59 research outputs found

    Utjecaj broja nodula na žilavost feritnog nodularnog lijeva

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    U radu je istraživan utjecaj broja nodula/mm2 i temperature ispitivanja na žilavost feritnog nodularnog lijeva u lijevanom stanju. Ispitivanje žilavosti provedeno je u uvjetima udarnog opterećenja pri sobnoj i sniženim temperaturama prema HRN EN 10045. Ustanovljeno je da pri temperaturama 20 °C i 0 °C žilavost feritnog nodularnog lijeva raste s porastom broja nodula/mm2 do određenog maksimuma, nakon čega daljnji porast broja nodula/mm2 utječe na pad žilavosti. Kod niskih temperatura (-20 °C i -40 °C) žilavost konstantno raste s porastom broja nodula/mm2. Broj nodula/mm2 važna je mikrostrukturna značajka nodularnog lijeva čiju je vrijednost potrebno prilagoditi specifičnim radnim uvjetima lijevanih komponenti

    Uticaj sorte i agroekoloških uslova na komponente prinosa krompira

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    The research on the effect of ecological conditions and cultivars on the yield components of potatoes was conducted in Badovinci (Western Serbia) during the period 2008-2009. The following potato cultivars were included in the experiment: early ('Cleopatra', 'Anushka' and 'Presto'), medium early ('Kuroda', 'Omega' and 'Dita'), and medium late ('Desiree', 'Roko' and 'Jelly'). The four-replicate field trials were set up using the standard methodology according to the random block design. 18TThe research results suggest that genotype (G) and ecological conditions (E) significantly affect all yield components of potatoes. In both years, the highest yield was recorded18T in18T the medium late variety 'Desiree'18T 18T(18T28.30 t ha־¹), followed by the early variety 'Anushka' 18T(18T26.60 t ha־¹), 18Twhile the lowest18T 18Tyield18T was 18Trecorded18T 18Tin the medium early variety 'Omega' (18T13.35 t ha־¹). The 18Tresults obtained show that18T 18Tthe18T 18Thighest yields18T in Western Serbia were 18Trecorded in early varieties18T 18T('Cleopatra'18T, 'Anushka' 18Tand18T '18TPresto'18T) and 18Tmedium18T 18Tlate varieties18T 18T('18TDesiree'), which exhibited considerable18T resistance to high18T 18Tair temperatures18T and 18Tdrought stress18T.Komponente prinosa devet sorti krompira ispitivane su tokom 2008. i 2009. godine na lokaciji zapadne Srbije u selu Badovinci (75 m nadmorska visina, 44˚ 80' 05'N, 19˚ 35' 39'E). Za istraživanje korišćene su sledeće sorte krompira: rane (Cleopatra, Anushka i Presto), srednje rane (Kuroda, Omega i Dita) i srednje kasne (Desiree, Roko i Jelly). Sadnja je izvedena u prvoj dekadi aprila. Međuredno rastojanje bilo je 0,70 m a između biljaka u redu 0,30 m. Primenjena je standardna tehnologija gajenja krompira. Broj primarnih nadzemnih izdanaka određen je 65 dana posle sadnje krtola. Vađenje krompira izvršeno je početkom septembra kada je izvršeno i utvrđivanje broja krtola po biljci i ukupan prinos. 18TDobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su sorta (G) i agroekološki uslovi (E) značajno utiču na sve komponente prinosa krompira. U obe godine najveći ukupan prinos krtola zabeležen je kod srednje kasne sorte Desiree18T 18T(18T28,30 t ha־¹), zatim kod rane sorte Anushka 18T(18T26,60 t ha־¹), dok je najniži prinos krtola utvrđen kod srednje rane sorte 18TOmega (18T13,35 t ha־¹). Na osnovu rezultata dvogodišnjih istraživanja uticaja sorte i agroekoloških uslova na komponente prinosa u zapadnoj Srbiji, možemo izvesti sledeće zaključke: - Sorta i uslovi sredine pojedinačno i u interakciji značajno utiču na komponente prinosa18T; Za dobijanje visokih prinosa krtola u uslovima zapadne Srbije možemo preporučiti rane sorte (18TCleopatra, Anushka 18Ti18T P18Tresto18T), posebno u godinama sa malom količinom padavina, kao i srednje kasnu sortu 18T(18TDesiree), koja je pokazala dobru tolerantnost prema visokim temperaturama vazduha i suši

