425 research outputs found

    Des idées sur la langue dans le Japon ancien, Xe-XVIIe siècle

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    Akira Terada, maître de conférences de l’Université du Havre Nous avons commencé cette année par étudier un texte bouddhique dans sa traduction en chinois pour observer la façon de transcrire des noms indiens en chinois. Nous avons continué notre réflexion en examinant, dans un texte historique chinois datant du IIIe siècle, la transcription en chinois des noms japonais. Nous avons poursuivi cette enquête sur des recueils de poèmes japonais (Man’yôshû, Shinsen man’yôshû) et des textes histori..

    Knowledge Sharing from Domain-specific Documents

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    Recently, collaborative discussions based on the participant generated documents, e.g., customer questionnaires, aviation reports and medical records, are required in various fields such as marketing, transport facilities and medical treatment, in order to share useful knowledge which is crucial to maintain various kind of securities, e.g., avoiding air-traffic accidents and malpractice. We introduce several techniques in natural language processing for extracting information from such text data and verify the validity of such techniques by using aviation documents as an example. We automatically and statistically extract from the documents related words that have not only taxonomical relations like synonyms but also thematic (non-taxonomical) relations including causal and entailment relations. These related words are useful for sharing information among participants. Moreover, we acquire domain-specific terms and phrases from the documents in order to pick up and share important topics from such reports

    フラクタル フゴウ オ モチイタ ガゾウ パターン ケンサク ノ イチシュホウ

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    Chemical effect on muonic atom formation through muon transfer reaction in benzene and cyclohexane samples

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    To investigate the chemical effect on the muon capture process through a muon transfer reaction from a muonic hydrogen atom, the formation rate of muonic carbon atoms is measured for benzene and cyclohexane molecules in liquid samples. The muon transfer rate to carbon atoms of the benzene molecule is higher than that to the carbon atoms of the cyclohexane molecule. Such a deviation has never been observed among those molecules for gas samples. This may be because the transfers occur from the excited states of muonic hydrogen atoms in the liquid system, whereas in the gas system, all the transfers occur from the 1s (ground) state of muon hydrogen atoms. The muonic hydrogen atoms in the excited states have a larger radius than those in the 1s state and are therefore considered to be affected by the steric hindrance of the molecular structure. This indicates that the excited states of muonic hydrogen atoms contribute significantly to the chemical effects on the muon transfer reaction

    Preliminary report on the molecular phylogeny of the Laurencia complex (Rhodomelaceae)

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    A molecular phylogenetic analysis of three closely related red algal genera, Laurencia, Chondrophycus and Osmundea (Rhodomelaceae) that are often called the Laurencia complex or Laurencia sensu lato, mainly of the north-western Pacific species, was carried out based on rbcL gene sequences. The sequence data downloaded from GenBank were also included in our analysis. The monophyly of the clade of Osmundea species was supported by high bootstrap value. All examined species of Laurencia sensu stricto with typical features (four periaxial cells per vegetative axial segment, longitudinally oriented secondary pit-connections between contiguous superficial cortical cells, corps en cerise within superficial cortical and trichoblast cells) also constituted a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap value. On the other hand, Chondrophycus species were divided into two separated clades with relatively high bootstrap values respectively. Furthermore, L. flexilis, which has four periaxial cells per vegetative axial segment but lacks secondary pit-connections between contiguous superficial cortical cells, constituted an independent monophyletic clade with high bootstrap value. These results suggest that only two groups, Osmundea and the typical Laurencia, are monophyletic and Chondrophycus is polyphyletic within the Laurencia complex. The phylogenetic position of L. flexilis, an intermediate species between the typical Laurencia and Chondrophycus, must be clarified to determine the key features to distinguish Chondrophycus and Laurencia sensu stricto. Further investigations based on the other genes are expected

    RBM10 in complete hydatidiform mole: cytoplasmic occurrence of its 50 kDa polypeptide

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    Background: RNA-binding motif protein 10 (RBM10), originally identified as S1-1 protein, is a nuclear protein with likely functions in transcription and RNA splicing. The RBM10 gene maps to the X chromosome and, in female cells, is inactivated in one of the two X chromosomes near the boundary with genes escaping inactivation. This study investigated the occurrence of the RBM10 gene product in complete hydatidiform mole, which is composed of cells with paternal diploid chromosomes (46, XX).Methods: Deparaffinized normal chorion or complete hydatidiform mole tissues were hybridized with a fluorescein-conjugated RBM10 gene probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy of the tissues were performed using an anti-RBM10 antiserum. Proteins from complete hydatidiform mole tissues and those separated by anti-RBM10-linked affinity chromatography were also examined by western blotting.Results: As expected, the RBM10 gene was detected by FISH as double spots in the nuclei of complete hydatidiform mole cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed a nuclear presence of RBM10 in normal chorion and complete hydatidiform moles, and a notable cytoplasmic presence in complete hydatidiform moles. Western blotting and immunoaffinity chromatography revealed that a 50 kDa protein was predominantly found in the cytosolic fraction of complete hydatidiform moles.Conclusions: A 50 kDa protein with common antigenicity to RBM10 was found in the cytoplasm of complete hydatidiform mole cells, and could represent one of the characteristics of the disease