29 research outputs found


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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi oleh institusi pemerintahan telah semakin meningkat, sehingga perlu memastikan pemanfaatan  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi tersebut benar-benar mendukung tujuan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan.  Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer (TIK) yang sedang diterapkan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik saat ini adalah eKTP. Untuk memastikan penggunanan TIK tersebut dapat diterapkan dengan maksimal diperlukan Good Governance  yang dihubungkan  dengan TIK yang disebut dengan Tata Kelola TIK.  Salah satu kerangka kerja tatakelola TI adalah CobiT. Dalam dokumentasi resminya CobiT juga disertai dengan serangkaian pedoman seperti pedoman manajemen dan pedoman implementasi. Pedoman implementasi menyediakan serangkaian alat dan tahapan untuk mengimplementasikan tatakelola berdasarkan kerangka kerja CobiT yang meliputi elemen pengukuran kerja, daftar factor keberhasilan kritis dan pengukuran tingkat kematangan (maturity). Semua alat tersebut dirancang untuk mendukung keberhasilan implementasi tata kelola pada berbagai obyek pengendalian (control objective) di bidang TI.  Kata kunci : Tata Kelola, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer (TIK), CobiT, Maturity Mode

    Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Dosen menggunakan Decision Maker Respondent Opinion Model

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    The subjectiveness of the performance assessment can not be avoided. The criteria determined for the performance assessment with human cognition is the subjectiveness phenomenon.  This condition is being a challenge for the researcher to develop the performance assessment technique objectively.  This method is a new approach to determine the performance assessment indicator with involving the employee to result in the realistic assessment.  This model utilized the respondent opinion as a decision-maker to determine the relevance criteria and sub-criteria in the target achievement.  The lecturer performance assessment is designed by utilizing the Decision-maker respondent opinion model (DMROM) algorithm. It is applicable to the criteria which contain the subjectiveness on the unlimited level.  The data is arranged in the encoded item table to make it easy for the process of the calculation and sub-criteria which reach the support minimum limit. The algorithm is utilized the simple formula which could count the weight of each criterion and sub-criteria to the last level. The weight value on each sub-criteria will be accumulated as a sign of doing activities. The final result of this model is the list of the lecturer performance assessment who fulfilled the target or not as an input for the leader to take the decision.Keywords:  Opini responden, Decision maker respondent opinion model, performance appraisal  Subjektivitas pada penilaian kinerja tidak dapat dihindarkan. Penetapan kriteria untuk penilaian kinerja dengan kognisi manusia merupakan fenomena subjektif. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi peneliti untuk mengembangkan teknik penilaian kinerja secara objektif. Cara ini merupakan pendekatan baru untuk menentukan indikator penilaian kinerja dengan melilbatkan karyawan (responden) agar menghasilkan penilaian yang lebih realistis. Model ini menggunakan opini responden sebagai pengambil keputusan untuk menentukan kriteria dan subkriteria yang relevan dalam pencapaian target. Penilaian kinerja dosen dibangun dengan menggunakan algoritma Decision maker respondent opinion model (DMROM). Algoritma DMROM mampu diterapkan pada kriteria yang memiliki subkriteria pada level tak terbatas. Data disusun dalam Encoded item table untuk memudahkan proses perhitungan dan seleksi subkriteria yang mencapai batas minimum support. Algoritma ini juga menggunakan rumus sederhana yang dapat menghitung bobot pada masing-masing kriteria dan subkriteria di level ke-n. Nilai bobot pada masing-masing subkriteria akan diakumulasikan sebagai tanda melaksanakan kegiatan. Hasil akhir model ini adalah daftar penilaian kinerja dosen yang memenuhi target atau tidak sebagai masukan  bagi pimpinan  untuk mengambil keputusan.  Kata Kunci :  Opini responden, Decision maker respondent opinion model, Penilaian kinerja  


