39 research outputs found

    Iapodian three-looped fibulae

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    Raziskava je posvečena tropentljastim fibulam (sl. 1), ki so značilne za žensko nošo na področju Japodov (sl. 2). Analiza pridanega nakita v grobovih iz Kompolja in Prozorja je pokazala (sl. 3), da predstavljajo tovrstne fibule v primerjavi z drugimi vrstami fibul izredno tradicionalni in konservativni kos nakita, ki je ostal v rabi več stoletij in je zato moral imeti posebni označevalni pomen za identiteto njihovih nosilk. Iz kombinacij tropentljastih fibul s kapami tipov I, II in III po Drechsler-Bižićevi in z različnimi iglami (sl. 4, 5) ter iz njihove lege v grobovih sklepamo, da so rabile za spenjanje naglavnega pokrivala bodisi kape bodisi rute. S primerjavami z dekliško in žensko nošo dinarskega tipa, značilno za severno Dalmacijo vključno z jugovzhodnim delom Velebitskega pogorja in tudi za Bosno pa smo poskušali pokazati, na kakšen način so se nosile japodske tropentljaste fibule (sl. 6–8).The discussion focuses on three-looped fibulae (Fig. 1), a significant element of the female attire in the Iapodian territory (Fig. 2). The analysis of jewelry in the graves from Kompolje and Prozor has shown (Fig. 3) that this type of fibula is an exceptionally traditional and conservative piece of jewelry when compared with the other types. It remained in use through several centuries and must have been an important indicator of the identity of the women who wore them. We can conclude from the combinations of three-looped fibulae and caps of types I, II and III after Drechsler-Bižić and various pins (Fig. 4, 5), as well as from their position in graves that they were used for fastening the head covering, whether a cap or a kerchief. We attempted to demonstrate the way the Iapodian three-looped fibulae were worn on the example of the girls’ or women’s attire of the Dinaric type, characteristic for northern Dalmatia including the southeastern part of the Velebit Mountain, as well as for Bosnia (Fig. 6–8)

    In Memoriam Bernhard Hänsel (1937- 2017)

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    Iapodian three-looped fibulae

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    Raziskava je posvečena tropentljastim fibulam (sl. 1), ki so značilne za žensko nošo na področju Japodov (sl. 2). Analiza pridanega nakita v grobovih iz Kompolja in Prozorja je pokazala (sl. 3), da predstavljajo tovrstne fibule v primerjavi z drugimi vrstami fibul izredno tradicionalni in konservativni kos nakita, ki je ostal v rabi več stoletij in je zato moral imeti posebni označevalni pomen za identiteto njihovih nosilk. Iz kombinacij tropentljastih fibul s kapami tipov I, II in III po Drechsler-Bižićevi in z različnimi iglami (sl. 4, 5) ter iz njihove lege v grobovih sklepamo, da so rabile za spenjanje naglavnega pokrivala bodisi kape bodisi rute. S primerjavami z dekliško in žensko nošo dinarskega tipa, značilno za severno Dalmacijo vključno z jugovzhodnim delom Velebitskega pogorja in tudi za Bosno pa smo poskušali pokazati, na kakšen način so se nosile japodske tropentljaste fibule (sl. 6–8).The discussion focuses on three-looped fibulae (Fig. 1), a significant element of the female attire in the Iapodian territory (Fig. 2). The analysis of jewelry in the graves from Kompolje and Prozor has shown (Fig. 3) that this type of fibula is an exceptionally traditional and conservative piece of jewelry when compared with the other types. It remained in use through several centuries and must have been an important indicator of the identity of the women who wore them. We can conclude from the combinations of three-looped fibulae and caps of types I, II and III after Drechsler-Bižić and various pins (Fig. 4, 5), as well as from their position in graves that they were used for fastening the head covering, whether a cap or a kerchief. We attempted to demonstrate the way the Iapodian three-looped fibulae were worn on the example of the girls’ or women’s attire of the Dinaric type, characteristic for northern Dalmatia including the southeastern part of the Velebit Mountain, as well as for Bosnia (Fig. 6–8)

    The Styrian-Pannonian Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline

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    Štajersko-panonska skupina je značilna predstavnica vzhodnohalštatskega kulturnega kroga. Pod tem terminom razumemo kompleksen, večplasten kulturni fenomen, ki je obsegal prostrano območje od Štajerske (na slovenski in avstrijski strani), na zahodu do Koralp, na vzhodu je zajemal panonske nižave vzdolž rek Rabe, Mure, Drave. Nove raziskave, predstavljene na simpoziju, so prinesle novosti glede poselitvenih območij in njihovih značilnosti, ki se kažejo v tipih naselbin (višinske oz. nižinske), stavb (novost so zemljanke) ter v oblikah grobov in njihovih oznak (npr. gomile z mogočno grajeno grobno kamro in dromosom na eni strani ter na drugi strani grobovi, grobne parcele in gomile, obdane z jarki ipd.). Kljub skupnim kulturnim značilnostim, ki se izražajo predvsem v religiozni sferi, pa lahko v njenem okviru ugotavljamo tudi razlike med posameznimi regionalnimi skupnostmi.The Styrian-Pannonian group is a characteristic representative of the eastern Hallstatt cultural circle. This term refers to the complex, multi-strata cultural phenomenon that extended across a broad region from Styria (on both the Slovenian and Austrian sides), in the west to the Kor Alps, while in the east it encompassed the Pannonian plains along the Raab/ Rába, Mur/Mura, and Drau/Drava Rivers. New research presented at the symposium offered new information in terms of the settlement regions and their characteristics, as indicated by the types of settlements (in the heights or on low lying land), buildings (pit-dwellings represent a new element), and the forms of graves and their markers (e.g. tumuli with a possible grave chamber and dromos on the one hand, and on the other side graves, grave plots, and tumuli surrounded by a ditch, etc.) Despite mutual cultural characteristics, expressed primarily in religious terms, differences can also be perceived in its framework between individual regional groups

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