3 research outputs found

    Pour apprendre à apprendre l’informatique, peut-on se contenter d’un MOOC ?

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    TALN_HCERES2020L'égalité des chances au XXIe siècle passe par une éducation populaire massive aux fondements dunumérique, et pour cela, en France, il faut former plusieurs centaines de milliers de formateurs sur ce sujet,souvent inédit pour elles ou eux. Peut-on simplement supposer que déployer un MOOC va permettre derelever ce défi ? Cet article répond de manière constructive par la négative à cette vision simplifiée, etpropose de déployer un dispositif hybride de formation présentielle et en ligne. Très concrète, cetteproposition correspond au projet Class'Code qui est en train de se déployer, et le travail de recherchepréparatoire ce projet désormais accepté est partagé ici

    Understanding Intelligently Artificial Intelligence : a citizens' open formation

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    International audienceOur whole society is and will be deeply impacted by digital science and this takes a new qualitative and quantitative turn with what is named artificial intelligence (AI). We must allow everyone to master, thus understand how all this works. This means computational thinking discovery and machine learning initiation. Directly inspired by the Finnish initiative to train 1% of its population on these subjects and after our success in providing a hybrid formation on computational thinking for teachers and citizens not familiar with computer science where more 45000 persons have been reached, yielding a satisfaction level higher than 90%, we have built and now operate a citizen training in AI in the broad sense, intended to a large public beyond the school domain, with the goal of giving rise to an ubiquitary citizen university in digital science and cultur

    Understanding Intelligently Artificial Intelligence : a citizens' open formation

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    International audienceOur whole society is and will be deeply impacted by digital science and this takes a new qualitative and quantitative turn with what is named artificial intelligence (AI). We must allow everyone to master, thus understand how all this works. This means computational thinking discovery and machine learning initiation. Directly inspired by the Finnish initiative to train 1% of its population on these subjects and after our success in providing a hybrid formation on computational thinking for teachers and citizens not familiar with computer science where more 45000 persons have been reached, yielding a satisfaction level higher than 90%, we have built and now operate a citizen training in AI in the broad sense, intended to a large public beyond the school domain, with the goal of giving rise to an ubiquitary citizen university in digital science and cultur