862 research outputs found

    Sound fields near building facades: comparison of finite and semi-infinite reflectors on a rigid ground plane

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    The sound field in front of, and close to a building facade is relevant to the measurement and prediction of environmental noise and sound insulation. For simplicity it is often assumed that the facade can be treated as a semi-infinite reflector, however in the low-frequency range (50–200 Hz) this is no longer appropriate as the wavelengths are similar or larger than the facade dimensions. Scale model measurements and predictions using integral equation methods have been used to investigate the effect of diffraction on the sound field in front of finite size reflectors. For the situation that is commonly encountered in front of building facades, the results indicate that diffraction effects are only likely to be significant in the low-frequency range (50–200 Hz) when the façade dimensions are less than 5 m. This assumes that there is a point source close to the ground and microphones at a height of 1.2 or 1.5 m, at a distance between 1 and 2 m in front of the façade. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Does precipitation susceptibility vary with increasing cloud thickness in marine stratocumulus?

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    The relationship between precipitation rate and accumulation mode aerosol concentration in marine stratocumulus-topped boundary layers is investigated by applying the precipitation susceptibility metric to aircraft data obtained during the VOCALS Regional Experiment. A new method to calculate the precipitation susceptibility that incorporates non-precipitating clouds is introduced. The mean precipitation rate <i>R</i> over a segment of the data is expressed as the product of a drizzle fraction <i>f</i> and a drizzle intensity <i>I</i> (mean rate for drizzling columns). The susceptibility <i>S</i><sub>x</sub> is then defined as the fractional decrease in precipitation variable <i>x</i> = {<i>R</i>, <i>f</i>, <i>I</i>} per fractional increase in the concentration of aerosols with dry diameter >0.1 μm, with cloud thickness <i>h</i> held fixed. The precipitation susceptibility <i>S</i><sub>R</sub> is calculated using data from both precipitating and non-precipitating cloudy columns to quantify how aerosol concentrations affect the mean precipitation rate of all clouds of a given <i>h</i> range and not just the mean precipitation of clouds that are precipitating. <i>S</i><sub>R</sub> systematically decreases with increasing <i>h</i>, and this is largely because <i>S</i><sub>f</sub> decreases with <i>h</i> while <i>S</i><sub>I</sub> is approximately independent of <i>h</i>. In a general sense, <i>S</i><i>f</i> can be thought of as the effect of aerosols on the probability of precipitation, while <i>S</i><sub>I</sub> can be thought of as the effect of aerosols on the intensity of precipitation. Since thicker clouds are likely to precipitate regardless of ambient aerosol concentration, we expect <i>S</i><sub>f</sub> to decrease with increasing <i>h</i>. The results are broadly insensitive to the choice of horizontal averaging scale. Similar susceptibilities are found for both cloud base and near-surface drizzle rates. The analysis is repeated with cloud liquid water path held fixed instead of cloud thickness. Simple power law relationships relating precipitation rate to aerosol concentration or cloud droplet concentration do not capture this observed behavior

    Scaling Theory of Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Ladder Models

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    The S=1/2S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on multi-leg ladders is investigated. Criticality of the ground-state transition is explored by means of finite-size scaling. The ladders with an even number of legs and those with an odd number of legs are distinguished clearly. In the former, the energy gap opens up as ΔE∼J⊥\Delta E\sim{J_\perp}, where J⊥{J_\perp} is the strength of the antiferromagnetic inter-chain coupling. In the latter, the critical phase with the central charge c=1c=1 extends over the whole region of J⊥>0{J_\perp}>0.Comment: 12 pages with 9 Postscript figures. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Ferromagnetic to spin glass cross over in (La,Tb)_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_{3}

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    In the series La_{2/3-x}Tb_{x}Ca_{1/3}MnO_{3}, it is known that the compositions are ferromagnetic for smaller values of x and show spin glass characteristics at larger values of x. Our studies on the magnetic properties of various compositions in the La_{2/3-x}Tb_{x}Ca_{1/3}MnO_{3} series show that the cross over from ferromagnetic to spin glass region takes place above x ~ 1/8. Also, a low temperature anomaly at 30 K, observed in the ac susceptibility curves, disappears for compositions above this critical value of x. A mixed phase region coexists in the narrow compositional range 0.1 <= x <= 0.125, indicating that the ferromagnetic to spin glass cross over is not abrupt.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Photoemission and x-ray absorption studies of valence states in (Ni,Zn,Fe,Ti)3_{3}O4_{4} thin films exhibiting photo-induced magnetization

