19 research outputs found

    Reducing the meta-emotional problem decreases physiological fear response during exposure in phobics

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    Anxiety disorders may not only be characterized by specific symptomatology (e.g., tachycardia) in response to the fearful stimulus (primary problem or first-level emotion) but also by the tendency to negatively evaluate oneself for having those symptoms (secondary problem or negative meta-emotion). An exploratory study was conducted driven by the hypothesis that reducing the secondary or meta-emotional problem would also diminish the fear response to the phobic stimulus. Thirty-three phobic participants were exposed to the phobic target before and after undergoing a psychotherapeutic intervention addressed to reduce the meta-emotional problem or a control condition. The electrocardiogram was continuously recorded to derive heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) and affect ratings were obtained. Addressing the meta-emotional problem had the effect of reducing the physiological but not the subjective symptoms of anxiety after phobic exposure. Preliminary findings support the role of the metaemotional problem in the maintenance of response to the fearful stimulus (primary problem)

    Nutritional and clinical status, and dietary patterns of people living with HIV/AIDS in ambulatory care in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Atualmente, a abordagem nutricional desempenha papel essencial no tratamento de pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids, particularmente no caso de alterações metabólicas pelo uso da terapia antirretroviral (TARV) que podem estar associadas ao maior risco de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o estado nutricional, clínico e a qualidade da dieta de pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids em atendimento na rede de serviços especializados no município de São Paulo. Os usuários desta rede, em uso ou não de TARV, foram recrutados no período de dezembro de 2004 a maio de 2006, durante consultas de rotina. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, clínicos, bioquímicos, antropométricos e dietéticos. A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada segundo escores de padrão de consumo predominantemente "não protetor" e "protetor" para DCV. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi constituída por 238 pacientes em TARV e 76 sem TARV. A média dos níveis de colesterol total, triglicérides e glicemia foram maiores no grupo TARV (p < 0,001). A maior parte dos participantes do estudo, com e sem TARV, apresentava-se eutrófica, com média de índice de massa corporal 24,4 (± 4,3) e 24,3 (± 3,5) kg/m², respectivamente. A relação cintura-quadril foi maior entre homens em TARV que entre aqueles sem TARV (0,90 ± 0,06 versus 0,87 ± 0,05) (p < 0,001). O grupo em TARV apresentou média de escores indicativa de maior consumo de alimentos "não protetores" para DCV (p = 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Foram evidenciadas condições nutricionais e metabólicas indesejáveis entre aqueles em TARV, predisponentes ao risco de DCV. É apontada a necessidade de direcionamento das intervenções em saúde a pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids, para o controle dos fatores associados a essas doenças antes do desfecho final.INTRODUCTION: Nutrition currently plays a key role in the treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), especially in the case of metabolic alterations due to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which could be related to cardiovascular diseases (CD). OBJECTIVE: to describe the nutritional and clinical status, and the quality of diet of PLHA. METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study involving a network of ambulatory care facilities for PLHA in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Patients, in use of HAART or not, were selected from December 2004 to may 2006, through routine clinic visits. We collected: socio-demographic, clinical, biochemical, anthropometric measures and dietary data. Diet quality was evaluated according to a "protecting" or "non-protecting" pattern of consumption scores for CD. RESULTS: The sample had 238 patients on HAART and 76 without treatment. Mean serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose were higher in the HAART group (p < 0.001). The majority of patients of both the treated and untreated group were eutrophic with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 24.4 (± 4.3) kg/m² and 24.3 (± 3.5), respectively. The waist-hip ratio was higher among men on HAART (0.90 ± 0.06 versus 0.87±0.05) (p < 0.001). The HAART group showed a mean food pattern score indicating a higher consumption of "non-protecting" foods for CD (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results showed undesired nutritional and metabolic conditions among patients on HAART associated with CD. It is necessary to manage health intervention programs for PLHA in order to control cardiovascular risk factors before final outcomes.UNESCO - Ministério da Saúd

