55 research outputs found

    Deneysel Endotoksin Üveit Rat Modelinde Prednisolon, Azatioprin ve Oligodeoksinükleotid (ODN) Uygulamalarının Oluşturduğu Klinik Etkilerin Karşılaştırılması

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    Üveit; gözün orta katmanının (uvea) yangısıdır. İnsan ve hayvanlarda yaygın olarak karşılaşılan bir hastalıktır. Oluşumunda pek çok etiyolojik faktör rol oynar. Meydana gelen yangının şiddetine göre ciddi görüş kaybına ve körlüğe yol açar. Üveit oluşturan immun yanıtı baskılamak için bu hastalığın sağaltımında immünsupresifler kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç; immunosupresif etkisi olduğu belirtilen sentetik oligodeoksinukleotid (ODN) maddesinin üveit sağaltımı üzerindeki etkisini araştırarak, prednol ve azatioprin maddeleri ile kıyaslamaktır. Bu amaçla 28 adet Wistar Albino ırkı, dişi, ergin rat kullanılmıştır. E.coli’den izole edilmiş LPS (Lipopolisakkarit, Sigma) SC (Subkutan) yolla enjekte edilerek, üveit modeli oluşturulmuştur. Denekler; her grupta yedi adet rat olmak üzere rastgele örnekleme metodu ile dört eşit gruba ayrılmıştır. İlk grup kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmiştir ve üveit oluşumundan sonra herhangi bir medikal uygulama yapılmadan takip edilmiştir. İkinci grupta bulunan ratlara gavaj yolu ile 0.25mg/rat/gün Azatioprine (İmuran 25mg tablet) ve üçüncü grupta bulunan ratla gavaj yolu ile 1.25mg/rat/gün Metilprenidsolon (Prednol 4mg tablet) on gün süresince uygulanmıştır. Dördüncü grupta bulunan ratlara intraperitoneal yolla 178µg/rat ODN (Oligodeoksinükleotid, ThorVacs-Biyoteknoloji) gün aşırı olarak toplam dört sefer uygulanmıştır. Tüm deneklerin hastalık oluşum öncesinde, esnasında ve sonrasındaki canlı ağırlık, göz içi basınç değerleri, Schirmer gözyaşı seviyeleri ölçülerek kayıt altına alınmıştır. Deney aşamasının son gününde tüm ratlar anestezi altındayken sakrifiye edilmişlerdir. Daha sonra ratların her iki gözünün total ekstirpasyonu ile alınan örnekler %10’lu tamponlu formaldehit solüsyonunda tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra dokuların histopatolojik incelemeleri yapılmıştır. Bu veriler ile hareketle hastalık oluşumu sonrası uygulanan tedaviye yanıt olarak göz içi basınç ve Schirmer test sonucu baz alındığında, sadece prednol grubunda bu değerlerde azalma gözlenmiştir fakat diğer gruplarda ve kontrol grubunda artış dikkati çektiği gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak prednol, diğer uygulanan maddelere kıyasla göz içi basıncı, ve gözyaşı seviyesi miktarında azalma meydana getirdiği belirlenmiştir.Uveitis is the infection of the middle layer of the eye. It is a common disease in humans and animals. Many etiological factors play a role in its development. According to the severity of the infectious disease, it causes serious vision loss and blindness. Immunosuppressives are used in the treatment of this disease to suppress the immune response that forms uveitis. In this study; To compare the effects of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), which are indicated to be immunosuppressive, on the treatment of uveitis with prednol and azathioprine. For this purpose, 28 Wistar Albino, female, adult rats were used. Uveitis model was prepared by injecting LPS (Lipopolysaccharide, Sigma) SC (Subcutane) isolated from E. coli. The test subjects were divided into four equal groups by random sampling method including seven rats in each group. The first group was designated as the control group and was followed up without any medical application after uveitis formation. In the second group, rats were given gavage 0.25 mg / rat / day azathioprine (imuran 25 mg tablet) and In the third group, 1.25 mg / rat / day of methylprenidolone (Prednol 4 mg tablet) was administered by gavage for ten days. In the fourth group, 178 ?g / rat ODN (Oligodeoxynucleotide, ThorVacs-Biotechnology) was administered intraperitoneally to the rats four times every other day. All test subjects' body weight, intraocular pressure values, Schirmer tear levels were recorded before, during and after the disease formation. On the last day of the experiment, all rats were sacrificed under anesthesia. Then, samples taken with total extirpation of both eyes of rats were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde solution. Histopathological examinations of the tissues were then performed. When the intraocular pressure and Schirmer test result base were taken in response to treatment with this data, only a decrease in these values was observed in the prednol group but it was observed that there was an increase in the other groups and the control group. As a result, it was determined that prednol decreased the amount of intraocular pressure and tear level compared to other applied substances