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    By means of photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we have studied the electronic structure of (Ni,Zn,Fe,Ti)3_{3}O4_{4} thin films, which exhibits a cluster glass behavior with a spin-freezing temperature TfT_f of ∼230\sim 230 K and photo-induced magnetization (PIM) below TfT_f. The Ni and Zn ions were found to be in the divalent states. Most of the Fe and Ti ions in the thin films were trivalent (Fe3+^{3+}) and tetravalent (Ti4+^{4+}), respectively. While Ti doping did not affect the valence states of the Ni and Zn ions, a small amount of Fe2+^{2+} ions increased with Ti concentration, consistent with the proposed charge-transfer mechanism of PIM.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phase Change Observed in Ultrathin Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Films by in-situ Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    Epitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films were prepared on Nb-doped SrTiO3 (100)substrates by the pulsed laser deposition technique, and were studied by measuring the Ti 2p - 3d resonant photoemission spectra in the valence-band region as a function of film thickness, both at room temperature and low temperature. Our results demonstrated an abrupt variation in the spectral structures between 2.8 nm (~7 monolayers) and 2.0 nm (~5 monolayers) Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films, suggesting that there exists a critical thickness for phase change in the range of 2.0 nm to 2.8 nm. This may be ascribed mainly to the intrinsic size effects.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of weakly ferromagnetic Zn1−x_{1-x}Vx_xO thin film

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    We performed a soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) study of a Zn1−x_{1-x}Vx_xO thin film which showed small ferromagnetic moment. Field and temperature dependences of V 2pp XMCD signals indicated the coexistence of Curie-Weiss paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and possibly ferromagnetic V ions, quantitatively consistent with the magnetization measurements. We attribute the paramagnetic signal to V ions substituting Zn sites which are somewhat elongated along the c-axis

    Frustrated quantum-spin system on a triangle coupled with ege_g lattice vibrations - Correspondence to Longuet-Higgins et al.'s Jahn-Teller model -

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    We investigate the quantum three spin model (S1,S2,S3)({\bf S_1},{\bf S_2},{\bf S_3}) of spin=1/2=1/2 on a triangle, in which spins are coupled with lattice-vibrational modes through the exchange interaction depending on distances between spin sites. The present model corresponds to the dynamic Jahn-Teller system Eg⊗egE_g\otimes e_g proposed by Longuet-Higgins {\it et al.}, Proc.R.Soc.A.{\bf 244},1(1958). This correspondence is revealed by using the transformation to Nakamura-Bishop's bases proposed in Phys.Rev.Lett.{\bf 54},861(1985). Furthermore, we elucidate the relationship between the behavior of a chiral order parameter χ^=S1⋅(S2×S3){\hat \chi}={\bf S_1\cdot(S_2\times S_3)} and that of the electronic orbital angular momentum ℓ^z{\hat \ell_z} in Eg⊗egE_g\otimes e_g vibronic model: The regular oscillatory behavior of the expectation value forvibronicstructureswithincreasingenergycanalsobefoundinthatof for vibronic structures with increasing energy can also be found in that of . The increase of the additional anharmonicity(chaoticity) is found to yield a rapidly decaying irregular oscillation of

    Chaos and its quantization in dynamical Jahn-Teller systems

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    We investigate the Eg⊗egE_g \otimes e_g Jahn-Teller system for the purpose to reveal the nature of quantum chaos in crystals. This system simulates the interaction between the nuclear vibrational modes and the electronic motion in non-Kramers doublets for multiplets of transition-metal ions. Inclusion of the anharmonic potential due to the trigonal symmetry in crystals makes the system nonintegrable and chaotic. Besides the quantal analysis of the transition from Poisson to Wigner level statistics with increasing the strength of anharmonicity, we study the effect of chaos on the electronic orbital angular momentum and explore the magnetic gg-factor as a function of the system's energy. The regular oscillation of this factor changes to a rapidly-decaying irregular oscillation by increasing the anharmonicity (chaoticity).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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