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    Abstrak: Digitalisasi merupakan keniscayaan dari perkembangan teknologi informasi yang dapat memberikan dampak positif dan negatif bagi remaja. Saat ini remaja sangat mudah terpengaruh untuk melakukan tindakan tanpa memikirkan dampak yang akan terjadi dikemudian hari. Beberapa kenakalan remaja yang sering terjadi yaitu penyebaran hoax, cyberbullying, body shaming dan pelanggaran Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI). Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Tim Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) melakukan kegiatan (1) Sosialisasi tentang etika digital (2) pelatihan dan kuis membuat konten menggunakan aplikasi Canva dan tiktok, dan (3) Evaluasi kegiatan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan dalam beretika digital bagi siswa dan mahasiswa. Jumlah peserta adalah 120 Siswa dan Mahasiwa dan 25 orang guru pendamping. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut dilakukan evaluasi pre-test dan post-test menggunakan enam variabel yaitu pemahaman tentang beretika digital, penyebaran hoax, cyberbullying, bodyshaming, pelanggaran HAKI dan pengukuran pelatihan. Persentase variabel tertinggi pada P5 tentang pengetahuan pelanggaran HKI dan akibatnya sebesar 27.59 dan persentase variabel terendah pada P1 yaitu tentang pemahaman ber-etika digital sebesar 13.52 dengan rata-rata persentase peningkatan keseluruhan sebesar 1.78%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kegiatan literasi digital menujukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman keahlian pelajar tentang etika digital.Abstract: Digitization is a necessity from the development of information technology that can have a positive and negative impact on adolescents. Currently, teenagers are very easily influenced to take action without any impact that will occur in the future. Some juvenile delinquencies that often occur are the spread of hoaxes, cyberbullying, body shaming, and intellectual property rights. To solve this problem, the Community Service Team (PKM) carried out activities (1) Socialization on digital ethics (2) training and quizzes on creating content using the Canva and Tiktok applications, and (3) Evaluation of activities. The purpose of this service activity is to increase digital ethical intelligence for students. The number of participants is 120 students and 25 accompanying teachers. The results of these activities were evaluated for pre-test and post-test using six variables, namely: understanding of digital ethics, the spread of hoaxes, cyberbullying, body shaming, intellectual property rights, and training. The highest percentage of variables in P5 regarding intellectual property rights and their consequences is 27.59 and the lowest percentage in P1 about understanding digital ethics is 13.52 with an average total increase of 1.78%. This shows that digital literacy activities show students' understanding and expertise in digital ethics


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    Increasing student achievement is not only dependent on science is taught by lecturers, but with a high interest, will be able to broaden their field of study miliki.Untuk increase reading interest of students, a university must have a good library information system. Library is one of the important unit in the establishment of a college. Library information system supported by good data processing, SOP good and also good infrastructure (standard), will have a significant impact on the progressive increase in interest in reading Mahasiswa.Suatu universities that have implemented the library information system, should be able to ensure that the systems supporting applications information library, actually still running well. Measurement of whether or not the system, carried out by analyzing the indicators - indicators of success of the system. Indicators of success is measured by the method menggunan COBIT Framework. COBIT Framework has four domains. The domain used to measure library information system is the delivery and support (delivery and Support). By calculating the maturity value, it can be determined whether good or bad condition of the Library Information System. The case study of this research takes the object of study in the University of Indo Global Mandiri. The results of this study, researchers in the form of an analysis of the library information system UIGM today, and suggestions for the leadership of Higher Education for the development of library information system better, in order to meet the needs of the organization and its stakeholders

    Analisa Faktor Keberhasilan Dalam Memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi Pada Pelaksanaan EKTP Di Kota Palembang

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    Mendagri menargetkan pelaksanaan proyek eKTP harus selesai pada tanggal 30 april 2012. Namun Kenyataanya, banyak provinsi di Indonesia yang belum dapat mencapai target tersebut. Kota Palembang telah berhasil melaksanakan pendataan eKTP lebih cepat dari target yang telah ditentukan yaitu bulan maret 2012. Ini merupakan wujud keseriusan instasi pemerintahan kota Palembang dalam mendukung program eKTP di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor yang pendukung keberhasilan dan kendala / masalah pada pelaksanaan eKTP di kota Palembang dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data dan Informasi yang dibutuhkan adalah dengan cara studi pustaka dan studi lapangan (yaitu observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner). Indikator Perumusan instrumen data menggunakan framework cobit dan perhitungan data menggunakan maturity model. Hasil dari penelitian ini menguraikan dengan rinci faktor keberhasilan, kendala, serta harapan perbaikan sistem pelaksanaan eKTP. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukkan bagi pemerintah untuk memperbaiki sistem eKTP kedepan dan diharapkan dapat menjadi contoh bagi provinsi lain, dikarenakan kota Palembang mendapat penghargaan atas komitmen dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan penerapan eKTP di kota Palembang