    Prerada biološki razgradivog otpada primenom aerobnog fermentatora EWA

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    The paper presents research results obtained in the process of processing biodegradable wastes, resulting from agricultural production as well as municipal waste. Aerobic fermenter EWA (stationed within the Institute for Forage Crops Globoder- Kruševac) was using for this purpose, during the one month testing. Biodegradable material with different ratios of components was used for filling aerobic digester. EWA fermenter is certified device that is used to stabilize and hygienic disposal of biodegradable waste, including sewage sludge and animal products produced in accordance with European Union regulations. Fermenter is intended to be used for combustion in boilers for solid fuels with humidity of biomaterials below 30%.Rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja koji su dobijeni pri procesu prerade biološki razgradivog otpada dobijenog iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, kao i komunalnog otpada primenom aerobnog fermentatora EWA (češke proizvodnje stacioniranog u krugu Instituta za krmno bilje u Globoderu-Kruševcu). U toku jednomesečnog ispitivanja vršeno je punjenje aerobnog fermentatora biološki razgradivim materijalom s različitim odnosom komponenata. EWA fermentator je sertifikovan uređaj koji se koristi za stabilizaciju i higijenizaciju biorazgradivog otpada, uključujući kanalizacioni mulj i proizvode životinjskog porekla proizveden u skladu sa propisima Evropske Unije. Fermentator može da se koristi i za dobijanje biogoriva namenjenog za sagorevanje u kotlovima za čvrsta goriva pri čemu je vlažnost biomaterijala koji se koristi ispod 30%

    Čimbenici predispozicije odgovorni za pojavu bakterijskog purulentnog meningoencefalitisa

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    Bacterial purulent meningoencephalitis (BPME) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by various pyogenic bacteria. The disease is defined as the inflammatory process of leptomeninges (visceral layer, pia mater and arachnoid membrane) and brain parenchyma with exudates in the subarachnoid space and surrounding brain structures. The aim of the study was to define the predisposing factors responsible for the occurrence of BPME, as well as the possible correlation between the presence of predisposing factors and patient demographic characteristics, etiology and outcome of the disease. This retrospective-prospective study included 90 patients with BPME confirmed by clinical, neuroradiological and laboratory findings. Multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to analyze the impact of the predisposing factors on the disease outcomes. Predisposing factors that were related to BPME were found in 61% of patients. Cranial trauma as the leading factor was recorded in 23.3% of patients, followed by previous neurological disease in 14.4% of patients, while 13 patients were exposed to previous chemotherapy or long-term corticosteroid therapy. Cardiovascular diseases were reported in 12.2% and diabetes in 7.8% of patients. The existence of cardiovascular diseases significantly influenced unfavorable outcome of the disease, i.e. ”deceased” in comparison to ”cured” (OR=8.418; 95% CI=1.007-76.270), independently of age and gender. None of the examined predisposing factors was significantly related to the ”recovered with sequels” outcome as compared with ”cured” outcome. Older age and presence of cardiovascular disease as a predisposing factor significantly increased the odds of the BPME unfavorable outcome ”deceased” as compared to ”cured” outcome.Bakterijski gnojni (purulentni) meningoencefalitis (BPME) je za život opasna zarazna bolest uzrokovana različitim piogenim bakterijama. Bolest je definirana kao upalni proces leptomeninga (visceralni sloj, pia mater i arahnoidna membrana), parenhima mozga s eksudatom u subarahnoidnom prostoru i okolnim strukturama mozga. Cilj istraživanja bio je definirati predisponirajuće čimbenike koji su odgovorni za pojavu BPME, kao i moguću povezanost prisutnosti predispozicije i demografskih karakteristika bolesnika, etiologije i ishoda bolesti. Ovo retrospektivno-prospektivno istraživanje je obuhvatilo 90 bolesnika različite dobi s BPME kod kojih je bolest potvrđena na osnovi kliničkih, neuroradioloških i laboratorijskih nalaza. Utjecaj predisponirajućih čimbenika na ishod bolesti analiziran je logističkom regresijom. Čimbenici predispozicije vezani za pojavu BPME su pronađeni u 61% bolesnika. Vodeći čimbenik je bila trauma lubanje zabilježena u 23,3% bolesnika, zatim prethodna neurološka bolest u 14,4% bolesnika, dok je 13 bolesnika bilo na kemoterapiji ili dugotrajnoj terapiji kortikosteroidima. Kardiovaskularne bolesti bile su prisutne u 12,2%, a dijabetes u 7,8% bolesnika. Postojanje kardiovaskularnih bolesti bilo je značajan predskazatelj smrtnosti kao nepovoljnog ishoda bolesti u usporedbi s ozdravljenjem (OR=8,418; 95% CI=1,007-76,270), nezavisno od spola i dobi. Nijedan predisponirajući čimbenik nije bio statistički značajno povezan s pojavom drugog nepovoljnog ishoda bolesti, “oporavka s posljedicama” u usporedbi s ozdravljenjem. U zaključku, bolesnici s BPME starije životne dobi i s postojećim kardiovaskularnim bolestima imali su značajno veću vjerojatnost nepovoljnog ishoda ”smrti” u usporedbi s ozdravljenjem

