measurements had only been carried out in asphalt. The two first experiments answered that the grass attenuated up to 16% the peak pressure in the lateral regions of the foot compared to the other surfaces, including the rubber whose behavior was similar to the asphalt and the concrete, considered rigid surfaces. This result can be attributed the more flexible movement strategies of the distal extremities, particularly of the foot/ankle complex, in the more compliant surface, which was not observed in the most rigid surfaces (asphalt and concrete), as well as, surprisingly, in the rubber surface. The third experiment answered that runners with less than two years of experience in the running practice presented greaters peak pressures of about 10% in the medial rearfoot and forefoot compared to the most experienced runners (up to 5 years). The plantar loads attenuation observed in the more experienced runners can be related to the adoption of a more efficient motor pattern that would result in a higher ability to accommodate loads in the lower extremity. In summary, the results of these experiments demonstrated that running practice experience of less than two years and running in asphalt, concrete or rubber promotes higher plantar loads. The combination time of experience up to 5 years and running in the grass is the condition that promotes more attenuation of plantar pressure

    Attenuation of foot pressure during running on four different surfaces: asphalt, concrete, rubber, and natural grass

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    The practice of running has consistently increased worldwide, and with it, related lower limb injuries. The type of running surface has been associated with running injury etiology, in addition other factors, such as the relationship between the amount and intensity of training. There is still controversy in the literature regarding the biomechanical effects of different types of running surfaces on foot-floor interaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of running on asphalt, concrete, natural grass, and rubber on in-shoe pressure patterns in adult recreational runners. Forty-seven adult recreational runners ran twice for 40 m on all four different surfaces at 12 +/- 5% km . h(-1). Peak pressure, pressure-time integral, and contact time were recorded by Pedar X insoles. Asphalt and concrete were similar for all plantar variables and pressure zones. Running on grass produced peak pressures 9.3% to 16.6% lower (P < 0.001) than the other surfaces in the rearfoot and 4.7% to 12.3% (P < 0.05) lower in the forefoot. The contact time on rubber was greater than on concrete for the rearfoot and midfoot. The behaviour of rubber was similar to that obtained for the rigid surfaces - concrete and asphalt - possibly because of its time of usage (five years). Running on natural grass attenuates in-shoe plantar pressures in recreational runners. If a runner controls the amount and intensity of practice, running on grass may reduce the total stress on the musculoskeletal system compared with the total musculoskeletal stress when running on more rigid surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete.CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for the Improvement of Higher Education)CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for the Improvement of Higher Education

    Dynamic Patterns of Forces and Loading Rate in Runners with Unilateral Plantar Fasciitis: A Cross-Sectional Study.

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    The etiology of plantar fasciitis (PF) has been related to several risk factors, but the magnitude of the plantar load is the most commonly described factor. Although PF is the third most-common injury in runners, only two studies have investigated this factor in runners, and their results are still inconclusive regarding the injury stage.Analyze and compare the plantar loads and vertical loading rate during running of runners in the acute stage of PF to those in the chronic stage of the injury in relation to healthy runners.Forty-five runners with unilateral PF (30 acute and 15 chronic) and 30 healthy control runners were evaluated while running at 12 km/h for 40 meters wearing standardized running shoes and Pedar-X insoles. The contact area and time, maximum force, and force-time integral over the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot were recorded and the loading rate (20-80% of the first vertical peak) was calculated. Groups were compared by ANOVAs (p<0.05).Maximum force and force-time integral over the rearfoot and the loading rate was higher in runners with PF (acute and chronic) compared with controls (p<0.01). Runners with PF in the acute stage showed lower loading rate and maximum force over the rearfoot compared to runners in the chronic stage (p<0.01).Runners with PF showed different dynamic patterns of plantar loads during running over the rearfoot area depending on the injury stage (acute or chronic). In the acute stage of PF, runners presented lower loading rate and forces over the rearfoot, possibly due to dynamic mechanisms related to pain protection of the calcaneal area

