526 research outputs found

    Exploratory landscape metrics for agricultural sustainability

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    Socioeconomic growth and urban change have been an increasing concern for decision makers in recent decades. The monitoring, mapping, and analysis of agricultural land use change, especially in areas where urban change has been high, is crucial. The collision between traditional economic activities related to agriculture in tourist areas such as the Algarve and current demand for tourism infrastructures in urban regions is also leading to loss of economic activity. This article uses a combined geographical information system approach with CORINE land cover datasets to perform a Shannon’s diversity index quantifying changes in agricultural areas. The article then expands on the nature of the agricultural changes observed, and offers a multi-temporal assessment by means of landscape metrics in order to understand the shifting land use patterns for the Algarve in land use planning and regional economic equilibrium: a) forest regions become transformed into agricultural areas and agricultural areas become urban; b) areas that are initially agricultural become scattered residential regions created by economic investors; and c) agricultural land use changes have a cyclical nature in which—in the course of the economic recession—such dynamic effects brought about a decrease in tourism and focus on traditional sectors

    Territory and entrepreneurial performance An exercise on some industrial Portuguese regions

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    The present paper was motivated by the recent interest put on the regional context as having a major role tracing economic agents behaviours and inducing productive activity. Three main goals have been defined: to emphasise the relation between favourable regional factors for development and firm performance in the case of the most industrialised Portuguese regions; to distinguish in each region its own propensity for sustainable development and to evaluate if the region may be considered as intrinsic co-operative or resistant to co-operation. Methodologically, the analysis followed three major steps: 1) selection of regions with industrial characteristics; 2) creation and use of the endogenous growth capacity indicators; 3) consequent analysis of the SMEs (small and medium size firms) behaviour’s evolution. Based on Multivariate Analysis, the following regions were selected: Ave, Entre Douro e Vouga, Baixo Vouga, Pinhal Litoral and Península de Setúbal. Basically, they represent the areas where industrial activity is predominant in Portugal. When comparing the observed local environmental conditions of these regions with the results for the performance of their small firms, some conclusions could be achieved, regarding to three major issues: the relation between regional development factors development and firm performance; the regional propensity for sustainable development and the regional adequacy to networking. Key words: territorial systems of production; local endogenous capacities; SMEs performance.

    Mass media and repulsive interactions in continuous-opinion dynamics

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    This letter focus on the effect of repulsive interactions on the adoption of an external message in an opinion model. With a simple change in the rules, we modify the Deffuant \emph{et al.} model to incorporate the presence of repulsive interactions. We will show that information receptiveness is optimal for an intermediate fraction of repulsive links. Using the master equation as well as Monte Carlo simulations of the message-free model, we identify the point where the system becomes optimally permeable to external influence with an order-disorder transition

    Análise da utilização e da produção científica pela comunidade académica portuguesa

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    Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidas iniciativas que visam promover a generalização do acesso à Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. É nesta dinâmica que em 2004 surge em Portugal a Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online (b-on). Com ela ficou facilitado o acesso aos conteúdos em texto integral de um alargado conjunto de publicações científicas internacionais. Este estudo enquadra-se num trabalho de investigação de doutoramento e visa apresentar e analisar alguns dos principais indicadores estatísticos/bibliométricos da Produção Científica Portuguesa procurando associá-los com a b-on. Analisou-se para os anos de 2007 a 2011 o uso dos recursos b-on por parte das universidades públicas membros do consórcio, tendo sido selecionadas como amostra as cinco com mais downloads por FTE (full time equivalent). Para além dos dados de uso do consórcio, utilizou-se a Web of Science (WoS) a partir da qual se identificaram os artigos indexados com afiliação institucional nas universidades portuguesas. A partir daí, e através de uma metodologia quantitativa, apuraram-se os Autores com maior número de artigos indexados. Posteriormente analisaram-se dados como: produção por área científica, colaboração internacional, revistas científicas com maior número de artigos publicados, entre outros

    Acceso a la información y la producción de conocimiento científico: la b-on y un análisis bibliométrico

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    En los últimos años han sido desarrolladas iniciativas para promover el acceso universal a la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento. Es, en esta dinámica que surge en el año 2004 en Portugal, la Biblioteca de Conocimientos en Línea (b-on). Con ésta resultó más fácil el acceso al contenido de texto completo en una amplia gama de publicaciones científicas internacionales. Este estudio es parte de un proyecto de investigación doctoral y tiene como objetivo presentar y analizar algunos de los principales indicadores estadísticos/bibliométricos de la Producción Científica Portuguesa buscando asociarlos con la b-on. Se analizó desde 2007 hasta 2011, el uso de los recursos por las universidades miembros del consorcio, habiendo sido seleccionadas como muestra las cinco con más descargas por FTE (full time equivalent). Además de los datos de uso del consorcio, se utilizó la Web of Science en la cual se identificó a los artículos indexados con afiliación institucional en las universidades portuguesas. A partir de éstos, se identificó a los autores con mayor número de artículos indexados. Posteriormente, se analizaron otros datos como: producción científica por área científica, cooperación internacional, revistas científicas con el mayor número de artículos publicados, entre otros