    Immunohistochemical investigation of TNF-a expression in sheep and goat lung paraffin blocks infected with natural respiratory syncytial virus

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    Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an important viral agent of sheep and goat respiratory tract infections. RSV usually replicates in airway epithelium, inducing proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In this study, it was aimed to investigate TNF-α expression in natural RSV-infected sheep and goat lung paraffin blocks by immunohistochemical method. The material of the study consisted of 29 lung paraffin blocks (19 sheep and 10 goats), which were admitted to Etlik Veterinary Control and Research Institute with the suspicion of pneumonia from Ankara and surrounding provinces between 2015 and 2020. Histopathological findings such as degeneration and desquamation in the bronchial and bronchial epithelium, fibromuscular hypertrophy, hyperplasia in the peribronchial lymphoid tissue, cell infiltration in the interalveolar septum were common in sheep and goat lung paraffin block tissues. Immunohistochemically, RSV reaction was not statistically significant in sheep and goats in bronchial and bronchial epithelium and cell debris, bronchial glands, interalveolar septum inflammatory cells and cytoplasm of alveolar macrophages (p> 0.05). A statistically significant increase in TNF-α expression was determined in goat lung paraffin blocks compared to sheep (p<0.05). In conclusion, an increase in TNFα expression was detected in native RSV-infected sheep and goat lung tissue. It is thought that the results of the study will contribute to the treatment of sheep and goat respiratory tract RSV infections

    Enfeksiyöz laringotraheitis ile doğal enfekte yumurta tavuklarında solunum kanalı lezyonları üzerine immunohistokimyasal çalışmalar

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    Zeki Aras (Aksaray, Yazar)In this study, naturally infected by Gallid Herpesvirus type-1 in laying hens to be diagnosed by pathological and PCR methods. Sixty pieces of hens were collected in coops from Central Anatolia region. After necropsy, routine pathological processes were applied to the trachea/ larynx, sinuses, lungs and air sacs. All organs were also stained by immunoperoxidase method, and PCR methods were applied to formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues. Immunohistochemically, the positivities were seen in trachea/larynx (78.3%), sinuses (61.6%), lungs (45%) and air sacs (50%). Positive reactions were observed, in mucous and gland epithelia especially located at intracytoplasmic and rarely intranuclear. PCR positivity was observed in the trachea/larynx in 15 (25%) cases, in infraorbital sinus in 11 (18.3%) cases, in lungs in 8 (13.3%) cases and in air sacs in 6 (10%) cases following the tests performed. Following these results, it is easily concluded that histopathology and immunoperoxidase method can usable for diagnosing of the ILT. However, PCR results made by FFPE tissues showed that this method is not adequate to diagnose the ILT alone.Bu çalışmada Gallid Herpesvirus tip-1 ile doğal enfekte yumurta tavuklarında patolojik yöntemlerle teşhis konularak immunohistokimyasal ve PCR yöntemlerinin teşhiste kullanılabilirliği araştırıldı. Bu amaçla Orta Anadolu’da bulunan bazı illerdeki kümeslerden toplam 60 adet enfekte tavuk toplandı. Yapılan nekropsilerin sonrasında trake, larinks, infraorbital sinus, akciğer ve hava kesesi parçaları alınarak rutin patolojik işlemler uygulandı. Alınan tüm organlar ayrıca indirekt immunperoksidaz yöntemi ile boyandı ve organlara ait formolle fikse edilmiş parafine gömülü (FFPG) dokulara PZR testi yapıldı. İmmunohistokimyasal boyamalar sonucu trake/larinkste %78.3, sinuslarda %61.6, akciğerlerde %45 ve hava keselerinde %50 oranında pozitiflik gözlendi. Pozitif boyanmalar özellikle mukoza ve bez epitellerinde intrasitoplazmik nadiren de intranüklear olarak gözlendi. Aynı zamanda lümene dökülmüş eksudattaki hücre ve sinsityal dev hücrelerinin sitoplazmalarında da boyanmalar tipikti. Yapılan PCR testlerinin ardından trake/larinkste %25, infraorbital sinuslarda %18.3, akciğerlerde %13.3, hava keselerinde %10 oranında pozitiflik gözlendi. Bu sonuçların ardından hastalığın teşhisinde histopatolojik ve immunperoksidaz yönteminin rahatlıkla kullanılabileceği ortaya konmuştur. Ancak, FFPG dokulardan yapılan PCR yönteminin tek başına İLT’yi teşhis etmek için yeterli olmadığı gösterildi

