241 research outputs found

    Do hereditary syndrome-related gynecologic cancers have any specific features?

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    Hereditary syndromes are responsible for 10 % of gynaecologic cancers, among which hereditary breastovarian cancer and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndromes, known as HBOC and Lynch syndromes respectively, present the highest relative risk. The latter predisposes to endometrial cancer and both contribute to ovarian cancer. Cowden syndrome-related endometrial cancer and the increased risk of ovarian, uterine and cervical cancers associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, are also demonstrated, while Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients are prone to develop ovarian and endometrial cancers. Despite these syndromes’ susceptibility to gynaecologic cancers being consensual, it is still not clear whether these tumours have any epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic or imaging specific features that could allow any of the intervening physicians to raise suspicion of a hereditary syndrome in patients without known genetic risk. Moreover, controversy exists regarding both screening and surveillance schemes. Our literature review provides an updated perspective on the evidence-based specific features of tumours related to each of these syndromes as well as on the most accepted screening and surveillance guidelines. In addition, some illustrative cases are presented

    Pre-treatment magnetic resonance stratification of endometrial carcinoma – the role of dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted imaging

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    O carcinoma do endométrio apresenta uma taxa de incidência em Portugal de cerca de 7.2%, sendo a 5ª neoplasia mais comum na mulher. Apesar de apresentar uma prevalência relativamente elevada, o seu prognóstico global é favorável, uma vez que 75% dos casos são diagnosticados em estádio precoce. O estudo por ressonância magnética é geralmente efectuado após a realização de uma ecografia para avaliação de uma hemorragia uterina anormal e após o diagnóstico histológico por histeroscopia ou ressecção. Contudo, a ressonância magnética pode apresentar um papel determinante no diagnóstico em casos de impossibilidade de biópsia e nos quais a biópsia é inconclusiva. Além do mais, apesar de esta técnica não ser contemplada na classificação para o estadiamento do carcinoma do endométrio da International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics de 2009, apresenta uma função fundamental no estadiamento pré-operatório destas doentes, sendo crucial para definir a abordagem cirúrgica e terapêutica. No presente artigo, as autoras descrevem o estado da arte da ressonância magnética funcional no diagnóstico e no estadiamento do carcinoma do endométrio, chamando a atenção para o papel do estudo dinâmico após administração de contraste endovenoso e do estudo ponderado em difusão nestes cenários através da revisão da literatura mais recente sobre este tópico.Endometrial cancer incidence rate in Portugal is approximately of 7.2%, being the 5th most common malignancy in females worldwide. Despite its relatively high prevalence, the overall prognosis is generally good since 75% of endometrial cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. Magnetic resonance imaging is usually performed after an ultrasound study for the workup of an abnormal uterine bleeding and after the histologic diagnose of endometrial cancer by hysteroscopy or resection. However, it may play a role in the diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma when histology is inconclusive or when biopsy cannot be performed. Moreover, although it is not considered in the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2009 staging classification, it has a crucial role in pre-operative staging, being an essential tool for tailoring the surgical and therapeutic approach. The authors describe the state-of-the-art of functional magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis and staging of endometrial carcinoma, drawing attention to the role of dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted imaging in these settings and revising the current literature on this topic

    Pitfalls in gynaecologic imaging

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    Para o diagnóstico radiológico das patologias ginecológicas é essencial conhecer e compreender as indicações dos vários exames disponíveis e, para cada achado radiológico, integrar a idade, o contexto clínico e a história pregressa da doente. A Ressonância Magnética (RM) tem hoje um papel crucial no diagnóstico das doenças ginecológicas. Contudo, para maximizar o potencial desta técnica é imprescindível adequar o protocolo utilizado a cada caso e a cada doente e ter em conta algumas regras imprescindíveis à interpretação dos exames, que descreveremos neste artigo. A RM ginecológica é principalmente útil no estadiamento do carcinoma do colo do útero e do endométrio, podendo por vezes ser também útil na sua detecção, na avaliação da resposta ao tratamento, detecção da recidiva ou complicações e na avaliação de lesões anexiais de natureza indeterminada na ecografia. Nas doenças benignas é frequentemente usada na avaliação pré-terapêutica de leiomiomas uterinos, bem como na adenomiose e na endometriose. Em muitas destas situações há potenciais erros e pitfalls, para os quais o médico radiologista deve estar alerta, de forma a minimizar eventuais falhas diagnósticas ou erros de estadiamento.In gynaecologic imaging it is crucial to choose the most appropriate imaging method for each situation, as well as combining imaging findings with the age, clinical picture and previous clinical history of the patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently indispensable in the diagnosis of gynaecological diseases. However, to take advantage of this technique, the use of adequate protocols is mandatory, specially designed for each patient and each clinical problem. On the other hand, the radiologist should bear in mind some critical rules and interpretation pearls, that we aim to describe in this paper. Gynaecologic MRI has a role to play in cervical and endometrial cancer staging, and sometimes also in tumour detection, in response evaluation after treatment and detection of recurrence and complications, and in the evaluation of indeterminate adnexal masses on ultrasonography. In benign disease, it is mainly used in the pre-therapeutic evaluation of uterine leiomyomas, as well as in adenomyosis and endometriosis. In each situation the radiologist has to be aware of potential pitfalls, to avoid diagnostic and staging errors

