23 research outputs found

    Colour performance of ceramic nano-pigments

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    Ceramic nano-pigments have been recently developed for ink-jet printing decoration of ceramic tiles by the quadrichromy technology (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black colours). The colouring mechanisms and performance of these nano-pigments (CoAl2O4, Au, (Ti,Cr,Sb)O2, CoFe2O4) were investigated by DRS, XRD and colourimetry. Nano-pigments were dispersed in several ceramic glazes and glassy coatings and their colour performance compared with that of conventional micro-pigments. Each nano-pigment is characterized by its own colour mechanism and chemico-physical stability in ceramic applications. Intense colours are achievable, besides the very small particle size of pigments (< 50 nm) even though the colour of high quality micro-pigments appears to be more saturated. Limitations to the use of nano-pigments arose for very high firing temperatures (>1200?C) due to particle growth (e.g. Au) or dissolution in the glassy phase (e.g. titania)

    Ceramic application of mica titania pearlescent pigments

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    Mica based pearlescent pigments are widely applied in plastics, cosmetics, automobiles coatings among others, but they seem not explored by the ceramic industry. In this work, the potential of two commercial special effect pigments (with gold and silver lustre respectively) in the decoration of ceramic tiles was appraised by testing them dispersed into several ceramic coatings fired in a wide range of temperatures (700-1150?C). The pigments were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM, XRF and PSD, while their technological behavior was assessed determining phase composition (XRD) and colorimetric parameters (DRS) of ceramic materials, including a pearlescence index. Results indicate that titania mica pigments are stable into glassy coatings up to 900?C, being any deterioration of their optical properties due to anatase-to-rutile and muscovite-to-feldspar transformations occurring at higher temperatures or after long firing times. The pigment type with a gold shine is particularly suitable for third fire decoration of ceramic tiles, involving low temperatures and fast firing schedules, where it can replace expensive precious metals lustres. Moreover, a certain satin effect was appreciable in porcelain stoneware tiles, unexpectedly persistant after firing at 1200?


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    Public health management also seeks to promote equity and social participation, seeking to meet the needs and demands of the population in a fair and democratic way. In addition, continuous improvement of services, health promotion and disease prevention are also sought. The objective of the present study was to identify errors and difficulties in the hospital work environment in public management. This is a systematic literature review that addresses the topics “public health management” on the platforms of scientific articles Google Scholar and Scielo published between 2001 and 2023. The results on the difficulties in public health management are related to scarcity of financial resources, many public managers face difficulties in obtaining sufficient resources to finance health services, fragmentation and lack of integration, the public health system is often fragmented, with different governments and agencies responsible for different aspects, such as primary care , hospitals and prevention programs high turnover of professionals public health management often faces problems in retaining qualified professionals, due to low pay, poor working conditions and lack of career prospects, corruption and poor management of corruption resources are common problems in public health management, diversion of funds, nepotism, overpriced contracts and lack of transparency compromise the efficiency and quality of services, in addition to undermining the population's trust in the health system, regional inequalities difficulties in public health management they can also be observed in the inequality in access to health services between different regions of a country. We highlight that public health management requires a multidisciplinary approach, with the active participation of different actors, such as doctors, nurses, managers, researchers and patients. It is concluded that the biggest challenge is the lack of medical structure and that collaboration between these different professionals and sectors is essential to ensure more efficient and effective management. Furthermore, it is essential that these resources are distributed equitably, guaranteeing access to health services for everyone, regardless of their income or place of residence. Transparency in public health management is also fundamentalA gestão pública em saúde também busca promover a equidade e a participação social, buscando atender as necessidades e demandas da população de maneira justa e democrática. Além disso, busca-se também a melhoria contínua dos serviços, a promoção da saúde e a prevenção de doenças. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os erros e dificuldades no ambiente de trabalho hospitalar na gestão pública. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura que aborda os temas “gestão pública em saúde” nas plataformas de artigos científicos Google Acadêmico e Scielo publicados no período de 2001 a 2023. Os resultados &nbsp;sobre as dificuldades na gestão pública em saúde são relacionados a escassez de recursos financeiros, muitos gestores públicos enfrentam dificuldades na obtenção de recursos suficientes para financiar os serviços de saúde, fragmentação e falta de integração,o sistema de saúde pública muitas vezes é fragmentado, com diferentes governos e agências responsáveis por diferentes aspectos, como atenção primária, hospitais e programas de prevenção alta rotatividade de profissionais a gestão pública em saúde muitas vezes enfrenta problemas na retenção de profissionais qualificados, devido à baixa remuneração, más condições de trabalho e falta de perspetivas de carreira, corrupção e má gestão dos recurso a corrupção são problemas comuns na gestão pública em saúde, desvio de verbas, nepotismo, contratos super faturados e falta de transparência comprometem a eficiência e a qualidade dos serviços, além de minar a confiança da população no sistema de saúde, desigualdades regionais dificuldades na gestão pública em saúde também podem ser observadas na desigualdade no acesso aos serviços de saúde entre as diferentes regiões de um país. Destacamos que a gestão pública em saúde requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar, com a participação ativa de diferentes atores, como médicos, enfermeiros, gestores, pesquisadores e pacientes. Conclui-se que, o maior desafio é a falta de estrutura médica e que a colaboração entre esses diferentes profissionais e setores é fundamental para garantir uma gestão mais eficiente e eficaz. Além disso, é fundamental que esses recursos sejam distribuídos de maneira equitativa, garantindo o acesso aos serviços de saúde a todos, independentemente de sua renda ou local de residência,a transparência na gestão pública em saúde também é fundamental