    The Role of Personal Goals in Depressive Reaction to Adverse Life Events: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Consistent with cognitive views of depression, we aimed to investigate the mediating role of personal goals in the relationship between stressful events and distinct patterns of depressive symptoms in a nonclinical sample. Participants identified a dysphoric episode that occurred in the previous year by reporting the severity of 12 depressive symptoms and their plausible cause. A goal taxonomy was used to determine how much the event interfered with the achievement of a series of personal goals. After controlling for age and current level of depression, the patterns of symptoms differed based on the triggering events. The relationship between sadness and affective losses was partially mediated by the personal goal of lovableness, and success was a partial mediator in the association between an event of failure and symptoms of worthlessness and anhedonia. Although the cross-sectional design of the study does not allow for conclusions on the direction of effects, findings suggest the importance of motivational factors in the development of specific patterns of depressive symptoms to adverse events. Assuming a continuum from low mood to clinical depression, treatment models could benefit from a precise identification of the specific stressors that initiate depressive behaviour and the personal meaning assigned to those events

    Quality of housing for inner areas between specialised supply, proximity welfare and production of new economies

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    This paper focuses on the issue of housing in inner areas, presenting a project of the candidacy of the Campania region for the PINQuA national funding programme, which was launched by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in 2020. The project is based on the hypothesis that it is possible to reverse the demographic trend in marginalised areas – characterised by a declining population, a high old-age index, a lack of basic services and, at the same time, a high potential for innovation – with building renovation and differentiated housing offers with high standards of quality and services. Through a systemic and place-based approach, the research uses pilot cases to experiment on themes linked to new housing demands, digital and green innovation, proximity welfare and social cohesion through a multi-actor and multi-level process

    Diversità creativa e appropriatezza funzionale per la riduzione dei divari territoriali: il progetto di metropolitana rurale dell’Alta Irpinia

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    L’equilibrio ecosistemico tra aree periferiche e aree metropolitane oggi rappresenta un driver per rinnovare i modelli urbani, sociali, ambientali, economici, culturali, trasformando il tema delle disuguaglianze territoriali in quello della diversità creativa e appropriatezza funzionale. Il paper, attraverso il caso studio della metropolitana rurale in Alta Irpinia, propone un innovativo modello di mobilità locale sviluppato attraverso un approccio prestazionale e place-based, a partire cioè dalle caratteristiche fisiche, ambientali, sociali ed economiche dei luoghi per i quali è stato ideato e recentemente finanziato

    e.colonia Un approccio innovativo per la riattivazione delle aree interne. Un'accademia di design rurale in Alta Irpinia

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    In Europa, ed in Italia in particolare, il fenomeno dello spopolamento di interi comuni delle ‘aree interne' è una realtà in costante evoluzione che richiede riflessioni urgenti ed interventi efficaci a livello locale e nazionale. Il rischio è la perdita, oltre che di un patrimonio di valore storico-culturale, di un’immensa risorsa in termini economici, sociali e soprattutto ambientali, in cui è sedimentata una memoria storica legata soprattutto al “fare”. Sebbene negli ultimi anni assistiamo ad una lenta riscoperta del ruolo strategico che tali luoghi possono rivestire all’interno di un quadro complessivo di sviluppo del territorio e di decompressione delle aree urbane congestionate, mancano in Italia esperienze capaci di innescare processi virtuosi di lungo periodo. Il progetto "e.colonia" è la proposta di +tstudio per la rigenerazione dei borghi abbandonati e in via di abbandono che, a partire dalle potenzialità offerte dalla rivoluzione tecnologica e culturale in atto a livello mondiale, si propone quale modello di riattivazione basato sul rinnovamento delle abilità locali, con l’apporto di know how creativo da parte di makers (artigiani dell’era digitale, designer, architetti, ecc.). E.colonia vuole dare nuova linfa vitale che possa irradiarsi nei luoghi e, dall’interno, mettere in moto processi culturali e produttivi che, attraverso il rafforzamento dell’identità collettiva, tendano ad aumentare la resilienza del sistema, allontanandolo dalle soglie critiche

    Early childhood experiences shaping vulnerability to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    According to the literature, inflated responsibility/sensitivity to guilt play a pivotal role in both the genesis and maintenance of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). They may be learned in childhood and adolescence, through particular experiences and parental rearing styles, involving criticism, excessively high standards, and social moralization. Preliminary data on the role of dysfunctional beliefs in the development/maintenance of OCD also show that non-affected family members of OC individuals score higher than controls in domains concerning responsibility, suggesting it might represent a candidate endophenotype for the disorder. Compulsive conducts, that far from being mechanical reactions are instead clearly goal-oriented, may be triggered by the need of preventing responsibility/guilt. Therefore, useful psychological interventions aimed at not only reappraising meanings associated with the specific early experiences connected to hyper-sensitivity to guilt, but also at developing a more general compassionate and forgiving stance towards oneself, may prove particularly effective