    Relation between some socio economic indicators and the security factor – the case of Algarve

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    The paper discusses the implications of the security factor in the regional development in Algarve region. Considering the goal of sustainable development and growth, some variables related to criminality at regional level have been observed and compared to the national values. The obtained data bases was applied in a methodological essay to search for significant statistical correlations between criminal registers and a set of so-cial and economic indicators, namely: unemployment, internal regional product at mp and cp, regional added value, population density, entered legalised citizens and visiting foreign citizens. This study, developed at regional level, reports an observation period from 1995 and is based on the bibliographic support kindly supplied by the Cabinet of Legislative Politics and Planning in Ministry of Justice. The results show an inexistence of statistical correlation’s between the regional unem-ployment rates and the criminal registers. Positive correlations were found for follow-ing indicators: internal regional internal product, regional added value (in what con-cerns crimes against the State and the crimes foreseen in Sundry Legislation). Also the population density reacted positively to the tests of correlation with the group of crimes against the State. The same occurrence was found in the registers of foreign legalized citizens. When the association between the registers of visitors was considered, the cor-relation appeared on the crimes against the State and the crimes foreseen in Sundry Legislation. Despite the Algarve region being classified, for its visitors, as “safe tourist destina-tion”, these associations disclosed some concern about the impact of this type of crime in the regional development logic’s to Algarve region, essentially for its tourist pre-ponderance and localisation as peripheral region in the UE. Keywords: Regional Development, Internal Security, Criminal Records GPLP-MJ, Correlations; Social and economic pointers;

    Spatial databases for decision support in agriculture

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    The Portuguese agriculture has experienced phases of change and its adaptation to the Common Agriculture Policy. Although serious problems have subsisted as structural difficulties in spite of the many public aids, it seems that, slowly, agricultural productivity increased, integrating some technological progress. However, other expectations related to food auto sufficiency or a more balanced equilibrium in the food trade were however, not achieved. For that study, after having desegregated possible determinants of growth for the agricultural sector, the econometric results showed a stationary tendency for all the vegetal production variables; contrarily, some of the detected growth factors were correlated to animal production, particularly to pork, poultry and milk production. Beside, the classical econometrics, new methods could allow us to a more in depth analysis of the state in the Portuguese agricultural activities. Our research uses Geographic Information Systems to those prompt spatial databases for monitoring land use change. This short essay opens prospects for a much better understanding of rurality when all those factors contributing to its sustainability, much broader than agricultural activities will be evaluated under the methods earlier described

    Gravitational models and spatial foresight: from agricultural policy to agricultural loss

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    This paper discusses the issue and proposes a spatial land-cover accounting methodology to assess the impacts and changes occurred in the rural world, Portugal serving as a case study. So, furthermore, this paper aims to respond from a spatial perspective to the following questions: (i) Which are the most significant changes in Portuguese agricultural systems and where did they occur? (ii) Do municipalities in Portugal show dense agricultural regions that were lost, and if so, are they related to urban regions? The methods apply gravitational models to identify the compactness of agricultural areas within the different regions and detect the most significant land use variations. By comparative analyses of the different agricultural land classes, the variations in agricultural land use changes were detected. Also, the comparison of these values in a best-fit with Euclidean distances of artificial land-use questions the consequences of land-use change in Portugal over the last two decades. Finally, this paper demonstrates that the existence of spatial inventories such as the CORINE Land Cover, currently in its third assessment, provides useful information for the assessment of agricultural land-use dynamics

    Segmented Markets, Cooperative Behaviours: Innovation in the Production of Brazilian Coffee

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    The present article aims to discuss some the organizational and institutional aspects that have became the basis for the development of coffee as a non-commodity product in Brazil. It is expected that due to new patterns of coffee consumption, a new strategy permits the competitive reinsertion of Brazilian coffee into the international markets. This paper discusses some of the major aspects of contemporary industrial organization requirements imposing process innovation along the supply chain of many agro-food products around the world. It is argued that they are connected to a new industrial order, related to differentiation and/or segmentation processes. The suggested methods, interviews to the driving stakeholders and accompanied observation of their networking systems, are applied in the different stages of the supply chain in order to demonstrate that the production conditions are imposing strategic interrelationships between the roasting and the grinding industry and among the several intervenient agents. It is further observed that most of such processes take place within a new context of competition where innovation, segmentation and product differentiation are more important factors for the international market than cost and price reductions, thus thereby demanding a serious redefinition the companies' strategies. The results detect the application of the concept of flexible specialization as a fundamental input. They corroborate some of the analytical elements which are essential to explain export revitalization actions acquired from specific attributes such as, for example, highly qualified managers, able to adapt to continuous innovation. It was also observed that, for the whole productive segment, the qualified management reflects a strategy that is inserted into a wider policy issue. In this successful case, companies and government have closely interacted in order to provide the ideal conditions to overcome the global competition by means of benchmarking and differentiated consumption standards. Finally, another major conclusion is that there exists an historical capability of public and private interests to interact. Such has been decisive to ease difficulties arousing from market fluctuations and facilitate the required technical and institutional innovations

