35 research outputs found

    The Green Ship: Reading Through Branches and Waves. Growing Outdoors with Contemporary Children’s Picturebooks

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    The strong relationship between children and nature is represented in many children’s picturebooks published in Italy in the last decades. In the array of picturebooks and wordless books the relationship between detail and the big picture is also displayed, as an invitation to discover connections between distant elements. In contemporary reflections about outdoor education practices, children’s picturebook appear as a useful tool to involve teachers and parents in a reflection about respect of “natural rights” of children, as Zavalloni called it, such as moving around, experiencing contacts with natural elements and animals, take time to observe and feel, take risks of adventures. Nurturing a real contact with the “anima mundi” and natural rhythms is an urgent issue and challenge today, and it requires attention to life and a responsibility for collective imagination. In children’s picturebooks there are places, events and symbols that can establish new paths to raise “cosmic” citizens of our planet

    Eterni, fanciulli, alati: neotenia e leggerezza di classici angelici della letteratura per l’infanzia

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    Children’s literature is rich in carachters that share a common light and winged destiny. Between them classic icons as Peter Pan, The Little Prince, Cosimo Pio-vasco di Rondò, Mary Poppins, Nils Holgersson, Viperetta. Referring to the con-cept of neotenia and the junghian archetype of Puer Aeternus the essay proposes a reflection about symbols and metaphors of childhood and lightness as combined in those classics. The neverending dialectic among Puer and Senex, the perspec-tive of the Lightness as lirical quality are the keywords of this work

    Meraviglie mute. Silent book e letteratura per l'infanzia.

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    La storia degli albi illustrati senza parole \u2013 i silent book \u2013 \ue8 frutto del coraggio di editori, autori e artisti che offrono all\u2019infanzia nuove possibilit\ue0 di visione. Illustrazione, pittura, fumetto, fotografia, cinema, letteratura, pantomima, musica confluiscono nel linguaggio narrativo dei libri per immagini. I libri muti concorrono cos\uec a educare il nostro sguardo, ci invitano a provare meraviglia e spaesamento, dispongono nuove immersioni nell\u2019immaginario e al contempo determinano un nuovo rapporto con la parola. Il volume, in un pionieristico lavoro critico, rielabora riflessioni, ricerche internazionali, esperienze condotte con lettori di ogni et\ue0. Con pi\uf9 di cento immagini a colori, si propone come strumento di educazione estetica e poetica per tutti

    Constellation of early childhood, Gugu’s firmament. A portrait of Augusta Rasponi del Sale (Ravenna 1864-1942), author of picture book

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    Augusta Rasponi del Sale (1864 – 1942) aka Gugù wrote and illustrated children’s picture books published in England, France, Italy; she dedicated her work to the representation of early childhood. She used to portray herself as a duck, or goose and she devoted her life to neglected children. She looked at childhood from a unique point of view – her work as an author focused on representing all children, also infants of the age of one, two and three months, dedicating realistic portraits and poetic verses to them. What emerges from her work is a modern way to conceive children’s books and early childhood life conditions and rights. She created a cultural portrait of childhood of her time – representing not only childhood but also early childhood. This article focuses on her work, in order to rediscover the value of a great, forgotten children’s literature author still capable to amaze scholars and educators. Augusta Rasponi del Sale (1864 – 1942), detta Gugù, ha scritto e illustrato libri per bambini pubblicati in Inghilterra, Francia, Italia. Ha dedicato la sua vita allo studio e alla rappresentazione della prima infanzia, disegnando sè stessa nei libri in forma di oca. La sua è una prospettiva unica, di un’autrice che ha rappresentato la prima e  primissima infanzia, dedicandole una osservazione realistica e minuta. Dal suo lavoro emerge una concezione moderna delle condizioni della prima infanzia, dei libri per bambini e dei loro diritti. Questo articolo si concentra sul suo lavoro di autrice, con l’obiettivo di contribuire alla riscoperta del valore di una grande figura di educatrice e autrice capace di parlare ancora oggi agli studiosi di educazione e agli storici della letteratura.

    Eterni, fanciulli, alati: neotenia e leggerezza di classici angelici della letteratura per l’infanzia

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    Children’s literature is rich in carachters that share a common light and winged destiny. Between them classic icons as Peter Pan, The Little Prince, Cosimo Pio-vasco di Rondò, Mary Poppins, Nils Holgersson, Viperetta. Referring to the con-cept of neotenia and the junghian archetype of Puer Aeternus the essay proposes a reflection about symbols and metaphors of childhood and lightness as combined in those classics. The neverending dialectic among Puer and Senex, the perspec-tive of the Lightness as lirical quality are the keywords of this work

    Flavia Piccinni, Bellissime. Baby miss, giovani modelli e aspiranti lolite, Fandango, 2017

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    Mappa affettiva dell'isola sconosciuta. Lampedusa narrata dai ragazzi.

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    Narrazione di un'esperienza pedagogica condotta sull'isola di Lampedusa

    Rachel Carson e la primavera dell'ecologia

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    recensione della biografia della scienziata Rachel Carson in una collana di scienz

    La nave verde: educazione naturale e letture per l'infanzia

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    Albi sull'immaginario naturale aprono ai temi della soglia, tra indoor e outdoor