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    Abstrak: Badan usaha milik desa (Bumdes) Serijabo merupakan inisiatif pemerintah desa/ masyarakat untuk mendayagunakan segala potensi ekonomi, potensi sumber daya alam, potensi sumber daya manusia dan kelembagaan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian desa. Bumdes Serijabo belum memiliki program rencana kerja. Program rencana kerja digunakan untuk memetakan kebutuhan masyarakat dan menentukan kegiatan apa saja yang harus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan potensi desa. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah membantu pengurus Bumdes membuat program rencana kerja sebagai pedoman melaksanakan pengembangan desa. Desa Serijabo membutuhkan support system dari Perguruan Tinggi sebagai pendamping Bumdes untuk membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keahlian pengurus Bumdes melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan kaderisasi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara dan diskusi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah program rencana kerja Bumdes untuk tahun 2022 s.d 2024 (3 tahun). Dengan adanya pendampingan pembuatan program rencana kerja ini, diharapkan pengembangan desa Serijabo dapat berjalan dengan baik dan segala target yang telah ditetapkan tercapai sesuai visi dan misi yang telah ditetapkan. Abstract: Bumdes Serijabo is a local business that initiate by the local government or local community to usability all of economic potency, natural resources, human resources and institutional to provide best public service in the increasing the economic program. Serijabo Bumdes have not yet the work plan since it wasn’t a community requirement mapping and determined what the activites should be done to increase the village potency. Aim of the study to assist the Bumdes official to set up the work plan as standard operating of the village development. Serijabo village involve a support system from higher education institution as accompanied Bumdes to increase knowledge and skill trough training and regeneration program. The study utilized the observation method, interview, discussionand and training. The result of the activity is Bumdes work plan for year 2022 to 2024 (3 years). As is a companied program, wishes the village development in Serijabo will be running properly and all of work plan target could be achieved


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    Expert systems are systems that use information technology to generate analytic thinking approach an expert. Expert systems now widely collaborate with a wide range of disciplines can help in the decision or result in the rapid and precise output. Removed from the problems that often occur in prospective students, the difficulty in determining the course to be taken, efforts should be made to prospective students guidance in order to determine the appropriate course based on their own potential. Psychometric analysis can analyze indicators of IQ and aptitude. This is the proper technique to learn and explore the potential of students. In addition the use of an expert system that is supported by information technology to facilitate the students to know the results of the analysis of IQ, and talent with ease. The initial process of psychometric analyzes performed on the different stages of construction scale item. By way of computing the correlation coefficients and item total correlation results with significance testing using t-test, is expected to produce a valid and reliable item. Further building expertise, necessary to analyze the expert system that includes activities pendefenisian knowledge base and the inference engine. Alternative solutions will be represented in the decision tree model (decision tree)

    Knowledge Mangement System sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kinerja Dosen

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    In the current digitalization era, the application of knowledge management systems can improve the performance of information systems for the better. The knowledge management system is very important to be implemented in higher education. Having different abilities in implementing the tri dharma of higher education, therefore it is necessary to share knowledge to increase the career advancement of lecturers. The development of a lecturer performance information system based on a knowledge management system is an information system used to carry out community service activities. This system can also generate information on the achievement of targets every semester. The target achieved will be used for determining rewards and punishments. The method used for software development is a waterfall. The classical method is still often used because the stages are simpler and easier to implement. Lecturer performance information systems can help programs and supervise, run and improve the performance of lecturers at Universitas IG

    Good Governance Dalam Mengukur Kinerja Lembaga Negara (Review)

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    This study aims to encourage the realization of good governance as accountability and transparency of the performance of state institutions. This study uses a literature review method which is analyzed descriptively. The data source used is secondary data. This scientific study was conducted for 2 (two) months, namely July-August 2020. The process of preparing the report was carried out by referring to the research stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of this study, efforts to realize good governance epistemologically can only be implemented in five universal principles, namely: responsibility, accountability, fairness, independence, and transparency. Strategies to encourage accountability and transparency of the performance of state institutions to achieve good governance can be carried out through strengthening the basis for supporting state institutions' performance instruments, strengthening performance-based budgeting and monitoring the performance of state institutions. Recommendations that can be made are: (1) setting up the instrument model for the performance of state institutions in accordance with the principles of good governance; (2) setting and developing a performance-based budget system to monitor and evaluate performance in accordance with the principles of good governance; and (3) innovative role models for monitoring the performance of state institutions.  Keywords : good governance, accountability, transparency, state institution