25 research outputs found

    Supplementary data

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    This data file contains the following information: Supplement S1 Sampling dates and locations for Old World leaf warbler males used in the analyses with accession numbers for Natural History Museum Oslo (NHMO). Supplement S2 Summary of sperm morphology traits (head length, midpiece length, flagellum length and total length) for 21 species of Old World leaf warblers along with co-efficient of variation in total sperm length within and among males, the values for the latter adjusted for small sample sizes are also shown. Supplement S3 Sperm morphology measurements (head length, midpiece length, flagellum length and total length) for all the warbler males included in this study. Supplement S4 Combined testes mass data along with the sources for the data and calculations of the % body mass made accounted for by testes mass for ten of the Old World leaf warbler species included in this study. Supplement S5 Testes dimensions data for seven Old World leaf warbler species from the Field Museum of Natural History and California Academy of Sciences along with the locations and dates of data collection. Supplement S6 Calculations of combined testes mass (CTM, sum of left and right testes mass) from the testes dimensions for seven Old World leaf warbler species. Supplement S7 Genbank accession numbers for the genes used to reconstruct the Old World leaf warbler phylogeny used in our study. Supplement S8 Results of a phylogenetic generalized least squares analysis (PGLS) of standard deviation of (log) total sperm length against mid-latitude and (log) total sperm length, showing results similar to those obtained using CVam as the dependent variable. Supplement S9 Data on combined testes mass and extra-pair paternity for passerine bird species other than the Old World leaf warblers

    Average site values

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    This file contains average values (SD) for each of the 33 sites used in the study. The variables are latitude, longitude, elevation, tarsus length, wing length, body mass, sperm head length, sperm midpiece length, sperm tail length, sperm total length, CVbm, WW1 allele frequency, WW2 allele frequency, and length of the Clock gene

    Measurements of individual spermatozoa in Azores and Eurasian bullfinches

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    Measurements of head and flagellum length in 10 spermatozoa per male in 11 Azores bullfinches (P. murina) and 13 Eurasian bullfinches (P. pyrrhula) with details of sampling locality and date. (Raw data file for Table 1 in the paper

    Pyrrhula pyrrhula sperm motility

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    Motility measures of individual sperm tracks analysed by Computer Assisted Sperm Ananlysis (CASA). The file lists the sperm tracks from 11 male Eurasian bullfinches (P. pyrrhula) with details of sampling locality and date. (Raw data file for Table 2 in the paper

    Rowe et al. sperm morphology data

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    Data on sperm morphology (i.e. sperm length) for males used in the comparative study of sperm evolutionary rate

    Sperm measurements (morphology and velocity) of two Passer species

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    Included in this data set are three .csv files containing data, one .xlsx file with information on the naming of columns in the data files (information for each data file is in a separate tab in the .xlsx file), and R code. However, this R script should be sufficient to understand exactly how analyses were performed. Justification for analysis decisions is indicated in the manuscript