    Prevalence and clinical characterization of HPV-induced oropharyngeal cancers: the experience of the Portuguese Oncological Institute in Porto

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    Introduction: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) represents the eighth most common cancer worldwide. Alongside traditional risk factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, HPV is now recognized as the etiologic factor driving carcinogenesis for HNSCCs of the oropharynx. Recently, multiple investigational groups have found that in the last two decades there has been a rising incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) with a decrease in the incidence of other head and neck cancers, likely due to declines in alcohol and tobacco abuse. There is robust evidence in the literature supporting the etiologic role of HPV in a subset of OPSCC that have a distinct epidemiologic profile, and also, a strong evidence to show that HPV positive status is an independent marker of favorable prognosis for OPSCC, with an improved response to treatment and survival. Objectives: To review the current scientific evidence about the new entity of head and neck cancer: human papillomavirus positive (HPV+) oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) and to retrospectively analyze the set of patients diagnosed in the period between 2018 till 2021 with OPSCC in Portuguese Oncological Institute Porto (IPO-Porto), in order to determine the prevalence of HPV+ OPCSS and to make a clinical characterization of patients with oropharyngeal cancers. Methods: A bibliographic search and a review of the scientific literature about the topic were carried out using the PubMed, ClinicalKey, Jama, NCCN and other scientific platforms. Regarding the IPO study, the medical records of each patient were analyzed, and p16 status, age, gender, TNM-stage, treatment and survival were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: In total, 280 patients were included. Immunohistochemically (IHC), p16 protein overexpression was only present in 57 (20.4%) of the 280 cases. The vast majority of patients (223, 79.6%) were HPV negative. According to the gender the patients were mostly male (254, 90.7%). 80 (28.6%) patients had low-T-stage (T1/T2) OPSCC tumors, and the others 197 (70.4%) had high-T-stage (T3/T4) OPSCC tumors. 74.5% of the stage I/II tumors were HPV +, and only 25.5% were HPV-. Regarding patients with advanced stages III/IV, only 7.1% were HPV+ and 92.9% were HPV-. 3 (1.1%) cases were T0. 226 (80.7%) patients showed clinically positive lymph node metastasis (cN+). According to the 8th UICC/AJCC TNM classification, 55 (19.6 %) patients were at a low clinical stage (I/II). The overall 2-years survival rate was 63.5%. The 2-years survival rate in stage I-II was 89.2% and 57.2 % in stage III-IV. The HPV+ group had a better prognosis than the HPV- group (OS: p = 0.014, DFS: p = 0.45). Discussion: There are few reports about HPV-related cancers prevalence in Portugal. One of the strengths of this study was the evaluation of HPV status using p16 immunohistochemistry (IHC) for HPV detection. p16 protein overexpression is a surrogate marker for HPV-related oropharyngeal carcinoma and has been researched in all patients (n=280). In contrast to most European countries and the USA, only a minority of patients (20.4%) in the sample were p16 positive. It may reflect differences in sexual behaviors (type of sex, age at onset of sex, number of sexual partners) of the Portuguese population for 6-7 decades ago “less liberal” compared to other Western societies. The HPV+ group had a significantly better prognosis than de HPV – group in terms of overall survival (OS) and disease- free survival (DFS), and this is in line with the published studies. This study has some limitations, the retrospective analysis might have hampered the accurate characterization of some patient risk factors, such as tobacco and alcohol use and there is a chance that p16 could have been inactivated by mutation or promoter methylation. This may be one of the possible explanations for the low rate of p16+ in our sample. Conclusion: The prevalence of HPV-related cancers in IPO-Porto is low, when compared to other studies focused on developed countries. Accordingly to literature review, the HPV-related OPSCC had a significantly better prognosis than de non-HPV – related group in terms of overall survival (OS) and diseasefree survival (DFS).Introdução: O carcinoma de células escamosas da cabeça e pescoço representa o oitavo cancro mais comum em todo o mundo. Além de fatores de risco, como o tabagismo e o consumo