324 research outputs found

    Ab initio simulations of accretion disks instability

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    We show that accretion disks, both in the subcritical and supercritical accretion rate regime, may exhibit significant amplitude luminosity oscillations. The luminosity time behavior has been obtained by performing a set of time-dependent 2D SPH simulations of accretion disks with different values of alpha and accretion rate. In this study, to avoid any influence of the initial disk configuration, we produced the disks injecting matter from an outer edge far from the central object. The period of oscillations is 2 - 50 s respectively for the two cases, and the variation amplitude of the disc luminosity is 10^38 - 10^39 erg/s. An explanation of this luminosity behavior is proposed in terms of limit cycle instability: the disk oscillates between a radiation pressure dominated configuration (with a high luminosity value) and a gas pressure dominated one (with a low luminosity value). The origin of this instability is the difference between the heat produced by viscosity and the energy emitted as radiation from the disk surface (the well-known thermal instability mechanism). We support this hypothesis showing that the limit cycle behavior produces a sequence of collapsing and refilling states of the innermost disk region.Comment: 11 pages, 15 Postscript figures, uses natbib.sty, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Shock oscillation model for quasi-periodic oscillations in stellar mass and supermassive black holes

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    We numerically examine centrifugally supported shock waves in 2D rotating accretion flows around a stellar mass (10 M) and a supermassive (106 M) black holes over a wide range of input accretion rates of 107 M\u2d9 /M\u2d9 E 10 124. The resultant 2D shocks are unstable with time and the luminosities show quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with modulations of a factor of 2\u20133 and with periods of a tenth of a second to several hours, depending on the black hole masses. The shock oscillation model may explain the intermediate frequency QPOs with 1\u2013 10 Hz observed in the stellar mass black hole candidates and also suggest the existence of QPOs with the period of hours in active galactic nuclei. When the accretion rate M\u2d9 is low, the luminosity increases in proportion to the accretion rate. However, when M\u2d9 greatly exceeds the Eddington critical rate M\u2d9 E, the luminosity is insensitive to the accretion rate and is kept constantly around 3c3LE. On the other hand, the mass-outflow rate M\u2d9 loss increases in proportion to M\u2d9 and it amounts to about a few per cent of the input mass-flow rat


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    We introduce on physical grounds a new measure of multipartite entanglement for pure states. The function we define is discriminant and monotone under LOCC; moreover, it can be expressed in terms of observables of the system.We introduce on physical grounds a new measure of multipartite entanglement for pure states. The function we define is discriminant and monotone under LOCC; moreover, it can be expressed in terms of observables of the system

    3D SPH Simulations of Shocks in Accretion Flows around black holes

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    We present the simulation of 3D time dependent flow of rotating ideal gas falling into a Schwarzschild black hole. It is shown that also in the 3D case steady shocks are formed in a wide range of parameters (initial angular momentum and thermal energy). We therefore highlight the stability of the phenomenon of shock formation in sub keplerian flows onto black holes, and reenforce the role of the shocks in the high luminosity emission from black hole candidates. The simulations have been performed using a parallelized code based on the Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics method (SPH). We also discuss some properties of the shock problem that allow its use as a quantitative test of the accuracy of the used numerical method. This shows that the accuracy of SPH is acceptable although not excellent.Comment: 9 pages, 22 figure

    Radiative Shocks in Rotating Accretion Flows around Black Holes

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    It is well known that the rotating inviscid accretion flows with adequate injection parameters around black holes could form shock waves close to the black holes, after the flow passes through the outer sonic point and can be virtually stopped by the centrifugal force. We examine numerically such shock waves in 1D and 2D accretion flows, taking account of cooling and heating of the gas and radiation transport. The numerical results show that the shock location shifts outward compared with that in the adiabatic solutions and that the more rarefied ambient density leads to the more outward shock location. In the 2D-flow, we find an intermediate frequency QPO behavior of the shock location as is observed in the black hole candidate GRS 1915+105.Comment: 11pages, 5 Postscript figures, to appear in PASJ, Vol.56, No.3, 200

