8 research outputs found

    The Computer and the Decision Making-Process

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    This volume in the Buros-Nebraska Series on Testing and Measurement provides state-of-the-art contributions concerning the interface between computer technology and traditional psychometrics . The volume title, Computers and the Decision-Making Process, describes both reality and potential in a field that provides a dizzying array of promises and problems to be pursued and be solved. This volume, like the previous ones in our series, reflects papers given at the annual Buros-Nebraska Symposium on Testing and Measurement and those especially commissioned for the book. Each of the contributors has a special expertise to examine the complex issues raised by the addition of the computer to the field of measurement. The book has chapters concerning guidelines for computer testing, validity issues, personality testing and behavioral assessment, intelligent systems, applications in industrial/organizational psychology, and legal issues. The volume editors have endeavored to provide a review of the many content areas affected by computer technology, new applications of the computer to solve old measurement problems, and new problems created by the use of the computer. The contributors represent measurement experts from across the country who have particular strengths in their chosen areas. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements is very grateful to each of these professionals for contributing their special wisdom in the creation of this book


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    The Computer And The Decision-Making Process Contents Preface ix 1. Computer-Assisted Personality Test Interpretation: The Dawn of Discovery Douglas N. Jackson Some Preconditions for Valid Computer- Assisted Test Interpretation 1 The Dawn of Discovery 6 References 9 2. Psychodiagnostic Computing: From Interpretive Programs to Expert Systems 11Marley W Watkins and Paul A. McDermott Development of Administration and Interpretation Programs 11 Novel Administration and Interpretation Programs 14 Computerized Interpretation Systems 16 A Psychoeducational Diagnostic Model 19 A Computerized Psychoeducational Diagnostic System 23 Summary 36 References 37 3. Assessment of Validity in Computer-Based Test Interpretations Kevin L. Moreland Some History 44 Types of CBTI Systems 45 Validity Studies to Date 51 How to Validate Automated Clinical CBTIS 66 Epilogue 67 References 68 4. The Validity of Computer-Based Test Interpretations of the MMPI Lorraine D. Eyde, Dennis M. Kowal, and Francis J. Fishburne, Jr. MMPI Elements for CBTI Use 77 Criticisms of Research on CBTI Systems 80 WRAMC Research Design and Setting 81 Results 93 Discussion 110 Further Research 113 References 114 Appendix A 117 Appendix B 120 5. Use of Computer Technology in Behavioral AssessmentsThomas R. Kratochwill, Elizabeth J. Dol/, and W Patrick Dickson Dimensions of Behavioral Assessment 127 Applications of Microcomputers in Behavioral Assessment 129Considerations in the Use of Computer- Based Behavioral Assessment 142 Conclusions 149 References 150 6. The Use of the Computer in the Practice of Industrial/Organizational PsychologyLyle F. Schoenfeldt and Jorge L. Mendoza Human Resource Planning 156 Job Analysis 158 Selection 159 Placement 161 Performance Evaluation 164 Computer-Based Training 166 Career Progression 168 Organizational Issues 172 Summary 173 References 174 7. Implementation Decisions in Designing Computer-Based Instructional Testing ProgramsJohn V Noonan and Paul D. Sarvela Introduction 177 Summary 194 References 194 Appendix A 196 8. Issues in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction: Evaluation and Measurement Harold F. O\u27Neil, Jr., and Eva L. Baker Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction (ICAI) 199Artificial Intelligence and Test Development 217 References 221 9. Legal Issues in Computerized Psychological Testing Donald N. Bersoff and Paul J. Hofer The Legal Profession\u27s Response to CPT 226 Psychology\u27s Response to CPT 228 Rights and Responsibilities of Professionals 230 Intellectual Property 232 The Rights of Test Takers 239 Conclusion 241 References 242 10. Guidelines for Computer TestingBert F. Green Establishing the Equivalence of Scores 247 Test Administration 250 Test Interpretations 251 References 253 Appendix 254 The User\u27s Responsibilities 257 Guidelines for Users of Computer-Based Tests and Interpretations 259 The Developer\u27s Responsibilities 263 Guidelines for the Developers of Computer-Based Test Services 265 References 272 Author Index 275 Subject Index 28

    Siekiant kultūriškai bendro etninio tapatumo mato skirtingoms paauglių grupėms: daugiagrupio etninio tapatumo instrumento (multigroup ethnic identity measure (MEIM)) tobulinimas

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    Background, purpose. The present study examined the factorial invariance of a revised version of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) across diverse ethnic groups. Material and Methods. White and non-White ethnically diverse high school adolescents (N = 1979) from the Midwestern USA completed the MEIM and a self-esteem measure. Results, conclusions. The results showed that this version of the MEIM did not measure ethnic identity similarly across ethnic groups. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yielded a nine-item, two-factor solution. Further multiple-group analyses with the EFA-generated model showed a tenable fit across both groups. Differences in ethnic identity related to ethnic group and gender were found. Additionally, ethnic identity was related positively to self-esteem. The new nine-item scale generated in this study, referred to as the MEIM-S, may provide school psychologists with an instrument that can be used to measure ethnic identity successfully with ethnically diverse populations.Tyrimo tikslas. Tyrimu analizuojamas pataisyto Daugiargupio etninio tapatumo instrumento (Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM)) faktorinis stabilumas skirtingose etninėse grupėse. Metodika. Taikant MEIM ir savęs vertinimo klausimyną buvo ištirti 1979 baltieji ir ne baltieji įvairios etninės kilmės vidurinės mokyklos mokiniai, besimokantys Vidurio vakarų regiono mokyklose, JAV. Rezultatai, išvados. Tyrimo rezultatai atkleidė, jog MEIM matuojama etninio tapatumo struktūra skiriasi skirtingose etninėse grupėse. Tiriančioji faktorinė analizė pasiūlė dviejų faktorių sprendimą, kurį sudarė devyni teiginiai. Tarpgrupinės tiriančiosios faktorinės analizės modelis patvirtino tikėtiną tokio sprendimo tinkamumą abiem tiriamųjų grupėms. Nustatyti skirtingų etninių grupių ir lyčių tapatumo skirtumai. Etninis tapatumas buvo teigiamai susijęs su savęs vertinimu. Nauja devynių teiginių skalė, gauta šiame tyrime – MEIM-S – rekomenduojama mokyklų psichologams kaip etninio tapatumo matavimo instrumentas, tinkamas etniškai nevienalytėms grupėms tirti