    The influence of microstructure on the performance of white porcelain stoneware

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    In the last years polished white porcelain stoneware tiles, coupling the smooth and glossy surface with the increased body whiteness, get a prominent role on the market. The bright white colour is obtained by adding noteworthy quantity of opacifiers, such as zircon, corundum and spinel. To better understand the complex relationships among the microstructure and the mechanical, tribological and functional behaviour of this class of products, four polished white porcelain stoneware tiles were selected and thoroughly characterized by a wide spectrum of chemico-physical and microstructural analyses. Products exhibit excellent mechanical properties (flexural strength, Young modulus, fracture toughness) with a clear dependence of these properties on porosity and phase composition. Mullite and zircon tend to increase the mechanical performances, through a predominant mechanism of matrix reinforcement, while quartz plays an opposite role

    The role of surface microstructure on the resistance to stains of porcelain stoneware tiles

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    Porcelain stoneware tiles frequently undergo a polishing process, aimed at improving their aesthetical appearence, that brings about a consistent material removal, with formation of superficial defects and opening of closed pores. The consequent degradation of surface characteristics and especially the increased sensitivity to stains-represent the main limit to the use of polished tiles in many indoor and outdoor applications. In order to better understand the role of microstructure on the resistance to stains, a phenomenological study of staining/cleaning operations (ISO 10545 parts 14 and 16) and a thoroughful physico-microstructural characterisation of tile working surfaces (SEM, open and closed porosity, rugosimetry, MIP) were carried out on twelve industrially manufactured and polished products. Diverse staining behaviours proved to be connected with different tile micro structures, being the surface roughness as well as the amount and shape of coarser pores the most influent variables. Through a statistical approach, an empirical predictional model of the amount of stain retained by the tile surface after mild washing with warm water was set up. It is based on roughness measurements (both R-a and R-t), estimation of macropores (i.e. 1-50 mum by MIP) and pore roundness (by image analysis of SEM photomicrographs

    O ambiente escolar como espaço potencial para adolescente: relato de experiência

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    A adolescência é uma etapa singular do desenvolvimento na vida do indivíduo, situada entre a infância e a vida adulta, trazendo repercussões físicas, psíquicas e sociais. Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar as experiências das autoras na condução de oficinas realizadas com adolescentes em uma escola de uma comunidade litorânea de Maceió, Alagoas. A atividade foi fruto do Projeto de Extensão “Espaços Potenciais”, do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Participaram da proposta alunos matriculados no 5º ano do ensino fundamental, com média de 11 anos de idade. Foram utilizados instrumentos lúdicos para trabalhar os seguintes temas: adolescência, gravidez na adolescência, abuso sexual e bullying. Os participantes demonstraram empenho nas atividades e expressaram seus sentidos com relação aos temas. A realização da proposta possibilitou o acesso a uma forma diferente e potencializadora de vivenciar o ambiente escolar, bem como aos temas que perpassam suas vivências cotidianas

