48 research outputs found

    The TV series in France : why the French do not succeed?

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    Rynek seriali telewizyjnych we Francji ma w porównaniu z innymi krajami nietypową strukturę. Charakterystyczna jest dla niego niewielka obecność rodzimej produkcji, w czym dostrzega się nawet zagrożenie dla francuskiej tożsamości narodowej. Artykuł, przedstawiając rozwój tego gatunku we Francji w perspektywie diachronicznej, prezentuje przyczyny takiego stanu rzeczy - w świetle raportu SESCA. Jego autorzy źródła marginalizacji serialu telewizyjnego we francuskiej przestrzeni medialnej upatrują w kulturowo uzasadnionej idealizacji fillmu kinowego i niedocenianiu roli, a zwłaszcza twórczego potencjału twórców seriali, czemu towarzyszy także brak systemowych rozwiązań w tej dziedzinie.The structure of the tv series market in France as compared to the other Western countries is rather untypical one. Not many local products are being created here, which can be even perceived as the threat to the national identity. The article, while delineating the development of the tv series in France in the diachronic perspective, does attempt to diagnose the reasons for this situation, using the SESCA report. The report's authors point to the culturally grounded idealization of the cinema fi lm as one of the source of the underdevelopment of tv series production. They also point to the inappreciation of the artistic potential of the tv series creators, and to the lack of the systemic solutions within the whole French media market

    The Risk for Fall and Functional Dependence in Polish Adults

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    The constantly rising percentage of the elderly (60+), who are particularly at risk of the dangerous consequence of falls, results not only in the loss of independence in daily life, but also in a serious threat to health and life. Therefore, many authors emphasize the necessity of conducting prophylaxis and prevention among senior citizens. The most important aspect of fall prophylaxis is care about the optimum level of agility. Exercise should focus on increasing muscular strength, balance and dexterity. The aim of the present study is to determine the relationship between functional fitness and the risk for falls of older people in the light of maintaining physical independence. The research group consisted of 522 persons: 142 males and 380 females aged 60-84 years from Wroclaw (a city in the south-west of Poland). All subjects provided written consent, and were measured and tested in 2009 through 2015, excluding the winter months. Body height and weight were measured. Body mass index was calculated. The Senior Fitness Test was used to assess functional capacity and efficiency. The results of the Senior Fitness Test were used to estimate Maintaining Physical Independence in Older Adults. The differences in the means of the results of all the tests between the age and sex-specific groups were assessed by means of a two-way analysis of variance, where sex and age were factors and results of appropriate test dependent variables. Logistic regression was used to estimate the risk for fall, based on the incidence of fall in the last year, for each test comparing the individuals met referenced criteria to maintain functionally dependence and independent, controlled for age and BMI. The risk for falls was more than twice greater in the case of the studied females, whose muscular strength of the upper part of the body was lower. The females in whose cases no fewer than two tests failed to ascertain functional independence, had a greater risk for falls. In the case of the males, no statistically-significant connections between functional independence and the risk for falls was found

    Comparison of Functional Physical Fitness between Migrants and Non-Migrants in Poland

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    After the Second World War Polish borders were shifted into west and it forced large number of people to migrate from the east and central Poland to the western areas in the 1940s and 1950s. It dramatically changed the living condition. The aim of the study was to compare of functional physical fitness of migrants and non-migrants in older ages. Body height and weight were measured and 6 tests of the Senior Functional Fitness Test set were carried out in 785 men and women aged 60-80 during 2015-2016 years in two regions of Poland: the south-wester Lower Silesia (Dolnośląskie) and south-eastern (Podkarpackie), regarded as a migrants and non-migrants. Sex and region differences were assessed by a nova, with NIR post hoc test. Additionally, Pearson’s χ2 test and t-Student tests for independent groups were also used. The seniors of south-western Poland are characterized by a significantly higher level of functional physical fitness compared to seniors from south-eastern Poland. It can be assumed that a higher level of education, more favourable socioeconomic conditions and more proactive approach to own health of Lower Silesians (migrants), allowed them to remain independent in everyday life and age with dignity

    Evaluation of somatic and functional parameters of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in rural women in Poland

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    AbstrAct: The aim of this study was the diagnosis of selected somatic parameters and functional parameters of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of rural women in Poland. The study involved a group of 95 rural women aged 35-60 years, staying in 3-week rehabilitation camps. The two groups of women were selected: younger (x=43 years), which did not exceed 50 years of age (n=48) and older (x=53 years) aged 50 years and older (n=47). The present study examines the measurement of the body height and weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and functional parameters of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. For the evaluation of cardiovascular parameters, a 6 minute walk test was selected. Before the commencement of the test and in the first minute after it, the pulse and the blood pressure were measured. To assess the functional parameters of the respiratory system, the pattern of flow -volume curve was used. The test was performed with a Jaeger Flowscreen spirometer. The following parameters were determined: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and Tiffeneau index (FEV1 in% VC). Examined rural women were likely to be similar to their urban counterparts. BMI of women was significantly higher than peers. Older rural women are particularly at risk of obesity. Heart rate and blood pressure, when at resting and after exercise, were normal and alike in both in young and older women. As expected, younger women had significantly higher levels of respiratory parameters. PEF values in younger women were slightly below the normal limit, and in their older peers, this value was significantly below the normal limit

    A small guide on effective communication

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    Media of the regions? : characteristics of the French media system

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    The marriage of print and digital publishing on the French press market

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