excessivo de álcool, o HPV é atualmente reconhecido como um fator etiológico que conduz à carcinogénese destes carcinomas da orofaringe. Recentemente, vários grupos de investigação epidemiológica mostraram que nas últimas duas décadas houve um aumento na incidência de carcinoma de células escamosas da orofaringe, com uma diminuição na incidência de outros cancros da cabeça e pescoço, provavelmente devido ao declínio do consumo excessivo de álcool e tabaco. Na literatura há fortes evidências que suportam o papel etiológico do HPV num subgrupo de doentes com carcinomas de células escamosas da orofaringe, com um perfil epidemiológico distinto, e também uma forte evidência que mostra que o status HPV positivo é um fator prognóstico independente favorável para estes carcinomas, com melhor resposta ao tratamento e sobrevivência. Objetivos: Revisão da evidência científica atual acerca do carcinoma de células escamosas da orofaringe HPV-positivo e análise retrospetiva do conjunto de doentes diagnosticados com carcinoma de células escamosas da orofaringe, no período de 2018 a 2021, no Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto (IPO-Porto), com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência do carcinoma de células escamosas da orofaringe HPV-positivo e fazer uma caracterização clínico-patológica dos doentes com cancro da orofaringe. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão da literatura científica sobre o tema, utilizando a PubMed, ClinicalKey, Jama, NCCN e outras plataformas científicas. Em relação ao estudo do IPO, foram analisados os registos clínicos de cada doente, registando-se a respetiva idade, sexo, status p16, estadio TNM, o tipo de tratamento e a sobrevivência. Realizou-se uma análise estatística a partir dos dados recolhidos. Resultados: No total, foram incluídos 280 doentes. O estudo imuno-histoquímico mostrou uma sobrexpressão da proteína p16 em apenas 57 (20,4%) dos 280 casos. A grande maioria dos doentes (223, 79,6%) eram HPV- negativo. Quanto ao sexo, a maioria era do sexo masculino (254, 90,7%). 80 (28,6%) doentes tinham tumores em estadio T precoce (T1/T2), e os outros 197 (70,4%) tinham tumores em estadio T avançado (T3/T4). 3 (1,1%) casos eram T0. 226 (80,7%) doentes apresentaram-se com metástases regionais clinicamente positivas (cN+). De acordo com a 8ª edição da classificação TNM da UICC/AJCC, dos 280 doentes, 55 (19,6%) apresentavam-se em estadio clínico precoce (I/II) e desses 55 doentes, 41 (74,5%) eram HPV+, e apenas 14 (25,5%) eram HPV-. 225 doentes apresentavam doença em estadio avançado III/IV, sendo que destes, apenas 16 (7,1%) eram HPV+ e 209 (92,9%) eram HPV-. A taxa de sobrevivência global aos 2 anos foi de 63,5%. A taxa de sobrevivência aos 2 anos no estadio I-II foi de 89,2% e 57,2% no estadio III-IV. O grupo HPV-positivo teve um prognóstico melhor do que o grupo HPV-negativo. Discussão: Existem poucos estudos sobre a prevalência de cancros associados ao HPV em Portugal. Um aspetos mais importantes deste estudo foi a avaliação do status HPV usando a imuno-histoquímica do p16 para a deteção do HPV. A sobrexpressão da proteína p16 é um marcador indireto do carcinoma orofaríngeo associado ao HPV e foi pesquisado em todos os doentes (n=280). Ao contrário da maioria dos países europeus e dos EUA, apenas uma minoria dos doentes (20,4%) desta amostra eram p16 positivos. Isto pode refletir diferenças nos comportamentos sexuais (tipo de sexo, idade de início das relações sexuais, número de parceiros sexuais) da população portuguesa há 6-7 décadas, “menos liberais”, em comparação com outras sociedades ocidentais, à época “mais liberais”. O grupo HPV+ teve um prognóstico significativamente melhor do que o grupo HPV- em termos de sobrevivência global e sobrevivência livre de doença, o que está de acordo com os estudos publicados. Este estudo apresenta algumas limitações, como seja a análise retrospetiva, que pode ter dificultado a caracterização precisa de alguns fatores de risco de cada doente, como consumo tabágico e de álcool, bem como a possibilidade de ter ocorrido a inativação do p16 por mutação ou por metilação. Essa pode ser uma das possíveis explicações para a baixa taxa de p16+ nesta amostra. Conclusão: A prevalência de cancros relacionados com o HPV no IPO-Porto é baixa, quando comparada com outros estudos centrados em países desenvolvidos. O estudo foi de encontro ao que se verifica na revisão da literatura, na medida em que o carcinoma de células escamosas da orofaringe associado ao HPV teve um prognóstico significativamente melhor do que o grupo não associado ao HPV em termos de sobrevivência global e sobrevivência livre de doença