    The effects of plantar fasciitis and pain on plantar pressure distribution of recreational runners

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    Background: Plantar fasciitis is the third most frequent injury in runners. Despite its high prevalence, its pathogenesis remains inconclusive. The literature reports overload as the basic mechanism for its development. However, the way that these plantar loads are distributed on the foot surface of runners with plantar fasciitis and the effects of pain on this mechanical factor has not yet been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the plantar pressure distributions during running in runners with symptom or history of plantar fasciitis and runners without the disease. Methods: Forty-five recreational runners with plantar fasciitis (30 symptomatic and 15 with previous history of the disease) and 60 runners without plantar fasciitis (control group) were evaluated. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. All runners were evaluated by means of the Pedar system insoles during running forty meters at a speed of 12(5%) km/h, using standard sport footwear. Two-way ANOVAS were employed to investigate the main and interaction effects between groups and plantar areas. Findings: No interaction effects were found for any of the investigated variables: peak pressure (P=0.61), contact area (P=0.38), contact time (P=0.91), and the pressure-time integral (P=0.50). Interpretation: These findings indicated that the patterns of plantar pressure distribution were not affected in recreational runners with plantar fasciitis when compared to control runners. Pain also did not interfere with the dynamic patterns of the plantar pressure distributions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Brazilian Government Funding Agency (CAPES-Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior

    Assessing experience in the deliberate practice of running using a fuzzy decision-support system.

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    The judgement of skill experience and its levels is ambiguous though it is crucial for decision-making in sport sciences studies. We developed a fuzzy decision support system to classify experience of non-elite distance runners. Two Mamdani subsystems were developed based on expert running coaches' knowledge. In the first subsystem, the linguistic variables of training frequency and volume were combined and the output defined the quality of running practice. The second subsystem yielded the level of running experience from the combination of the first subsystem output with the number of competitions and practice time. The model results were highly consistent with the judgment of three expert running coaches (r>0.88, p0.86, p<0.001). From the expert's knowledge and the fuzzy model, running experience is beyond the so-called "10-year rule" and depends not only on practice time, but on the quality of practice (training volume and frequency) and participation in competitions. The fuzzy rule-based model was very reliable, valid, deals with the marked ambiguities inherent in the judgment of experience and has potential applications in research, sports training, and clinical settings


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a força reação do solo durante a marcha em cadência auto-selecionada, comparando as características entre a marcha descalça e com o uso de sandálias de salto plataforma e tênis esportivo. A amostra constituiu-se de 8 mulheres com média de idade de 22,9 (4,1) anos. A força reação do solo foi adquirida com uma plataforma de força da AMTI e analisada no Origin v 6.0. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento do primeiro e do segundo picos verticais de força com o uso de sandália em relação à marcha descalça de 1,09 (0,06) PC para 1,18 (0,07) PC, diminuição do pico passivo de 0,61 (0,12) PC para 0,40 (0,16) PC e sua taxa de crescimento de 33,64 (16,91) PC/s para 16,19 (4,93) PC/s. A taxa de crescimento do primeiro pico de força diminuiu, mas não apresentou diferenças significativas de 7,98 (1,78) PC/s para 7,86 (3,82) PC/s. Essa diminuição das taxas de crescimento e aumento dos picos de força com o uso de sandália sugerem aumento de sobrecarga nas articulações dos membros inferiores, resultado principalmente da rigidez do solado e da instabilidade provocada pela elevação do centro de gravidade, justificando a diminuição de velocidade verificada. A menor magnitude do primeiro pico da FRS vertical, de 1,14 (0,05) PC, com a utilização do tênis demonstra que na comparação com a sandália cujo primeiro pico foi de 1,18 (0,07) PC, a rigidez do solado é fator determinante para a magnitude desta variável. Esses resultados deveriam ser considerados para o desenvolvimento e a produção de sandálias com salto que promovessem maior conforto aos usuários