75 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the Lisbon Strategy, theproposal which set the action framework intended to transform the EU into the mostdynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainableeconomic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for theenvironment by 2010 . We will also discuss the activities of the European Research Area(ERA), focusing in particular on the way in which our country may become a competitive partof this process.knowledge-based economy, Lisbon Strategy, Romania.


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    The aim of this paper is to present the concept of National InnovationSystems, their history and role in the understanding of a systemic approach to research,development and innovation at national and global level. We will present a briefintroduction to the main operational concepts and the history of the concept, from itsbeginnings to the present times.National Innovation Systems, knowledge-based economy;

    The Business Lexis: Issues Teachers and Researchers

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the business lexis from two broad perspectives: its functions and its form. The first part of the article is devoted to aspects pertaining to pedagogical issues, i.e. teaching and learning the business lexis, whereas the second part deals with the most important characteristics of business English, as opposed to general English. The most important issues for a teacher of business English are the curricular activities involved: needs analysis, setting of objectives, decisions on syllabus design and lesson planning, choice of teaching materials and methodology, whereas for the researcher it is important to pinpoint the elements that make up the substance of the business lexis

    Raising Students’ Intercultural Competence through the Process of Language Learning

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to identify the concrete means through which intercultural education elements may be included in the academic curriculum, across all subjects. The area in which I chose to apply an experiment was English Teacher Education, for pre-service (BA) and in-service students (MA), as well as for postgraduate students of Economics. The sample of students consisted of BA students of English Philology, MA students of English, French and Romanian Philology and MA students in Business Administration in Tourism and Services. By the end of the semester, students and teacher trainees managed to understand several intercultural aspects

    Stochastic Modelling of Free-Floating Car-Sharing Systems

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    Car-sharing systems (CSSs) have gained popularity during the last decade as a flexible, efficient and ecological alternative mode of transportation. But for the operator, managing such systems is far to be simple. Due to heterogeneity of demand and also randomness, the user may face a lack of resources: no car or no parking space available. And the operator has to design the system in order to improve it. The total number of cars impact the performance of the system. We address the dimensioning issue. For that, mathematical models are needed. In many cities, two systems coexist: station-based and free-floating. The latter gives more flexibility to the user both to take or return the car. But he can reserve only the car for a short period, and not the parking space, as the car is parked on public space with no specific parking spaces. The car reservation is here to help the user. The aim of the paper is to study its influence on the system behavior. This study focuses on Communauto's Montreal free-floating car-sharing system (FFCSS). Data analysis investigates the main features of the system based on user preferences. It allows proposing a mathematical modelling. Then we present two analytical approaches. First the mean-field method could be used for different variants, and w gives first insights on the optimal fleet size in a homogeneous framework. Second the general inhomogeneous model is described as a closed Jackson network with blocking-rerouting policy. We prove that its state at stationarity is given by a product-form distribution. It allows in future work to obtain an explicit large-scale representation of the system which can be used both theoretically or numerically for optimization purposes


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    Based on the need to recover various wastes such as waste from wastewater treatment plants, it is proposed to use sludge in the manufacture of various building materials as bricks. So far, bricks made of different materials and combinations of classical materials as burnt clay, cement, sand, but also of other unconventional materials, most of them coming from different wastes, are used in construction. In order to use the sludge for bricks fabrication, it is necessary to inert it and to obtain a moisture content below 80%. Also, the physico-chemical and ecological parameters must be suitable for sludge utilization and their values must be situated within the limits imposed by legislation. So, the sludge is centrifuged in order to reduce the moisture content from (90-95)% to a maximum of 80%, treated, then the sludge batches are characterised and finally the sludge is recovered by inert cement

    Codage par descriptions multiples pour la transmission vidéo

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    Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à l'utilisation du codage par descriptions multiples pour la transmission de séquences vidéo scalables obtenues avec un codeur ondelettes t + 2D. Ces techniques sont utiles pour des réseaux commutés, à perte de paquets. Contrairement aux approches existantes, la redondance n'est pas introduite dans le domaine spatial mais dans le domaine temporel, grâce à des bancs de filtres dyadiques sur-échantillonnés, compensés en mouvement. Nous fournissons ici un cadre de travail pour construire et étudier des schémas de codage par descriptions multiples temporels, basés sur des décompositions en ondelettes redondantes avec un facteur de redondance réduit, et nous validons cette approche par une application au codage vidéo