    Serumski C-reaktivni protein i nutritivni parametri kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi

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    Background/Aim. Inflammation is the most important factor in the genesis of vascular complication in the endstage renal disease. The serum C-reactive protein (CRP) level is a sensitive marker of systemic inflammation as well as a predisposing factor for cardiovascular and all cause mortality in patients on hemodialysis. Albumin is the negative acute phase protein and its synthesis declines during the inflammation. The patients undergoing hemodialysis have a high prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition, due to reduced protein synthesis and increased degradation. The low serum albumin levels in these patients originate from the complex setting of conditions with systemic inflammatory response as a major cause, malnutrition and overhydratation. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of elevated CRP levels in the dialysis patients and to analyse its correlation with serum albumin levels and other parameters of nutritional status. Methods. The study included 49 patients on maintenance hemodialysis at the Department of Hemodialysis, Clinic of Nephrology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. In order to analyse the parameters, the blood samples were taken during the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) puncture and before the second weekly dialyse. The following parameters were determined: serum levels of urea and creatinine before and after the dialysis procedure, CRP, hemoglobin, fasting glycemia, total cholesterol, triglycerides, albumins, iron, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting insulinemia and C-peptide only before the dialysis. Results. Out of 49 patients on maintenance hemodialysis, 37 (75.5%) were males and 12 (24.5%) females with the average age of 56.04 ± 13.93 years. The average duration of the dialysis treatment was 7.37 ± 5 years. The high serum CRP levels (more than 3 mg/L) was found in 65.3% of patients. Singificantly more diabetic patients were observed in the group with the higher CRP levels (n = 12) compared to the group with the normal CRP levels (n = 3) (p ≤ 0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between the CRP value and urea values after the dialysis procedure. We found negative correlation between the CRP values and serum albumin, HbA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, with no statistical significance. Conclusion. Our study observed a high rate of inflammation in the dialysis patients presenting as high frequency of the elevated CRP levels in the examined group. Negative correlation between CRP levels and serum albumin as well as with some other parameters of nutritional status, suggests that chronic inflammation may be the missing link that actually connect protein energy malnutrition with high morbiditiy and mortality rate in these patients.Uvod/Cilj. Inflamacija je jedan od glavnih faktora odgovornih za nastanak vaskularnih komplikacija kod bolesnika sa terminalnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom. C reaktivni protein (CRP) se smatra senzitivnim markerom sistemske inflamacije, kao i faktorom koji doprinosi povećanom riziku od opšteg i kardiovaskularnog mortaliteta. Albumin je negativni protein akutne faze zapaljenja i njegova sinteza opada sa napredovanjem sistemske inflamacije. Za bolesnike na hemodijalizi poznato je da pate od visokog stepena proteinske malnutricije usled smanjene sinteze proteina i njihove pojačane razgradnje. Nizak nivo serumskog albumina kod tih bolesnika je posledica kompleksnog stanja koje podrazumeva sistemsku inflamaciju, malnutriciju i prekomernu hidrataciju. Cilj naše studije bio je da se ispita učestalost povišenog serumskog CRP-a u našoj populaciji dijaliznih bolesnika i da se utvrdi stepen njegove korelacije sa serumskim albuminom i drugim parametrima nutritivnog statusa. Metode. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 49 bolesnika na hroničnom programu hemodijalize u Centru za hemodijalizu Klinike za nefrologiju Vojnomedicinske akademije u Beogradu. Uzorci krvi za analizu uzimani su tokom punkcije arteriovenske fistule, a pre druge nedeljne hemodijalize. Određivanu su sledeći parametri: serumski nivo uree i kreatinina pre i posle procedure, CRP, hemoglobin, glikemija, ukupni holesterol, trigliceridi, glikozilirani hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulinemija i C-peptid pre hemodijalize. Rezultati. Od ukupno 49 dijaliznih bolesnika, bilo je 37 (75,5%) muškaraca i 12 (24,5%) žena, prosečne starosti 56,04 ± 13,93 godine. Dužina lečenja hemodijalizom je prosečno iznosila 7,37 ± 5 godina. Povišene vrednosti serumskog CRP-a (više od 3 mg/L) imalo je 65,3% bolesnika. U grupi bolesnika sa povišenim nivoom CRP-a u serumu, bilo je značajno više dijabetičara (n=12) u odnosu na grupu sa normalnim nivoom CRP-a u serumu (n = 3) (p ≤ 0,05). Uočili smo postojanje značajne pozitivne korelacije između serumskog CRP-a i serumske uree nakon dijaliznog procesa. U ispitivanoj grupi postojala je negativna korelacija između serumskog CRPa i serumskog albumina, HbA1c, ukupnog holesterola i triglicerida. Ta korelacija nije bila statistički značajna. Zaključak. Naša studija je potvrdila visok stepen sistemske inflamacije kod dijaliznih bolesnika izražene kroz visoku učestalost povišenih vrednosti serumskog CRP-a. Negativna korelacija između nivoa serumskog CRP-a i serumskog albumina kao i drugih nutritivnih parametara, sugeriše da hronična inflamacija može biti ključna karika koja povezuje proteinsku malnutriciju sa visokim morbiditetom i mortalitetom ovih bolesnika

