133 research outputs found

    Complex Interactions between Temperature and Relative Humidity on Water Balance of Adult Tsetse (Glossinidae, Diptera): Implications for Climate Change

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    Insect water balance plays an important role in determining energy budgets, activity patterns, survival, and population dynamics and, hence, geographic distribution. Tsetse (Glossina spp.) are important vectors of human and animal disease occupying a wide range of habitats in Africa and are notable for their desiccation resistance in xeric environments. Here, we measure water balance and related traits [water loss rate (WLR), body water content (BWC), body lipid content (BLC) and body mass] in adult flies across a range of temperature (20–30°C) and relative humidity (0–99%) combinations in four tsetse species from both xeric and mesic habitats. WLRs were significantly affected by measurement under different temperature and relative humidity combinations, while BWC, BLC, and body mass were less affected. These results provide support for mass-independent inter- and intra-specific variation in WLRs and survival times. Furthermore, water balance responses to variation in temperature and relative humidity are complex in Glossina, and this response varies within and among species, subgroups, and ecotypes in terms of both magnitude of effects and the direction of change. Different effects of temperature and relative humidity within and among experimental conditions and species suggests cuticular permeability and saturation deficit are likely to be key factors in forecasting tsetse water balance responses to climate variability. This complicates potential forecasting of tsetse distribution in the face of climate change

    The closed spiracle phase of discontinuous gas exchange predicts diving duration in the grasshopper Paracinema tricolor

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    The discontinuous gas exchange (DGE) pattern of respiration shown by many arthropods includes periods of spiracle closure (C-phase) and is largely thought to serve as a physiological adaptation to restrict water loss in terrestrial environments. One major challenge to this hypothesis is to explain the presence of DGE in insects in moist environments. Here, we show a novel ecological correlate of the C-phase, namely, diving behaviour in mesic Paracinema tricolor grasshoppers. Notably, maximal dive duration is positively correlated with C-phase length, even after accounting for mass scaling and absolute metabolic rate. Here, we propose that an additional advantage of DGE may be conferred by allowing the tracheal system to act as a sealed underwater oxygen reservoir. Spiracle closure may facilitate underwater submersion, which, in turn, may contribute to predator avoidance, the survival of accidental immersion or periodic flooding and the exploitation of underwater resources

    Predictable patterns of trait mismatches between interacting plants and insects

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    Includes bibliography.Publication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund.Background: There are few predictions about the directionality or extent of morphological trait (mis)matches between interacting organisms. We review and analyse studies on morphological trait complementarity (e.g. floral tube length versus insect mouthpart length) at the population and species level. Results: Plants have consistently more exaggerated morphological traits than insects at high trait magnitudes and in some cases less exaggerated traits than insects at smaller trait magnitudes. This result held at the population level, as well as for phylogenetically adjusted analyses at the species-level and for both pollination and host-parasite interactions, perhaps suggesting a general pattern. Across communities, the degree of trait mismatch between one specialist plant and its more generalized pollinator was related to the level of pollinator specialization at each site; the observed pattern supports the "life-dinner principle" of selection acting more strongly on species with more at stake in the interaction. Similarly, plant mating system also affected the degree of trait correspondence because selfing reduces the reliance on pollinators and is analogous to pollination generalization. Conclusions: Our analyses suggest that there are predictable "winners" and "losers" of evolutionary arms races and the results of this study highlight the fact that breeding system and the degree of specialization can influence the outcome.Peer reviewe

    Ontogenetic variation in cold tolerance plasticity in Drosophila: is the Bogert effect bogus?

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    Ontogenetic variation in plasticity is important to understanding mechanisms and patterns of thermal tolerance variation. The Bogert effect postulates that, to compensate for their inability to behaviourally thermoregulate, less-mobile life stages of ectotherms are expected to show greater plasticity of thermal tolerance than more-mobile life stages. We test this general prediction by comparing plasticity of thermal tolerance (rapid cold-hardening, RCH) between mobile adults and less-mobile larvae of 16 Drosophila species. We find an RCH response in adults of 13 species but only in larvae of four species. Thus, the Bogert effect is not as widespread as expected

    Incorporating temperature and precipitation extremes into process-based models of African Lepidoptera changes the predicted distribution under climate change

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    Terrestrial insects are responding to ongoing climate change. While these responses have been primarily linked to rising temperatures, insects are sensitive to desiccation, and the impacts of altered precipitation regimes remain relatively unexplored. Here, we develop a mechanistic model of survival and performance responses to both temperature and desiccation stress, focussing on Lepidoptera in Africa, where a general understanding of such responses to climate change is urgently required. We run the model with climate data from general circulation models at daily time intervals under current (2011–2015) and projected future (2046–2050) climate scenarios. We first simulate four hypothetical, but typical, Lepidoptera that vary in thermal tolerance and developmental physiology, and then add a constraint on survival due to desiccation. Including desiccation stress leads to a 68% decline in the species range, in comparison to simulations where only species mortality due to temperature is considered. Furthermore, in response to predicted changes in both temperature and rainfall, species performances and survival are expected to change in a non-uniform manner across the landscape: species’ ranges shift towards coastal regions and into higher latitudes in the southern, but not northern, hemisphere. We validate the model predictions with data from two endemic African Lepidoptera, and find that the model agrees well with their empirical distribution, but note that our model fails to account for range expansion due to water availability unrelated to rainfall (e.g. irrigation). Nonetheless, these final simulations show how the model can be readily applied to insects for which baseline physiological data already exist (or for which appropriate data can be gathered), thereby providing a useful framework with which to explore species responses to future changes in temperature and precipitation

