2 research outputs found

    What are the organizational and economic principles of organic farming in the context of sustainable development? Case of Ukraine

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    The development of organic agriculture is a long-term global trend; with different local factors that affect the development rate. Ukraine is one of the largest food suppliers in the world and this also applies to organic production. The evaluation of organic production at Skvyra Organic Research Station was conducted in 2015-2020 on 40 ha land; focusing on the economic performance of the enterprise and the specialization of production. The systematic approach and dialectical method of cognition were used to identify the key factors in the development of organic farming. The purpose of the study is an organizational and economic analysis of a state enterprise that is making a gradual transition from intensive to organic production, in order to determine the main principles that stimulate the development of organic production, and to overcome the challenges faced by the enterprise on the way to the introduction of organic production. The results indicate that the enterprise is profitable but does not operate up to its potential. The key issues were identified in the lack of focus on marketable crops, efficiency of labour, crop production, and management. The enterprise is negatively affected by the current legal framework and insufficient financial stability. The enterprises income consists of selling crops (i.e. cereals, legumes) and service-to-business (i.e. laboratory testing), with no state funding. Further results show the relation of the production and specialization with climatic, natural, biological and socio-economic factors. To improve the organisational and economic framework for the development of organic production, Ukrainian enterprises should focus on cost-effective products. Furthermore, competition between agricultural enterprises should support deeper specialization and production of competitive products, contributing to the profitability and economic stability of producer

    Influence of Philazonit biopreparation on the mycobiome of soybean plants rhizosphere

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    The article presents the results of analysis of biodiversity and spatial-functional structure of the microbial complex in the soil rhizosphere, and development of ways to regulate the number of phytopathogenic micromycetes in the rhizosphere of soybean plants in organic production. Varieties of plants of soy were grown using the biopreparation "Philazonit", which was developed in the company "Philazonit of Ukraine". The study determined the effect of phylazonite biopreparation on the mycobiome of the rhizosphere of soybean plants. The interaction of plants of soy varieties Kent and Suzir’ja with phytopathogenic micromycetes in conditions of the organic production in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (Research farm “Skvyrske” of Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (IANM of the NAAS) was investigated. The number of phytopathogenic micromycetes in the rhizosphere of plants of different varieties of soy is determined depending on the variety and technology of its cultivation. It was established that the biopreparation Philazonit inhibits the formation of the number of phytopathogenic micromycetes in the rhizosphere of plants of the soy variety Suzir’ja and Kent during the growing season. It is proved that the representatives of genera: Alternaria, Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus are dominated in the rhizosphere of plants of soy of both varieties. In the rhizospheres of plants of the soy Suzir’ja variety the representatives of genus Penicillium (32.8%) most often occurred. The smallest number of micromycetes were members of the genus Aspergillus (9.5%). In the rhizosphere of plants of the Kent variety dominated by representatives of the genera Alternaria and Fusarium (35.6% and 34.1% respectively). Representatives of the genus Penicillium were 15% and Aspergillus – 15.3% It is proved noted that during the studies there was a correlation between the development of micromycetes and the hydrothermal coefficient – in the flowering phase (r=0.8) and in the ripening phase (r =0.9) except for the germination phas