    Role of α-Lipoic Acid in Diabetic Polyneuropathy Treatment

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    Diabetic neuropathy represents late diabetes complications, and diabetes duration and long-term hyperglycemia are the main reasons for polyneuropathy. The goal was to estimate the effects of alpha-lipoic acid on symptoms of diabetic neuropathy after 600 mg i.v. for 3 weeks and 3 months of 300-600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid per os. This study has been designed as a multicentric, in 5-centers in B&H, carried out by 5 physicians with 20 diabetic patients each. Following parameters were monitored in 100 diabetics suffering from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, both men and women: diabetes duration, diabetes therapy, duration of polyneuropathy symptoms, height, weight, BMI (body mass index), subjective assessment of patients, objective examinations of physicians and subjective assessment of physicians. 100 diabetics, average age 61,36; oldest 79, youngest 40, suffered from diabetes in average 11,9 years. There were 35 men and 65 women, 16 with Type 1 and 80 with Type 2 diabetes, while 4 patients were not classified. 69 were having insulin therapy and 31 oral hypoglicemics. Shortest diabetic status was less than a year, and longest was 28 years. Average duration of polyneuropathic symptoms was 3,02 years, shortest was less than a year, and the longest was 15 years. Average height was 1,70 m, average weight 76,13 kg, and average BMI 26,51 kg/m2. Significant statistic differences in improvement were recorded (P>0,05) according to Fridman's test for repeated measurements compared to initial findings in assessments: sensory symptoms of polyneuropathy, pain sensations as polyneuropathy symptoms, total score of polyneuropathy symptoms, subjective assessment of patients, subjective findings of physicians, and significant differences were not find (P>0,05) in autonomous and motoric neuropathy. Based on the conducted study, we have concluded that the application of alpha-lipoic acid during 3 months has helped to decrease the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and in only one case out of 100 included patients there was no subjective improvement after drug application