    Comparative pharmacognostical study of three Agaricus species

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucureşti, RomâniaObiective: Scopul acestei cercetări a fost studiul farmacognostic comparativ al ciupercilor Agaricus campester (L.) Fr., ciuperca de bălegar, A. bisporus (Lge) Sing., champignon şi A. blazei Murill., ciuperca lui Dumnezeu. În prezent, în România, A. bisporus şi A. campester sunt folosite numai în scop alimentar, iar A. blazei pentru potenţialul său terapeutic (mai ales ca imunomodulator, în boli neoplazice). Material şi metode: Materialul utilizat pentru cercetare a fost reprezentat de bazidiocarpul celor trei specii comestibile de Agaricus. A. campester a fost recoltată în septembrie 2013, din pajişti aflate în extremitatea nordică a platformei Cotmeana (550 m altitudine, România), iar celelalte două specii au fost procurate din unităţi comerciale. S-au folosit următoarele metode specifice analizei farmacognostice: examinarea microscopică a pulberilor clarificate cu soluţie de cloral hidrat 800 g/L; examenul chimic calitativ al soluţiilor obţinute prin extracţii succesive cu eter, alcool şi apă; cromatografia pe strat subţire pentru separarea şi identificarea unor aminoacizi şi steroli/triterpene; determinarea substanţele solubile conform Farmacopeei Europene ediţia a 7-a şi dozarea gravimetrică a mucilagiilor pentru studiul chimic cantitativ. Rezultate: Microscopic au fost identificate hife cu bazidiospori şi himeniu cu bazidii în diferite stadii de evoluţie. Studiul chimic calitativ a dovedit că cele trei ciuperci comestibile conţin aceleaşi clase de substanţe active (steroli, triterpene, polifenoli, aminoacizi, compuşi azotaţi nealcaloidici, mucilagii, oze şi alţi compuşi reducători). Prin cromatografie pe strat subţire s-au observat spoturi corespunzătoare unor compuşi cu comportament de steroli/ triterpene (culoare violetă şi fluorescenţă galbenă în UV, după revelare cu anhidridă acetică şi acid sulfuric), de aminoacizi (culoare violetă după revelare cu ninhidrină) Aceşti compuşi au fost prezenţi în toate cele trei specii de Agaricus. A. campester şi A. blazei au un conţinut mai mare de mucilagii (4,97 g%, respectiv 3,48 g%) şi substanţe solubile în apă (25,85 g%, respectiv 22,18 g%) comparativ cu A. bisporus (1,89 g% mucilagii şi 19,91 g% substanţe solubile în apă). Concluzii: Rezultatele acestui studiu demonstrează că şi macromiceta indigenă Agaricus campester poate fi considerată o sursă de compuşi biologic activi (steroli/triterpene, mucilagii, aminoacizi)

    Arbutin and hidroquinone cuantification in cowberry, bearberry and pear leaves

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucureşti, RomâniaObiective. Pornind de la utilizarea tradiţională a frunzelor de păr în tratamentul infecţiilor urinare, lucrarea prezintă cercetările efectuate în scopul identificării dar şi determinării conţinutului de heterozide fenolice de tip C1 (arbutozidă) comparativ cu două surse vegetale (Vitis idaea folium şi Uvae ursi folium) întrebuinţate în terapeutică şi citate de literatură cu un conţinut apreciabil în aceşti derivaţi. Material şi metode. Materialul utilizat pentru cercetare a fost reprezentat de frunzele de păr (Pyrus communis folium, recoltate la maturitate din zona Olteniei), merişor (Vitis idaeae folium, achiziţionate sub formă de ceai monocomponent din reţeaua unităţilor farmaceutice din România) şi strugurii ursului (Uvae ursi folium, achiziţionat sub formă de ceai monocomponent dintr-o unitate farmaceutică din Serbia). Metoda folosită a fost analiza fitochimică urmărindu- se identificarea constituenţilor chimici activi în soluţiile extractive eterice, alcoolice şi apoase, identificarea hidrochinonei prin microsublimare şi determinarea conţinutului în arbutozidă şi hidrochinonă printr-o metodă volumetrică. Rezultate. Din punct de vedere chimic calitativ s-au identificat steroli, agliconi flavonici, saponozide, flavone, acizi polifenolici, poliholozide mixte de tip mucilag, taninuri, proantociani, intensitatea reacţiilor fiind dependentă de natura materiilor prime vegetale. Prin microsublimare s-a evidenţiat prezenţa cristalelor aciculare de hidrochinonă în cele trei materii prime vegetale; în prezenţa clorurii de fer (III), cristalele capătă un aspect penat. Cantitativ frunzele de strugurii ursului conţin 5,44% arbutozidă şi 2,44% hidrochinonă, cele de merişor 3,44% arbutozidă şi 1,39% hidrochinonă, iar cele de păr 1,22% arbutozidă şi 0,832% hidrochinonă. Concluzii. Pe baza cercetărilor efectuate se poate considera că frunzele recoltate de la specia indigenă Pyrus communis pot fi întrebuinţate singure sau asociate cu alte produse vegetale în tratamentul infecţiilor urinare