62 research outputs found

    A case of small cell gastric carcinoma with an adenocarcinoma component operated curatively.

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    We present a case of a primary advanced gastric tumor that was composed of 2 different pathological components: small cell carcinoma and moderately-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The patient was still alive four years after the surgery was performed, without recurrence. A large part of the tumor consisted of a diffuse sheet of small cell carcinoma, which transitioned into another small portion consisting of moderately-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma components. Therefore, this case raised the possibility that small cell gastric carcinoma may originate from totipotential stem cells of the stomach. Although small cell carcinoma progresses aggressively, and patients with it have an extremely poor prognosis, this patient recovered uneventfully after the surgical resection, and has remained in good health, without any recurrences.</p

    Cloning and Sequencing of the Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)(PHB) Synthase Gene from Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria Rhodospirillum centenum and Expression of the Gene in Escherichia coli

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    A 10-kb genomic fragment was isolated from Rhodospirillum centenum by Southern-hybridization and colony-hybridization, using a probe amplified by PCR with oligo-nucleotide primers constructed from a sequence conserved in poly (3-hydro xybutyrate)(PHB) synthase genes. After subcloning of an approximately 3-kb fragment (SmaI-EcoRV) that caused the production of PHB in Escherichia coli in the presence of β-ketothiolase (phbA), an acetoacety-CoA reductase (phbB) gene from Ralstonia eutropha H16 was obtained and sequenced. This fragment contained an open reading frame (ORF) whose amino acid sequence was highly similar to the sequences of other known PHB synthase genes, especially to a synthase from Azospirillum brasilense (74% identity)

    Transgenic Monkey Model of the Polyglutamine Diseases Recapitulating Progressive Neurological Symptoms

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    Age-associated neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and the polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, are becoming prevalent as a consequence of elongation of the human lifespan. Although various rodent models have been developed to study and overcome these diseases, they have limitations in their translational research utility owing to differences from humans in brain structure and function and in drug metabolism. Here, we generated a transgenic marmoset model of the polyQ diseases, showing progressive neurological symptoms including motor impairment. Seven transgenic marmosets were produced by lentiviral introduction of the human ataxin 3 gene with 120 CAG repeats encoding an expanded polyQ stretch. Although all offspring showed no neurological symptoms at birth, three marmosets with higher transgene expression developed neurological symptoms of varying degrees at 3–4 months after birth, followed by gradual decreases in body weight gain, spontaneous activity, and grip strength, indicating time-dependent disease progression. Pathological examinations revealed neurodegeneration and intranuclear polyQ protein inclusions accompanied by gliosis, which recapitulate the neuropathological features of polyQ disease patients. Consistent with neuronal loss in the cerebellum, brain MRI analyses in one living symptomatic marmoset detected enlargement of the fourth ventricle, which suggests cerebellar atrophy. Notably, successful germline transgene transmission was confirmed in the second-generation offspring derived from the symptomatic transgenic marmoset gamete. Because the accumulation of abnormal proteins is a shared pathomechanism among various neurodegenerative diseases, we suggest that this new marmoset model will contribute toward elucidating the pathomechanisms of and developing clinically applicable therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.ArticleeNeuro.4(2):e0250(2017)journal articl


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    OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated dietary consciousness, dietary behavior, dietary environments, life-style and subjects evaluation of their own health in Japanese urban and suburban adolescents to get ideas for improving dietary education for these groups.METHODS: The survey was conducted in October and November, 2006. Participant: The subjects were 262 urban junior high school girls (Age 13-14 yrs) and 220 suburban junior high school girls (Age 12-14 yrs). Measure: 1.The questionnaire consisted of 76 questions related to subjects dietary behavior, dietary environments, lifestyles, and their evaluation of their own health.2.Age, height and body weight were measured by their teacher. Subjects body weight was checked using the TANITA scale. And subjects BMI was calculated based on the degree of obesity as established by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. RESULTS 1.In urban areas a lot of students thought that they are overweight. They perceived themselves to be overweight even when they were not.2.More students in urban areas than in suburban areas did not understand how much one should eat and what would constitute overeating. 3.More than 50% of both suburban and urban subjects reported feeling irritated. Subjects also reported experiencing headaches, stiff shoulders, and backaches.4.All subjects reported being basically satisfied with their lives and families.5.Significantly fewer urban subjects than suburban subjects reported having breakfast and supper with their families. 6.50% of both groups reported having conversations with their families during meals and that they are happy at home