    Avaliação radiológica do carcinoma do ovário

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    Urachal carcinoma: imaging findings

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    Urachal carcinoma is a rare neoplasm, which accounts for only 0.5–2% of bladder malignancies, and arises from a remnant of the fetal genitourinary tract. A 46-year-old woman presented with a history of pelvic pain and frequent daytime urination. Ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) demonstrated a supravesical heterogeneous mass with calcifications. The patient underwent a partial cystectomy with en-bloc resection of the mass and histopathological examination revealed the diagnosis of urachal adenocarcinoma. Urachal carcinomas are usually associated with poor prognosis and early diagnosis is fundamental. CT and MR are useful to correctly diagnose and preoperatively staging

    Pitfalls in imaging of female pelvic masses

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    Purpose of Review The purpose of this review is to highlight potential magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pitfalls that may mask and simulate ovarian cancer. Recent Findings MR imaging is the standard method for evaluating female pelvic masses of indeterminate origin, especially sonographically indeterminate adnexal masses. To define the correct origin and nature of a pelvic mass has an enormous clinical impact, namely in females of child-bearing age. This is particularly true in adnexal lesions. Ovarian cancer usually requires a cytoreductive surgery in a specialized oncological centre. In contrast, a benign ovarian lesion may be treated by simple resection in a general hospital. To help preventing diagnostic errors and in order to guide appropriate therapeutic management, radiologists should be aware of potential MR pitfalls that may mask and simulate ovarian cancer. Summary The first section of this article will describe the MR imaging protocol that authors perform in their oncological centre, highlighting how imaging techniques can be optimized in order to reduce pitfalls in the characterization of an indeterminate pelvic mass. In the next section, authors will revise the main anatomic and organ-specific signs that may allow the radiologist to determine the ovarian origin of a pelvic mass. Finally, benign gynaecological masses that may simulate ovarian cancer in a non-emergency setting will be discussed, with emphasis on features that may provide important clues to their diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Post-Menopausal Metrorrhagia – An Ovarian Thecoma Presentation

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    Os tecomas são tumores raros do ovário, do grupo dos tumores dos cordões sexuais, de natureza sólida e frequentemente unilaterais.Têm maior incidência no período pós-menopausa e normalmente são silenciosos.Quando sintomáticos traduzem-se por dor pélvica e metrorragia (condicionada pela habitual natureza produtora de estrogénios do tumor). Podem ser concomitantes a síndrome de Meigs e/ou de Golin-Goltz e associarem-se a transformação benigna ou maligna do endométrio. Embora a ecografia possa ser inespecífica neste contexto, uma avaliação multiparamétrica abrangente em ressonância magnética, incluindo por estudo dinâmico e com ponderação em difusão, permite frequentemente orientar de modo favorável a marcha diagnóstica.Apresentamos um caso raro de tecoma do ovário, com espessamento associado do endométrio, avaliado por ecografia ginecológica por vias supra-púbica e transvaginal bem como tomografia computorizada e ressonância magnética, confirmado cirurgicamente. Tratou-se de uma examinada caucasiana de 61 anos de idade, apresentando-se com metrorragia pósmenopáusica, sem outros sintomas nem contexto familiar relevante. Procedeu-se, a este propósito, a uma revisão da literatura focada no diagnóstico multimodal diferencial, apresentação clínica, tratamento e prognóstico destes tumores