    Infecção experimental com Neospora caninum em cadelas prenhes

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    In this study, transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum in bitches at different stages of pregnancy was evaluated. Three bitches were inoculated in the 3rd week and three in the 6th week of gestation with 10(8) tachyzoites of N. caninum (Nc-1 strain). All the infected bitches and at least one of their offspring presented anti-N. caninum antibodies according to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT > 400). The pups and their mothers were sacrificed and tissues from the central nervous system (CNS), popliteal lymph nodes, skeletal muscle, brain, lungs, heart and liver were analyzed for the presence of N. caninum using the nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). The parasite was found in the pups in lymph node, CNS, heart and liver tissues using nested PCR. There was no difference in perinatal mortality between the offspring from bitches infected in the 3rd week of gestation (60%) and in the 6th week (53.8%)


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    Objective: To verify the relationship between Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCD) and the length of stay of elderly people in Intensive Care Units (ICU). Methodology: This is a broad literature review in which the research is based on the question "What is the relationship between chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the length of stay of the elderly in intensive care units (ICUs)?". The research was conducted in 2023, by consulting the databases Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), and Nursing Database (BDENF), accessed through the Virtual Health Library, as well as the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Results: Five articles show that the relationship between chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and length of stay in ICUs is complex, depending on various factors such as the severity of the conditions, age and quality of care. The majority of hospitalizations are linked to CNCDs, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, affecting the elderly, who often already face fragile health conditions. The presence of multiple NCDs can increase the length of hospitalization, especially in private health systems. The complexity of the clinical condition also influences length of stay, with patients with more chronic diseases having longer stays. The studies showed variations in the average length of stay, but emphasize that hospitalization of the elderly can lead to reduced functionality, resulting in dependence on caregivers. Conclusion: This study provided insights into the profile of older people in ICUs, identifying the presence or absence of CNCDs and their impact on the average length of stay in intensive care for older people.Objetivo: Verificar la relación entre las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) y la duración de la estancia de los ancianos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Metodología: Se trata de una amplia revisión bibliográfica en la que la investigación se basa en la pregunta "¿Cuál es la relación entre las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) y la duración de la estancia de los ancianos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI)?". La investigación fue realizada en el año 2023, consultando las bases de datos Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), y Nursing Database (BDENF), accedidas a través de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, así como la Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Resultados: Cinco artículos presentan que la relación entre las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) y la duración de la estancia en las UCI es compleja y depende de diversos factores, como la gravedad de las afecciones, la edad y la calidad de la asistencia. La mayoría de las hospitalizaciones están relacionadas con ENT, como las enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias, que afectan a las personas mayores, que a menudo ya se enfrentan a condiciones de salud frágiles. La presencia de múltiples ENT puede aumentar la duración de la hospitalización, especialmente en los sistemas sanitarios privados. La complejidad del cuadro clínico también influye en la duración de la hospitalización, ya que los pacientes con más enfermedades crónicas tienen estancias más largas. Los estudios mostraron variaciones en la duración media de la estancia, pero destacan que la hospitalización de los ancianos puede conducir a una reducción de la funcionalidad, lo que se traduce en una dependencia de los cuidadores. Conclusión: Este estudio proporcionó información sobre el perfil de las personas mayores en las UCI, identificando la presencia o ausencia de ENT y su impacto en la duración media de la estancia en cuidados intensivos para personas mayores.Objetivo: Verificar a relação entre as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) e o tempo de internação de idosos em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Metodologia: Trata-se de uma ampla revisão da literatura em que a construção da pesquisa está amparada na questão "Qual a relação entre doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) e o tempo de internação do idoso em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI)?" A pesquisa foi conduzida em 2023, por meio da consulta às bases de dados Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), e Base de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF), acessadas através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, bem como a Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Resultados: Cinco artigos apresentam que a relação entre doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) e o tempo de internação em UTIs é complexa, dependendo de vários fatores, como gravidade das condições, idade e qualidade do cuidado. A maioria das internações está ligada a DCNT, como doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias, afetando idosos, que muitas vezes já enfrentam fragilidades de saúde. A presença de múltiplas DCNT pode aumentar o tempo de internação, principalmente em sistemas de saúde privados. A complexidade do quadro clínico também influencia o tempo de internação, com pacientes com mais doenças crônicas tendo estadias mais longas. Os estudos apresentaram variações no tempo médio de internação, mas ressaltam que a hospitalização de idosos pode levar à redução da funcionalidade, resultando na dependência de cuidadores. Conclusão: Este estudo forneceu insights sobre o perfil dos idosos internados em UTIs, identificando a presença ou ausência de DCNTs e seu impacto no tempo médio de internação em tratamento intensivo para pessoas idosas