    Riattivazione di paesi abbandonati e in via di abbandono: il Borgo di Carbonara nel Comune di Aquilonia (AV)

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    In Europa, ed in Italia in particolare, il fenomeno dello spopolamento di interi comuni delle aree interne, in particolare montane, è una realtà in costante evoluzione che richiede riflessioni urgenti ed interventi efficaci a livello locale e nazionale. Il rapporto di Confcommercio-Legambiente sull’Italia del disagio insediativo 1996-2016 parla di 1650 paesi abbandonati al 2016. Il rischio è la perdita, oltre che di un patrimonio di valore storico-culturale, di un’immensa risorsa in termini economici, sociali e soprattutto ambientali, in cui è sedimentata una memoria storica legata al ‘fare’. Sebbene negli ultimi anni assistiamo ad una lenta riscoperta del ruolo strategico che tali luoghi possono rivestire all’interno di un quadro complessivo di sviluppo del territorio e di decompressione delle aree urbane congestionate, mancano in Italia esperienze capaci di innescare processi innovativi di lungo periodo. Il progetto descritto nel presente paper, a partire dalle potenzialità offerte dalla rivoluzione tecnologica e culturale in atto a livello mondiale, propone un modello di riattivazione delle aree montane interne basato sul rinnovamento delle abilità locali, con l’apporto di know-how creativo da parte di makers. Tale strategia mira ad accrescere la resilienza di tali territori, innescando processi relazionali e produttivi dinamici e duraturi. La sperimentazione è in atto nel Borgo di Carbonara, sull’altopiano irpino, abbandonato a seguito del terremoto del 1930

    Community-led practices for triggering long term processes and sustainable resilience strategies. The case of the eastern Irpinia, inner periphery of southern Italy

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    The Council of Europe's Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, originating from war and anthropogenic violations of cultural heritage, marks a milestone in the transition process towards a social approach to cultural heritage. With the notion of "heritage community", attention shifts from the cultural heritage in itself, towards people, their relationship with the surrounding environment and their active participation in the process of recognizing the values held in it and their transmission to future generations. The value of the cultural heritage and its transmission for "making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable" and for Disaster Risk Reduction is an integral part of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. In the European inner peripheries, cultural heritage has peculiarities that distinguish it from core areas. It is affected by extreme global (climate crisis, scarcity of resources, migration, weakening of social capital, etc.) and local risks (depopulation, uncontrolled exploitation of the territory, erosion of cultural capital and identity of places, degradation of the landscape, etc.). This contribution describes a case study in an inner periphery of southern Italy. Here, in the course of few years many community-led practices have been developed, based on the reinterpretation and renewal of the local material culture (workshop related to local craft traditions, international artistic festival based on the reinterpretation of rituals and traditions, tourist events of rediscovering ancient routes, etc.). These actions have reinforced the networking of local actors, triggering some long term processes. In this scenario, a group of researchers, designers, scholars proposes to carry out Resilience Laboratories as places of learning, participation and decision. They must start the process of building a resilient and sustainable landscape and, in the medium to long term, act as permanent support to the traditional tools of planning and management of the territory

    Community-led practices for triggering long term processes and sustainable resilience strategies. The case of the eastern Irpinia, inner periphery of southern Italy

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    International audienceThe value of the cultural heritage and its transmission for "making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable" and for Disaster Risk Reduction is an integral part of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. The Council of Europe's Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, originating from war and anthropogenic violations of cultural heritage, marks a milestone in the transition process towards a social approach to cultural heritage. With the notion of "heritage community", attention shifts from the cultural heritage in itself, towards people, their relationship with the surrounding environment and their active participation in the process of recognizing the values held in it and their transmission to future generations. In the European inner peripheries, cultural heritage has peculiarities that distinguish it from core areas. It is affected by extreme global and local risks. The paper describes the case of the Irpinia, an inner periphery of the southern Italy. Here, in the course of few years many community-led practices have been developed, based on the reinterpretation and renewal of the local material culture. These actions have reinforced the networking of local actors and their "awareness of place". In this scenario, a group of researchers, designers, scholars proposes to carry out Resilience Laboratories as places of learning, participation and decision. They must start the process of building a resilient and sustainable landscape and, in the medium to long term, act as permanent support to the traditional regulatory tools for risk management