    Loss of ion homeostasis is not the cause of chill coma or impaired dispersal in false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    Dispersal is a central requirement of a successful sterile insect release programme, but field-released false codling moth (FCM) typically suffer from poor dispersal ability, especially at low ambient temperatures. Here we test the hypothesis that poor activity and dispersal in FCM is caused by delayed or perturbed recovery of ion and/or water homeostasis after chilling for handling and transport prior to field release. Hemolymph and flight muscle were collected from two treatment groups at three time points that targeted thermal conditions above and below the chill coma induction threshold of ~ 6 °C: 1) control moths kept at 25 °C, 2) moths exposed to 3 °C or 9 °C for 4 h, and 3) moths allowed to recover at 25 °C for 24 h after exposure to either 3 °C or 9 °C. We measured concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in the hemolymph and muscle collected at each time point. Exposure to a chill-coma inducing temperature had little effect overall on ion balance in the hemolymph and flight muscle of false codling moth, but hemolymph [Na+] decreased from 10.4 ± 0.4 mM to 6.9 ± 0.7 mM as moths were chilled to 3 °C and then increased to 10.4 ± 0.9 mM after the 24 h recovery period. In the 9 °C cooling treatment, [K+] increased from 8.2 ± 0.5 mM during chilling to 14.1 ± 1.9 mM after the 24 h recovery period. No changes were seen in equilibrium potentials in either of the ions measured. Thus, we did not find evidence that water and ion homeostasis are lost by the moths in chill coma and conclude that reduced dispersal in field-released moths is not direct a consequence of the costs of re-establishment of homeostasis

    Variation in scorpion metabolic rate and rate–temperature relationships : implications for the fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology

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    CITATION: Terblanche, J.S., Janion, C. & Chown, S.L. 2007. Variation in scorpion metabolic rate and rate–temperature relationships: implications for the fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20(4):1602-1612. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01322.xThe original publication is available at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14209101The fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) indicates that most of the variation in metabolic rate are a consequence of variation in organismal size and environmental temperature. Although evolution is thought to minimize energy costs of nutrient transport, its effects on metabolic rate via adaptation, acclimatization or acclimation are considered small, and restricted mostly to variation in the scaling constant, b0. This contrasts strongly with many conclusions of evolutionary physiology and life-history theory, making closer examination of the fundamental equation an important task for evolutionary biologists. Here we do so using scorpions as model organisms. First, we investigate the implications for the fundamental equation of metabolic rate variation and its temperature dependence in the scorpion Uroplectes carinatus following laboratory acclimation. During 22 days of acclimation at 25C metabolic rates declined significantly (from 127.4 to 78.2 uW; P = 0.0001) whereas mean body mass remained constant (367.9–369.1 mg; P = 0.999). In field-fresh scorpions, metabolic rate–temperature (MRT) relationships varied substantially within and among individuals, and therefore had low repeatability values (r ~ 0.02) and no significant among-individual variation (P = 0.181). However, acclimation resulted in a decline in withinindividual variation of MRT slopes which subsequently revealed significant differences among individuals (P = 0.0031) and resulted in a fourfold increase in repeatability values (r = 0.08). These results highlight the fact that MRT relationships can show substantial, directional variation within individuals over time. Using a randomization model we demonstrate that the reduction in metabolic rate with acclimation while body mass remains constant causes a decline both in the value of the mass-scaling exponent and the coefficient of determination. Furthermore, interspecific comparisons of activation energy, E, demonstrated significant variation in scorpions (0.09–1.14 eV), with a mean value of 0.77 eV, significantly higher than the 0.6–0.7 eV predicted by the fundamental equation. Our results add to a growing body of work questioning both the theoretical basis and empirical support for the MTE, and suggest that alternative models of metabolic rate variation incorporating explicit consideration of life history evolution deserve further scrutiny.NIH grant AI-52456 to E.S.Krafsur NRF grant FA2004032000006 to S.L. ChownPublisher’s versio