    SPH simulations of Shakura-Sunyaev instability at intermediate accretion rates

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    We show that a standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disc around a black hole with an accretion rate lower than the critical Eddington limit does show the instability in the radiation pressure dominated zone. We obtain this result performing time-dependent simulations of accretion disks for a set of values of the viscosity parameter and accretion rate. In particular we always find the occurrence of the collapse of the disc: the instability develops always towards a collapsed gas pressure dominated disc and not towards the expansion. This result is valid for all initial configurations we tested. We find significant convective heat flux that increases the instability development time, but is not strong enough to inhibit the disc collapse. A physical explanation of the lack of the expansion phase is proposed considering the role of the radial heat advection. Our finding is relevant since it excludes the formation of the hot comptonizing corona -often suggested to be present- around the central object by the mechanism of the Shakura-Sunyaev instability. We also show that, in the parameters range we simulated, accretion disks are crossed by significant amplitude acoustic waves.Comment: 8 pages, 12 Postscript figures, uses natbib.sty, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Steady shocks around black holes produced by sub-keplerian flows with negative energy

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    We discuss a special case of formation of axisymmetric shocks in the accretion flow of ideal gas onto a Schwarzschild black hole: when the total energy of the flow is negative. The result of our analysis enlarges the parameter space for which these steady shocks are exhibited in the accretion of gas rotating around relativistic stellar objects. Since keplerian disks have negative total energy, we guess that, in this energy range, the production of the shock phenomenon might be easier than in the case of positive energy. So our outcome reinforces the view that sub-keplerian flows of matter may significantly affect the physics of the high energy radiation emission from black hole candidates. We give a simple procedure to obtain analytically the position of the shocks. The comparison of the analytical results with the data of 1D and 2D axisymmetric numerical simulations confirms that the shocks form and are stable.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS on 10 November 200


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    INTRODUCTION: Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, especially in adolescence, could develop endocrine and metabolic complications, related to nutritional state and chronic inflammation. They develop a progressive decrease in lean body mass correlated with the progression of lung disease. Adipose tissue is involved as well and adipocytokines are a possible link between malnutrition and long term complications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 24 Cystic Fibrosis adolescents we studied auxological, nutritional, glycometabolic, endocrine patterns, together with leptin, adiponectin and resistin levels. We selected patients not affected by diabetes, insulin resistance, malnutrition, acute inflammatory states so as to avoid possible influences on the adipocytokines. RESULTS: All patients presented with an adequate BMI centile, with no statistically significant difference versus controls. HOMA IR and HOMA B% are in the normal range but lower than in controls, expression of a lower insulin-resistance with a lower insulin secretion. Leptin is significantly higher than in controls and maintains a correlation with BMI and gender. Resistin levels are more elevated in Cystic Fibrosis than in controls, with a statistically significant direct correlation with CRP (C-reactive protein) and insulinemia T0\u2019 and T120\u2019.Adiponectin is significantly higher in Cystic Fibrosis, inversely correlated with CRP and insulinemia and directly with cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS:The detection of adipocytokines levels could improve the metabolic follow-up of these patients: the maintenance of an adequate leptin gender difference is useful in the follow-up of puberty in adolescence. Adiponectin could be a marker of insulin sensitivity and prevent protein catabolism and loss of lean body mass. Resistin levels may be used as a marker of insulin resistance and may indicate the severity of chronic inflammation. This is the first study available in literature about adiponectin levels in pediatric Cystic Fibrosis patients and about resistin in Cystic Fibrosis

    A simple model of radiative emission in M87

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    We present a simple physical model of the central source emission in the M87 galaxy. It is well known that the observed X-ray luminosity from this galactic nucleus is much lower than the predicted one, if a standard radiative efficiency is assumed. Up to now the main model invoked to explain such a luminosity is the ADAF (Advection-Dominated-Accretion-Flow) model. Our approach supposes only a simple axis-symmetric adiabatic accretion with a low angular momentum together with the bremsstrahlung emission process in the accreting gas. With no other special hypothesis on the dynamics of the system, this model agrees well enough with the luminosity value measured by Chandra.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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