75 research outputs found

    Introduction : The Body is the Place Where Pilgrimage Happens

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    This paper lays the groundwork for reflection on pilgrimage in Christian and postChristian contexts, specifically as a cluster of performative practices of movement through time and across space, originating and substantiated in the lived flesh of pilgrim bodies-in-the-world. Thinking with Eade, Sallnow, and Poteat, no less than with Badiou, Eagleton, and Ricoeur, the author theorises the pilgrim body at the nexus of bodies, topographies, mobilities, and narratives

    The Eschatological Body: Fleeing the Centre in Pre-Modern Insular Christianity and Post-Modern Secularity

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    ‘The Eschatological Body’ examines the practice peregrinatio pro Christo among the Insular Christians living at the north-west edge of Europe in the early Middle Ages. The paper distinguishes this peregrinatio ex patria from the more conventional understanding of pilgrimage as peregrinatio ad loca, or destinational pilgrimage. It explores the theological and existential meanings of exile, foreignness, and home inherent in the practices, and suggests that for these Insular peregrini, the body becomes the dynamic ‘centre’ in decentred, itinerant lives awaiting the eschaton. The paper concludes by considering the possible links between this ancient practice and the postmodern notion of ‘existential migration’ as theorised by psychologist Greg Madoson

    Volume 7(i) Table of Contents

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    Production of Three Charged Pions in Negative Pion Proton Interactions At5 Bev/c

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    168 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD

    The spirituality of theology and the work of Rowan Williams

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    This study examines the relationship between spirituality and the theological endeavour in light of the work of Rowan Williams, the 104 th Archbishop of Canterbury. It traces the history of the relationship, which by the modern era was one of disconnection, and it considers the implications of contemporary culture, and especially the effects of postmodernist thought on the situation. The central thesis contends that Rowan Williams, in his work as theologian, is especially skilled in the task of bringing spirituality and theology into renewed dialogue, and both into conversation with postmodernity

    Le QuĂ©bec et l'Organisation des États amĂ©ricains.

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    Terreault Patrick. Le QuĂ©bec et l'Organisation des États amĂ©ricains. In: Revue QuĂ©bĂ©coise de droit international, volume 8-2, 1993. pp. 294-308

    Le QuĂ©bec et l'Organisation des États amĂ©ricains.

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    Terreault Patrick. Le QuĂ©bec et l'Organisation des États amĂ©ricains. In: Revue QuĂ©bĂ©coise de droit international, volume 8-2, 1993. pp. 294-308