    デイサービス ニ オケル シエン コウカ ト シエン ギノウ

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    デイサービスの支援効果について、利用者インタビューを行いグランデッドセオリー法を用いて、利用者が認知する支援効果15項目を導き出した。次に、その支援効果を生み出している因子について「物理的環境誘因」「人的環境誘因」「運営システム環境誘因」の3側面から誘因分析を行い、デイサービスにおいて実践されている職員の支援技能の体系と構造について考察した。障害が不利にならずに活動に参加できる環境整備や人々と交流を促す多様なコーナー作りなどの物理的環境づくり、職員による対人援助技術と当事者間の相互支援、利用システムや職員体制などの運営システムのあり方の3側面の支援環境が相乗的に作用しあって、デイサービスの支援効果をうみだしている構造を明らかにした。We researched the support effect of day service by interview to user. We used Grounded Theory approach and got 15 categories of the effect that user recognized about day service. We analyzed factors that brought effects of day service, by "environment" "staff\u27s skill" "group dynamics" "management". We found the system and structure of support skill in day service. Environment-factor meant, for example, making barrier-free environment for user with handicaps to participate in many programs and making various corners to join members. Support skill-factor meant, for example, rapport between stuff and user and intervention in a group to develop their membership. Member has Self-help ability and it was an important factor. Management-factor meant, for example, the system of admission and teamwork. We found out that 3 factors, environment, support by stuff and member, management, operated mutually and made effects of day service

    都市部女子中高生の食育課題の検討 : 食意識・食行動・食環境,食事調査分析結果

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    OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated dietary consciousness, dietary behavior, dietary environment and dietary intake in Japanese urban schoolgirls and their mothers, and examined some useful indicators for their dietary education. METHODS: The survey was conducted during Sept 2005. Participants: The subjects were 262 junior high school girls (age 12-13yrs) and 240 mothers, 145 senior high school girls (age 15-16yrs) and 90 mothers, total subjects were 737. OUTCOME: 1. The questionnaire asked about their weight perception, eating behavior, environment, habits, and health condition in 76 questions. 2. Energy intake was assessed by 2 day dietary record method. 3. Age, height and body weight were measured by a teacher. Those with a tendency towards obesity were ≧120, and those underweight were ≦80%, based on the baseline degree of obesity by the Ministry of Education. A TANITA scale was used and BMI was calculated based on the degree of obesity in the Japanese Obesity Association. RESULTS: 1. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the body type classification and the degree of obesity, (junior high school girls: p<0.001, senior high school girls: p<0.001). Many schoolgirls perceived themselves overweight notwithstanding that weights were at an appropriate level. 2. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the self-rated energy intakes and the degree of obesity, (junior high school girls: p<0.001, senior high school girls: p<0.01). 3. Energy intakes by 2day dietary record method were not enough compared to their EER (estimated energy requirement), junior high school girls: 1685±410kcal, senior high school girls: 1670±433kcal. Micronutrient intake of Ca, Fe, VC and dietary fiber were less than DG (tentative dietary goal), but the ratio of fat energy was over the UL (tolerable upper intake level), junior high school girls: 32.5%, senior high school girls: 34.6%. 4. Energy intake of the mothers significantly correlated with that of their children in evening meals (breakfast: r=0.23, lunch: r=0.21, evening: r=0.35, total intake: r=0.25). 5. Correlation of between-item by Theory of quantification III showed 2 patterns. One correlated to the healthy dietary behavior, perception and environment, the other one had contradictory pattern that correlated to "overeat", "overweight" and "dieting practice" (η^2=0.13). DISCUSSION: In this study we describe probable associations which may provide an understanding of some aspects of nutrition education for Japanese urban schoolgirls

    Reliability of measurements of knee extensor muscle strength using a pull-type hand-held dynamometer

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