3 research outputs found

    A Chimeric Lloviu Virus Minigenome System Reveals that the Bat-Derived Filovirus Replicates More Similarly to Ebolaviruses than Marburgviruses

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    Summary: Recently, traces of zoonotic viruses have been discovered in bats and other species around the world, but despite repeated attempts, full viral genomes have not been rescued. The absence of critical genetic sequences from these viruses and the difficulties to isolate infectious virus from specimens prevent research on their pathogenic potential for humans. One example of these zoonotic pathogens is Lloviu virus (LLOV), a filovirus that is closely related to Ebola virus. Here, we established LLOV minigenome systems based on sequence complementation from other filoviruses. Our results show that the LLOV replication and transcription mechanisms are, in general, more similar to ebolaviruses than to marburgviruses. We also show that a single nucleotide at the 3′ genome end determines species specificity of the LLOV polymerase. The data obtained here will be instrumental for the rescue of infectious LLOV clones for pathogenesis studies. : Lloviu virus (LLOV) is a filovirus of unknown pathogenicity, and the viral genome ends have not been recovered. Manhart et al. established a minigenome system for studying LLOV by complementing missing sequence information with that of other filoviruses. This minigenome provides a blueprint for generating recombinant LLOV for pathogenesis studies. Keywords: Lloviu virus, filoviruses, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, minigenomes, replication and transcription, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, emerging viruse

    Distinctive features of the respiratory syncytial virus priming loop compared to other non-segmented negative strand RNA viruses.

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    De novo initiation by viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases often requires a polymerase priming residue, located within a priming loop, to stabilize the initiating NTPs. Polymerase structures from three different non-segmented negative strand RNA virus (nsNSV) families revealed putative priming loops in different conformations, and an aromatic priming residue has been identified in the rhabdovirus polymerase. In a previous study of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) polymerase, we found that Tyr1276, the L protein aromatic amino acid residue that most closely aligns with the rhabdovirus priming residue, is not required for RNA synthesis but two nearby residues, Pro1261 and Trp1262, were required. In this study, we examined the roles of Pro1261 and Trp1262 in RNA synthesis initiation. Biochemical studies showed that substitution of Pro1261 inhibited RNA synthesis initiation without inhibiting back-priming, indicating a defect in initiation. Biochemical and minigenome experiments showed that the initiation defect incurred by a P1261A substitution could be rescued by factors that would be expected to increase the stability of the initiation complex, specifically increased NTP concentration, manganese, and a more efficient promoter sequence. These findings indicate that Pro1261 of the RSV L protein plays a role in initiation, most likely in stabilizing the initiation complex. However, we found that substitution of the corresponding proline residue in a filovirus polymerase had no effect on RNA synthesis initiation or elongation. These results indicate that despite similarities between the nsNSV polymerases, there are differences in the features required for RNA synthesis initiation