184 research outputs found

    Slamf6 negatively regulates autoimmunity

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    The nine SLAM family (Slamf) receptors are positive or negative regulators of adaptive and innate immune responses, and of several autoimmune diseases. Here we report that the transfer of Slamf6-/- B6 CD4+ T cells into co-isogenic bm12 mice causes SLE-like autoimmunity with elevated levels of autoantibodies. In addition, significantly higher percentages of Tfh cells and IFN-γ-producing CD4+ cells, as well as GC B cells were observed. Interestingly, the expression of the Slamf6-H1 isoform in Slamf6-/- CD4+ T cells did not induce this lupus-like phenotype. By contrast, Slamf1-/- or Slamf5-/- CD4+ T cells caused the same pathology as WT CD4+ T cells. As the transfer of Slamf [1+6]-/- or Slamf [1+5+6]-/- CD4+ T cells induced WT levels of autoantibodies, the presence of Slamf1 was requisite for the induction of increased levels of autoantibodies by Slamf6-/- CD4+ T cells. We conclude that Slamf6 functions as an inhibitory receptor that controls autoimmune responses

    Transducció del senyal mitjançant el receptor de la cèl.lula T

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    Els mecanismes que es posen en marxa quan els lligands extracel·lulars interactuen amb els receptors de la membrana han estat darrerament objecte de recerca intensa. Un dels mes estudiats és el receptor per a l'antigen de la cèl·lula T (T cell receptor; TCR) per les implicacions en la diàgnosi i en el tractament de malalties del sistema immune i de càncers. El receptor és un complex multiproteïc format per un mínim de sis cadenes polipeptídiques codificades per gens que han estat clonats recentment. L'activació dels limfòcits T mitjançant el TCR dona lloc a múltiples modificacions cel·lulars amb la producció, en darrer terme, d'interleucina 2 i l'expressió de llur receptor. La combinació de tècniques de fosforilació, de detecció de proteïnes G i de construccions de tipus mutant o quimèric han permès avançar en el coneixement dels mecanismes de traducció mitjançant TCR. En aquest article es presenta 1'estat actual de la qüestió, que es pot centrar en les interaccions de proteïnes quinases amb les cues citoplasmàtiques dels components del TCR, fundamentalment de les cadenes [...]. És molt notable el fet que, mitjançant la tècnica del GTPoxi, s'ha pogut identificar la cadena [...] com a proteïna capaç d' unir GTP. Existeixen indicis que aquesta capacitat d'unir GTP fa possible que un canvi conformacional de [...] sigui el factor determinant del començament de la cascada de fosforilacions i interaccions proteïna-proteïna que to floc en els limfòcits T activats

    Mechanism of Oral Tolerance Induction to Therapeutic Proteins

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    Oral tolerance is defined as the specific suppression of humoral and / or cellular immune responses to an antigen by administration of the same antigen through the oral route. Due to its absence of toxicity, easy administration, and antigen specificity, oral tolerance is a very attractive approach to prevent unwanted immune responses that cause a variety of diseases or that complicate treatment of a disease. Many researchers have induced oral tolerance to efficiently treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in different animal models. However, clinical trials yielded limited success. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of oral tolerance induction to therapeutic proteins is critical for paving the way for clinical development of oral tolerance protocols. This review will summarize progress on understanding the major underlying tolerance mechanisms and contributors, including antigen presenting cells, regulatory T cells, cytokines, and signaling pathways. Potential applications, examples for therapeutic proteins and disease targets, and recent developments in delivery methods are discussed

    Responses to microbial challenges by SLAMF receptors

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    The SLAMF family (SLAMF) of cell surface glycoproteins is comprised of nine glycoproteins and while SLAMF1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are self-ligand receptors, SLAMF2 and SLAMF4 interact with each other. Their interactions induce signal transduction networks in trans, thereby shaping immune cell-cell communications. Collectively, these receptors modulate a wide range of functions, such as myeloid cell and lymphocyte development, and T and B cell responses to microbes and parasites. In addition, several SLAMF receptors serve as microbial sensors, which either positively or negatively modulate the function of macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, and NK cells in response to microbial challenges. The SLAMF receptor-microbe interactions contribute both to intracellular microbicidal activity as well as to migration of phagocytes to the site of inflammation. In this review, we describe the current knowledge on how the SLAMF receptors and their specific adapters SLAM-associated protein and EAT-2 regulate innate and adaptive immune responses to microbes

    Reprogrammed CD4+ T Cells That Express FoxP3+ Control Inhibitory Antibody Formation in Hemophilia A Mice

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    Coagulation Factor VIII (FVIII) replacement therapy in hemophilia A patients is complicated by the development of inhibitory antibodies, which often render the treatment ineffective. Previous studies demonstrated a strong correlation between induction of regulatory T cells (Treg) and tolerance to the therapeutic protein. We, therefore, set out to evaluate whether the adoptive transfer of FVIII-specific CD4+ Treg cells prevents inhibitor response to FVIII protein therapy. To this end, we first retrovirally transduced FoxP3+ into FVIII-specific CD4+ cells, which resulted in cells that stably express FoxP3, are phenotypically similar to peripherally induced Tregs and are antigen specific suppressors, as judged by in vitro assays. Upon transfer of the FVIII-specific CD4+ FoxP3+ cells into hemophilia A mice, development of inhibitory antibodies in response to administering FVIII protein was completely suppressed. Suppression was extended for 2 months, even after transferred cells were no longer detectable in the secondary lymphoid organs of recipient animals. Upon co-transfer of FoxP3+-transduced cells with the B cell depleting anti-CD20 into mice with pre-existing inhibitory antibodies to FVIII, the escalation of inhibitory antibody titers in response to subsequent FVIII protein therapy was dramatically reduced. We conclude that reprogramed FoxP3 expressing cells are capable of inducing the in vivo conversion of endogenous FVIII peripheral Tregs, which results in sustained suppression of FVIII inhibitors caused by replacement therapy in recipient hemophilia A animals
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