13,421 research outputs found

    Where Does the Density Localize? Convergent Behavior for Global Hybrids, Range Separation, and DFT+U

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    Approximate density functional theory (DFT) suffers from many-electron self- interaction error, otherwise known as delocalization error, that may be diagnosed and then corrected through elimination of the deviation from exact piecewise linear behavior between integer electron numbers. Although paths to correction of energetic delocalization error are well- established, the impact of these corrections on the electron density is less well-studied. Here, we compare the effect on density delocalization of DFT+U, global hybrid tuning, and range- separated hybrid tuning on a diverse test set of 32 transition metal complexes and observe the three methods to have qualitatively equivalent effects on the ground state density. Regardless of valence orbital diffuseness (i.e., from 2p to 5p), ligand electronegativity (i.e., from Al to O), basis set (i.e., plane wave versus localized basis set), metal (i.e., Ti, Fe, Ni) and spin state, or tuning method, we consistently observe substantial charge loss at the metal and gain at ligand atoms (ca. 0.3-0.5 e or more). This charge loss at the metal is preferentially from the minority spin, leading to increasing magnetic moment as well. Using accurate wavefunction theory references, we observe that a minimum error in partial charges and magnetic moments occur at higher tuning parameters than typically employed to eliminate energetic delocalization error. These observations motivate the need to develop multi-faceted approximate-DFT error correction approaches that separately treat density delocalization and energetic errors in order to recover both correct density and magnetization properties.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure

    On Endogenous Growth: The Implications of Environmental Externalities

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    This paper uses an endogenous growth model to examine the interaction between trade, economic growth, and the environment. We find that whether trade enhances or retards growth depends on the relation between factor intensities of exportable, importable, and R&D and the relative abundance of the factor R&D uses more intensively. Depending on the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, the long-run rate of economic growth changes with environmental externalities. Concerns about the environment can explain a significant part of cross-country difference in growth rates. For the empirically reported range of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, countries which care more about the environment grow faster. The effects of trade on the environment and welfare depend on the elasticities of supply for the two traded goods, the terms of trade effect on growth, and pollution intensities. The decentralized and Pareto optimal growth rates are, in general, different. The market growth rate is bigger than the optimal rate the larger the degree of monopoly power in the innovation sector and the stronger the effects of environmental externalities. The policy implications of this divergence are discussed. We also consider numerical exercises to broaden the insights from the analytical results and allow for incorporating pollution abatementEnvironmental Economics and Policy, F11, O31, O41, Q20,

    Environment in Three Classes of Endogenous Growth Models

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    The implications of environmental externalities are studied within three classes of endogenous growth models viz. the linear technology models, the human capital models, and the R&D and innovation models. The long-run rate of economic growth changes when environmental extemalities are introduced; the direction of change depends on the severity of extemalities and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. The presence of environmental externalities cause the decentralized growth rate to diverge from the efficient rate. Which rate is bigger than the other depends, among other things, on the valuation of consumption relative to environmental quality. Several policy changes to align the two paths are discussed. The models are calibrated to U.S. data.Environmental Economics and Policy, International Development,

    Error distributions on large entangled states with non-Markovian dynamics

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    We investigate the distribution of errors on a computationally useful entangled state generated via the repeated emission from an emitter undergoing strongly non-Markovian evolution. For emitter-environment coupling of pure-dephasing form, we show that the probability that a particular patten of errors occurs has a bound of Markovian form, and thus accuracy threshold theorems based on Markovian models should be just as effective. This is the case, for example, for a charged quantum dot emitter in a moderate to strong magnetic field. Beyond the pure-dephasing assumption, though complicated error structures can arise, they can still be qualitatively bounded by a Markovian error model.Comment: Close to published versio

    Minimizing the Potential for Groundwater Contamination from Agricultural Point Sources

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    An activated charcoal filtration unit was designed to remove pesticides from leftover pesticide solutions and rinsates generated under farm-like conditions. The system, fabricated for less than $1400 using readily available components, effectively removed the pesticides atrazine, benomyl, carbaryl, fluometuron, metolachlor, and trifluralin from wastewater generated on the University of Arkansas Agronomy Farm located in Fayetteville, AR. A total of 2253 L of wastewater were treated using the system. Of these 1768 L were generated from washing out the spray tank (rinsates) while 485 L stemmed from leftover pesticide solutions that were mixed, but not applied. Typical initial pesticide concentrations in the wastewater were on the order of 500 to 1000 parts per million (ppm). The final pesticide concentrations remaining after charcoal filtration were generally less than 10 ppm. Approximately 1514 L of wastewater was treated with 23 kg of charcoal before the charcoal was replaced. This resulted in an estimated pesticide loading rate on the charcoal of 0.05 to 0.10 kg pesticide active ingredient per kg activated charcoal. Incubation of alachlor-treated charcoal with a mixed culture of microorganisms resulted in approximately a 30% loss of alachlor after 21 d. These results suggest that on-site degradation of spent charcoal may be a feasible alternative to incineration, however more research is needed to fully determine its potential. A reduced adsorption of methylene blue dye with increasing amounts of trifluralin sorbed to charcoal occurred. Activated charcoal treated with 222 mg/g trifluralin sorbed only 19% of the amount sorbed by the control with no trifluralin present. These results suggest that methylene blue or other dyes might be used to indicate the remaining adsorptive capacity of a charcoal used for removing pesticides from wastewater