    Značaj savremenih aditiva za tehnologiju siliranja hramva

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    Modern procedures in animal husbandry are based on using preserved forages for ruminants during the year, which provides the most stable production and milk quality. From that point of view, biological additives based on homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria have grate importance, as well as cellulolitic preparations. Based on temporary additives by animal feed with small amount of fermentabile carbohydrates fermentation is intensifying and targeting, fibre is degradating and aerobe stability of silage is increasing. Thanks to such results we can see the series improves in milk and meet production. Lacking of residues and positive influences on animal health and quality of animal products are advantages of biological additives.Savremeni trendovi u tehnologiji siliranja zasnivaju se na maksimalnoj kontroli proteolize, korišćenju hemijskih sredstava iz reda organskih kiselina i njihovih soli, upotrebi bioloških dodataka i povećanju aerobne stabilnosti silaža. Korišćenje hemijskih konzervanasa zadnjih godina je minimalno u Evropi, dok je u Americi u potpunosti isključeno. Danas su širom sveta najaktuelniji mikrobiološki dodaci na bazi raznih sojeva homofermentativnih bakterija, koje intenziviraju i usmeravaju fermentaciju uz maksimalno racionalnu potrošnju fermentabilnih ugljenih hidrata. Ova vrsta dodataka je važna pre svega za silaže od leguminoza, koje se odlikuju nedovoljnom količinom šećera i visokim pufernim kapacitetom. Pored bakterija biološki dodaci mogu sadržati i celulolitičke enzime, čime se povećava iskoristivost tako tretiranih silaža, kao i njihov kvalitet. Najnovija generacija mikrobioloških dodataka sadrži i heterofermentativne bakterije mlečne kiseline čiji proizvodi fermentacije šećera povećavaju aerobnu stabilnost kukuruzne silaže

    Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty application effect on renal function in patients with renal artery stenosis: A case report on 4 patients

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    Introduction. Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is narrowing of one or both renal arteries or their branches. Clinically significant stenosis involves narrowing of the lumen, which is approximately 80%. The two most common causes of its occurrence are atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia. Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) with stent implantation is an effective treatment modality that leads to lower blood pressure and improvement of kidney function. Case report. We presented 4 patients with significant stenosis of one or both renal arteries followed by the development of arterial hypertension and renal insufficiency. The causes of RAS were atherosclerosis in two patients and fibromuscular dysplasia in one patient. One of the patients had renal artery stenosis of transplanted kidney that developed 9 month after transplantation. In all the patients, in addition to clinical signs, doppler screening suspected the existence of significant renal artery stenosis. The definitive diagnosis was made by applying computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of renal arteries in 3 of the patients and in 1 patient by percutaneus selective angiography. All the patients were treated by application of PTRA with stent implantation followed by improvement/normalization of blood pressure and kidney function. Conclusion. Application of PTRA with stent implantation is an effective treatment of significant stenosis of one or both renal arteries followed by renal insufficiency

    Yield components and genetic potential of two-rowed barley

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    The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the source of the yield variability and components of the two-rowed barley, as well as the varieties and lines based on the investigated properties and the extraction of superior genotypes that exhibit high and stable yields. The average plant height for all examined genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 75.70 cm (2009/10) to 77.87 cm (2008/09), while the average plant height was 76.79 cm. The length of spike of the studied genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 8.32 cm (2008/09) to 8.50 cm (2009/10), while the average was 8.41 cm. The number of grains per spike of the studied genotypes of two-rowed barley ranged from 22.50 (2009/10) to 22.69 (2008/09), while the average was 22.59. The grain weight per spike of the barley in the area of Zaječar ranged from 1.066 g (2009/10) to 1.122 g (2008/09), while the average was 1.094 g. Correlations between the length of spike and number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike in the examined genotypes of two-rowed barley at the location Zaječar showed a positive value both in the vegetations 2008/09 and 2009/10 of the study