    Immunohistochemical Studies on Infectious Laryngotracheitis in the Respiratory Tract Lesions in Naturally Infected Laying Hens

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    In this study, naturally infected by Gallid Herpesvirus type-1 in laying hens to be diagnosed by pathological and PCR methods. Sixty pieces of hens were collected in coops from Central Anatolia region. After necropsy, routine pathological processes were applied to the trachea/larynx, sinuses, lungs and air sacs. All organs were also stained by immunoperoxidase method, and PCR methods were applied to formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues. Immunohistochemically, the positivities were seen in trachea/larynx (78.3%), sinuses (61.6%), lungs (45%) and air sacs (50%). Positive reactions were observed, in mucous and gland epithelia especially located at intracytoplasmic and rarely intranuclear. PCR positivity was observed in the trachea/larynx in 15 (25%) cases, in infraorbital sinus in 11 (18.3%) cases, in lungs in 8 (13.3%) cases and in air sacs in 6 (10%) cases following the tests performed. Following these results, it is easily concluded that histopathology and immunoperoxidase method can usable for diagnosing of the ILT. However, PCR results made by FFPE tissues showed that this method is not adequate to diagnose the ILT alone

    Comparison of the clinical effects of Prednisolone, Azathioprine and Oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) applications in experimentally induced endotoxin uveitis in rats

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    Clinical effects and pathological changes of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN), prednol (PRD) and azathioprine (AZA) was compared on uveitis treatment in rats. A total of 28 Wistar Albino, female, adult rats were divided into Control (C), PRD, AZA and ODN groups. Uveitis was induced by 176 mu g/rat subcutan injection E. coli, LPS and observed in all animals after 48 hours. Then, 0.25 mg/rat/day AZA and 1.25 mg/rat/day of methylprenidolone was administered by gavage in AZA and PRD groups for ten days. In the ODN group, 178 mu g/rat ODN was administered IP totally four times. A numerical weight loss was seen in all groups in the course of the infection period, but dropped dramatically in the PRD group during the treatment period. Average value of right and left eye results showed that immunesuppressive effect of Prednol was higher in terms of IOP values compared to others whereas Shirmer test values were the lowest in the post-treatment period. Finally, Prednol was more effective with its immunesuppressive effect resulting in recovery of photophobia, vascularization and oedema in iris vessels.Scientific Projects Research Commision of Namik Kemal University [NKUBAP.10, 16.019]This study was supported by the Scientific Projects Research Commision of Namik Kemal University (Project no: NKUBAP.10.GA.16.019)

    Symptomatic intestinal lipomas requiring surgical interventions secondary to ileal intussusception and colonic obstruction: report of two cases

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    Lipomas are rare but well-recognized tumours of the small and large intestines. They usually arise from the submucosa and may occasionally protrude into the lumen, thus causing abdominal pain resulting from obstruction or intussusception or they may become evident through haemorrhage. Intestinal lipomas should be removed either endoscopically or surgically because they can cause severe symptoms and usually a tissue diagnosis is indicated in intestinal tumours to exclude a malignancy. We describe two cases of symptomatic intestinal lipoma and review some aspects of diagnosis and treatment