33 research outputs found

    Comuna da Terra: la experiencia de la «Comuna del 17 de abril» en Fortaleza, Brasil

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    Physico-Chemical, Rheological, and Viscoelastic Properties of Starch Bio-Based Materials

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    International audienceThis study describes the elaboration and characterization of plasticized starch composites based on lignocellulosic fibers. The transformation of native to plasticized starch (TPS) and the preparation of TPS blends were performed with a new lab-scale mixer based on an original concept. Firstly, the morphology and chemical composition of flax shives were analyzed to better understand the intrinsic properties of these natural fillers. Then, the impact of the processing parameters (temperature, speed screw) on the quality and the structural properties of plasticized starch were examined by SEM and DRX. After that, we focused on the elaboration of various formulations based on plasticized starch matrix by varying TPS formulation and filler content (from 10 to 30%). The viscoelastic and rheological properties of TPS/flax blends have been analyzed by TGA, SEM, and DMTA

    Prévention des lésions carieuses lors des traitements orthodontiques : rôle du pédodontiste et de l'orthodontiste

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    La prévention des lésions carieuses initiales chez l'enfant et plus particulièrement lors des traitements orthodontiques repose sur l'instauration et le suivi, dès le plus jeune âge, de l'hygiène bucco-dentaire, sur la fluoration systémique et topique. Les phénomènes de dé-reminèralisation de l'émail sont complexes. La fluoration systémique garde tout son intérêt, mais elle ne doit être instaurée qu'après un bilan fluoré pour écarter tout risque de fluorose. La fluoration topique reste fondamentale, pourvu que le praticien soit vigilant et suscite une coopération entière du jeune patient, assortie d'une surveillance bucco-dentaire régulière

    Activités fête / Marie-Claude Terrié, Françoise Schildge, Claude Soleillant... [et al.]

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    Collection : Club mille-pattesCollection : Club mille-pattesAppartient à l’ensemble documentaire : UnivJeun0Manuels d'amateur

    Histoires de Saint-Maurin : la vie dans nos campagnes, 80 ans d'existence / R. Terrié

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    Role of the calcium toolkit in cancer stem cells

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    International audienceCancer stem cells are a subpopulation of tumor cells that proliferate, self-renew and produce more differentiated tumoral cells building-up the tumor. Responsible for the sustained growth of malignant tumors, cancer stem cells are proposed to play significant roles in cancer resistance to standard treatment and in tumor recurrence. Among the mechanisms dysregulated in neoplasms, those related to Ca2+ play significant roles in various aspects of cancers. Ca2+ is a ubiquitous second messenger whose fluctuations of its intracellular concentrations are tightly controlled by channels, pumps, exchangers and Ca2+ binding proteins. These components support the genesis of Ca2+ signals with specific spatio-temporal characteristics that define the cell response. Being involved in the coupling of extracellular events with intracellular responses, the Ca2+ toolkit is often hijacked by cancer cells to promote notably their proliferation and invasion. Growing evidence obtained during the last decade pointed to a role of Ca2+ handling and mishandling in cancer stem cells. In this review, after a general overview of the concept of cancer stem cells we analyse and discuss the studies and current knowledge regarding the complex roles of Ca2+ toolkit and signaling in these cells. We highlight that numbers of Ca2+ signaling actors promote cancer stem cell state and are associated with cell resistance to current cancer treatments and thus may represent promising targets for potential clinical applications