643 research outputs found

    Public Service Announcements and their Influence Upon System of Values of Children (Research of Concept of “Family” Formation)

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    AbstractThe paper focuses upon problem of public service announcements’ (PSA) influence upon formation of system of values in the child's consciousness. Today we can view the mass media as well as advertising messages as a powerful tool of the society's system of values formation, including children's system of values. Children are seen as members of the society with unstable self-consciousness and world-view that is why they undergo the influence of the modern information media to their fullest extent. The author builds a model of the concept of family as a crucial part of Russian conceptosphere, which is translated by the PSA texts

    Imagitive advertising: measurement of emotional influence (on the example of advertising of perfumery)

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    In article the typical discourse practices used in advertising texts at positioning and advance of objects of perfumery are considered. In the discourse of perfumery advertising informing about real consumer properties of a product is almost impracticable task that causes the appeal of the sender to a format of imagitive advertising - advertising in which the emotional component plays a key role. The author considers methods of creation of an emotional image in perfumery advertising, researches the basic strategy of communicative influence used in promotion of products of this commodity category.В статье исследуются типичные дискурсивные практики, используемые в рекламных текстах при позиционировании и продвижении парфюмерной продукции. В дискурсе парфюмерной рекламы информирование о реальных потребительских свойствах продукта предстает как практически невыполнимая задача, что обусловливает обращение адресанта к формату имажитивной рекламы - рекламы, в которой эмоциональная составляющая играет ключевую роль. Автор рассматривает приемы создания эмоционального образа в рекламе парфюмерии, выделяет базовые стратегии коммуникативного воздействия, используемые при продвижении продуктов данной товарной категории

    Intertextuality as a Tool for Creative Advertising

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    The article is devoted to the study of multicode intertextuality in modern advertising discourse. The relevance of the study is determined by the high interest of specialists in different areas of scientific knowledge to the problem of intertext interaction, the functioning of the intertextuality mechanism in advertising multicode discourse, as well as the fact that the advertising industry is dynamic and provides new extensive research material every day. From the author’s point of view the analysis of intertextual indices of various semiotic codes is of particular importance. This is due to the increasingly active use of not only verbal, but also iconic intertextuality in modern media discourse; high acting potential of visual and audio intertextuality; greater recognition of these codes by the recipients. The author defines creativity as a meaningful concept for advertising, suggests considering intertextuality as a category of creativity, notes the importance of using creative options for the synthesis of linguistic and visual sign systems. The article pays special attention to the pragmatic aspects of intertextuality in advertising, the functional load of verbal, visual and auditory intertextuality as a tool for producing a creative advertising. The material for the study was modern Russian advertising videos, which are based on an appeal to precedent texts. The method of intertextual analysis was used as the basic one, which consists in establishing relations of productivity between texts and analyzing the formal and semantic transformation of text units and the whole text

    Implementation of Communication Strategies in Social Advertising Texts

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    The analysis of communicative strategies, tactics and techniques that are implemented in the texts of social advertising are presented in the article. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that for social advertising, the issue of communicative effectiveness, which is closely related to the concept of communicative perspective and the choice of strategies and tactics that ensure the greatest effectiveness in achieving the goal, is significant and ambiguous. Particular attention is paid to the frustration strategy, which is aimed at creating psychological tension in order to remove the recipient from the so-called “comfort zone” through intimidation with a negative prognosis. The tactics and techniques that implement this strategy in the messages of both Russian and foreign outdoor social advertising are described in detail. This strategy from the author’s point of view is the basic (most frequent and most effective) for social advertising, the remaining selected strategies (management of criticality of perception, mnemonic, association and dissociation, etc.) are considered as additional, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the frustration strategy. Since the influencing nature of social advertising is achieved, among other things, through the creolization of the text, special attention is paid to the verbal and visual implementation of the selected strategies, tactics and techniques

    Verbal-Visual Means of Representing Gender Stereotypes in Modern Advertising

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    The article is devoted to the study of the features of verbal and visual representation of gender images in modern advertising texts. The relevance of the study is determined by the high acting potential of advertising as a regulator of behavior in society: advertising often becomes a model for the formation of life images, symbolic codes of social values that orient the individual, manage it, including the gender aspect. The author notes that advertising, on the one hand, uses social standards and stereotypes that have already been formed in society, and on the other, through gender advertising images it represents the consumer modern relations between the sexes, dictating a certain behavior model. As the material for the study, modern advertising videos (2015-2019) were chosen as multicode texts with great persuasive capabilities due to the simultaneous use of verbal, visual, and audio channels of perception. The author of the article relies on previously identified gender images in advertising by linguists, sociologists, psychologists, at the same time it is proposed to consider new images that have not yet become the subject of research. The variability of ideas about femininity and masculinity in the modern world is emphasized. The author develops a typology of gender advertising images

