72 research outputs found

    Оценка эффективности применения щелочного метода очистки попутного нефтяного газа от примесей сероводорода на Южно-Хыльчуюском нефтегазовом месторождении (Ненецкий АО)

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    В работе приведена геолого-промысловая характеристика Южно-Хыльчуюского нефтегазового месторождения, разрабатываемого ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-Коми" и существующей установки по очистке попутного нефтяного газа (ПНГ). Проведены расчеты по оценке технологической и экономической эффективности доочистки ПНГ Южно-Хыльчуюского месторождения щелочным раствором в абсорбционной установке.The research presents geological and field characteristics of the Yuzhno-Khylchuyuskoye oil and gas field developed by LUKOIL-Komi and the existing associated petroleum gas (APG) treatment unit. Calculations were made to assess the technological and economic efficiency of APG aftertreatment of the Yuzhno-Khylchuyuskoye field by an alkaline solution in the absorption unit

    Partial “targeted” embolisation of brain arteriovenous malformations

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    The treatment of pial arteriovenous brain malformations is controversial. Little is yet known about their natural history, their pathomechanisms and the efficacy and risks of respective proposed treatments. It is known that only complete occlusion of the AVM can exclude future risk of haemorrhage and that the rates of curative embolisation of AVMs with an acceptable periprocedural risk are around 20 to 50%. As outlined in the present article, however, partial, targeted embolisation also plays a role. In acutely ruptured AVMs where the source of bleeding can be identified, targeted embolisation of this compartment may be able to secure the AVM prior to definitive treatment. In unruptured symptomatic AVMs targeted treatment may be employed if a defined pathomechanism can be identified that is related to the clinical symptoms and that can be cured with an acceptable risk via an endovascular approach depending on the individual AVM angioarchitecture. This review article gives examples of pathomechanisms and angioarchitectures that are amenable to this kind of treatment strategy

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