    Three new Drosophilidae species records for South Africa

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    CITATION: De Araujo, L. I., Karsten, M. & Terblanche, J. S. 2020. Three new Drosophilidae species records for South Africa. Bothalia, 49(1), a2429, doi:10.4102/abc.v49i1.2429.The original publication is available at https://journals.abcjournal.aosis.co.za/index.php/abcBackground: Data on the current species diversity from the Drosophilidae family in South Africa is limited or outdated. Objectives: Using haphazard, limited trapping for a different study, we serendipitously report on and document Drosophilidae species in two distinct regions (representing a sub-tropical and a Mediterranean climate region) of South Africa. Method: Drosophilidae were trapped using mixed fruit and mushroom traps around urban areas in two climatically distinct regions of South Africa. The flies were identified using standard barcoding ( Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I [COI] gene sequence) and, in some cases, additional identification from a taxonomical expert using morphological traits. Species were checked against literature, online resources and a previously compiled library of South African Drosophilidae to determine whether they were new records. Results: Thirteen species were readily collected and identified. Of these, three species (Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila nasuta and Zaprionus taronus) have not been reported previously in South Africa. One of the species (Z. taronus) was captured in a home garden, while the other two species were captured in an urban-agricultural region with a sub-tropical climate. Conclusions: From our limited serendipitous sampling, three new species records have been found in sub-tropical climates in South Africa. With more comprehensive, systematic sampling, a better understanding of the South African Drosophilidae composition, and thus the detection of alien or invasive species, can be pursued. Baseline data for understanding spatio-temporal patterns of native biodiversity, or for informing management actions in the case of alien or invasive species, are currently inadequate for this group in the region.Publisher's versio

    Phenotypic plasticity in desiccation physiology of closely related, range restricted and broadly distributed fruit fly species

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data are available via Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1g1jwsv14 (Bosua et al., 2022).Variation in geographical range size among closely related species may result from differences in physiological traits, such as desiccation tolerance, that enable these species to interact with their environment or adapt to new surroundings. We tested the hypothesis that insect species with a broader geographical range have either a higher basal desiccation tolerance or mount a more plastic response than more narrowly distributed species by exposing four fruit fly species (Ceratitis capitata, Ceratitis rosa, Ceratitis cosyra and Ceratitis podocarpi) to one of three acclimation treatments (control: standard relative humidity (RH) and temperature; desiccation: standard temperature and low humidity; and temperature: low RH and high temperature) and measuring metabolic rate, activity, water loss rates and survival. The targeted physiological responses differed between species and acclimation treatments. Survival of the widely distributed C. capitata improved by up to 43% after short-term exposure to high temperature and desiccation (35°C; 0% RH) treatment, while survival in the more narrowly distributed species only improved by 4%–30% after a desiccation treatment (25°C; 0% RH). Less water was lost by broadly distributed C. capitata through excretion after both high temperature and desiccation treatments, but only activity and respiratory water loss (RWL) were reduced after the temperature treatment, and total water loss and cuticular water loss declined after the desiccation treatment. The narrowly distributed C. rosa also lost less water through excretion after both acclimation treatments but showed reduced cuticular and RWL only after desiccation. While basal tolerance in C. cosyra was high, acclimation responses in this species and C. podocarpi were insignificant in that they did not produce a measurable survival benefit. Broadly distributed species successfully employed unique combinations of physiological strategies, with some having highly flexible responses to stressful environmental conditions, which ultimately results in beneficial acclimation to enhance survival during dry conditions. By contrast, range restricted species showed limited responses to desiccation stress. Flexible desiccation responses likely contribute to species geographical ranges in changing climate conditions.DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology; Stellenbosch University.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/fechj2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Gas exchange patterns and water loss rates in the Table Mountain cockroach, Aptera fusca (Blattodea: Blaberidae)

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    CITATION: Groenewald, B. et al. 2013. Gas exchange patterns and water loss rates in the Table Mountain cockroach, Aptera fusca (Blattodea: Blaberidae). Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 3844-3853, doi: 10.1242/jeb.091199.The original publication is available at http://jeb.biologists.orgThe importance of metabolic rate and/or spiracle modulation for saving respiratory water is contentious. One major explanation for gas exchange pattern variation in terrestrial insects is to effect a respiratory water loss (RWL) saving. To test this, we measured the rates of CO2 and H2O release (Embedded Image and Embedded Image, respectively) in a previously unstudied, mesic cockroach, Aptera fusca, and compared gas exchange and water loss parameters among the major gas exchange patterns (continuous, cyclic, discontinuous gas exchange) at a range of temperatures. Mean Embedded Image, Embedded Image and Embedded Image per unit Embedded Image did not differ among the gas exchange patterns at all temperatures (P>0.09). There was no significant association between temperature and gas exchange pattern type (P=0.63). Percentage of RWL (relative to total water loss) was typically low (9.79±1.84%) and did not differ significantly among gas exchange patterns at 15°C (P=0.26). The method of estimation had a large impact on the percentage of RWL, and of the three techniques investigated (traditional, regression and hyperoxic switch), the traditional method generally performed best. In many respects, A. fusca has typical gas exchange for what might be expected from other insects studied to date (e.g. Embedded Image, Embedded Image, RWL and cuticular water loss). However, we found for A. fusca that Embedded Image expressed as a function of metabolic rate was significantly higher than the expected consensus relationship for insects, suggesting it is under considerable pressure to save water. Despite this, we found no consistent evidence supporting the conclusion that transitions in pattern type yield reductions in RWL in this mesic cockroach.http://jeb.biologists.org/content/216/20/3844Publisher's versio