    Early Acquisition of Neural Crest Competence During hESCs Neuralization

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    Background: Neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) are a transient multipotent embryonic cell population that represents a defining characteristic of vertebrates. The neural crest (NC) gives rise to many derivatives including the neurons and glia of the sensory and autonomic ganglia of the peripheral nervous system, enteric neurons and glia, melanocytes, and the cartilaginous, bony and connective tissue of the craniofacial skeleton, cephalic neuroendocrine organs, and some heart vessels. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present evidence that neural crest (NC) competence can be acquired very early when human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are selectively neuralized towards dorsal neuroepithelium in the absence of feeder cells in fully defined conditions. When hESC-derived neurospheres are plated on fibronectin, some cells emigrate onto the substrate. These early migratory Neural Crest Stem Cells (emNCSCs) uniformly upregulate Sox10 and vimentin, downregulate N-cadherin, and remodel F-actin, consistent with a transition from neuroepithelium to a mesenchymal NC cell. Over 13% of emNCSCs upregulate CD73, a marker of mesenchymal lineage characteristic of cephalic NC and connexin 43, found on early migratory NC cells. We demonstrated that emNCSCs give rise in vitro to all NC lineages, are multipotent on clonal level, and appropriately respond to developmental factors. We suggest that human emNCSC resemble cephalic NC described in model organisms. Ex vivo emNCSCs can differentiate into neurons in Ret.k- mouse embryonic gut tissue cultures and transplanted emNCSCs incorporate into NC-derived structures but not CNS tissues in chick embryos. Conclusions/Significance: These findings will provide a framework for further studying early human NC development including the epithelial to mesenchymal transition during NC delamination

    Packaging Information as a Polycode Advertising Text: Impact Tools

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of polycode advertising texts placed on food packaging. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that at present, when the decision to purchase is often made directly at the point of sale, the role of information on the packaging has increased many times over. This fact makes it necessary to analyze modern technologies of influence and manipulation that are relevant for this type of discourse. The author considers the text on the packaging as a communicative and structural holistic message, consisting of semiotically heterogeneous elements, characterized by high pragmatic and expressive saturation, aimed at encouraging consumers to make a purchase of a particular product. A typology of functions performed by the information on the packaging is proposed. The main polycode tools that ensure the effective implementation of these functions are considered. As the most frequent polycode techniques used in the text on food packaging, the author identifies the following: an emphasis is made on a unique component in the composition, categorization of the target audience according to certain criteria, the use of means of expression, including provocative metaphorization, appeal to authoritative opinion, the use of stylistic visualization, technologies of narrative and storytelling, etc

    Typology of Communication Strategies in the Discourse of Social Advertising

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    A typology of strategies, tactics and techniques used in the discourse of social advertising is proposed in the article. The relevance of modeling the tools of communicative impact in social advertising is determined by the persuasive nature of the discourse of social communications, as well as the insufficient development of this issue in the scientific literature. The author of the article relies on the studies of linguists who proposed the classification of communicative strategies used in commercial advertising, as well as in the discourse of socio-political newspapers. The material for analysis was the polycode texts of Russian and foreign social advertising (outdoor advertising, social videos, as well as social photo projects posted on Instagram). The result of the study was a model of communicative strategies and tactics that constitute the discourse of social advertising. Since the effect of persuasiveness is achieved, among other things, by using different types of semiotic codes in the advertising text, special attention is paid to the verbal and visual implementation of the selected strategies, tactics and techniques. The author comes to the conclusion that the frustration strategy based on tactics of escalating negative emotions , shocking with facts and negative forecasting is the basis for the discourse of social advertising. Moreover, the main part of the identified strategies and tactics is invariant for the media discourse as a whole

    Instagram Advertising Tools: Genre and Language Features

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    The article is devoted to the study of the features of the social network Instagram as a communication platform for positioning and promoting goods and services, forming a personal brand. The relevance of the study is determined by a number of factors. The decrease in the popularity and effectiveness of traditional advertising tools and public relations, on the one hand, the growing popularity of various social networks as a modern marketing tool, the high level of involvement of the social media audience, the increasing orientation towards visual content while maintaining the importance of SMM text, on the other hand, has turned Instagram into the space of various marketing innovations and an interesting object of study. The author considers the main forms of information transmission offered by Instagram (post-publications, stories, live broadcasts, IGTV format), as well as the main types of positioning content, which ensures high audience engagement and the effectiveness of selling texts. Special attention is paid to the role of visual content. The advantages of non-verbal presentation of information, the specifics of interaction with the verbal component of the SMM text are considered. The material for the study was the polycode texts of a successfully developing, offering a variety of selling content for the Instagram account of the clothing brand 12Storeez (publications from 2019-2020 were considered). As a result of the analysis, the author identifies the main features of the modern SMM text, forms and functions of the most common types of content