273 research outputs found

    Competitive Advantages Through it Innovation Adoption by Smes

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    Purposeā€”This paper seeks to explain the impact of IT innovation on competitive advantage; the barriers and the benefits companies gain from adopting and using these innovations and propose a model with which it is possible to measure determinants of IT innovation adoption among SMEs.Design/methodology/approachā€”This paper presents conceptual consideration on the role of SMEs in the Malaysian economy and the effect of government policy in encouraging companies to adopt IT innovation. The proposed research framework will be empirically validated using survey data. This study is an ongoing research, in the existing stage a theoretical argument is developed and methodology is in the process of being tested through regression analysis.Findingsā€”Conclusions are drawn on the status of Malaysian SMEs to adopt IT innovation. We added attitude and self-efficacy to the Innovation Diffusion Theory to suit it to the individual situation. Therefore a novel approach is needed in order to study and understand it.Research limitations/implicationsā€”The paper represents work in progress.Practical implications ā€“ This paper present the theoretical framework for further study of IT innovation adoption among Malaysia SMEs.Originality/Valueā€”The Information Technology concept is considered a powerful competitive weapon in the modern economy. This study used Innovation Diffusion Theory as the base theory, and added attitude and self efficacy as determinants to measure the individualā€™s perception toward innovation adoption. Individual self-efficacy and attitude toward innovation adoption shape beliefs and perceptions toward innovation, leading them to adopt or reject an innovation. Adding these factors to Innovation Diffusion Theory will narrow the breadth of the theory and possibilities to frame a single study which allows examination of the individual and technological dimension toward technology adoption.Keywords: IT innovation adoption, competitive advantage, Innovation Diffusion Theory, SMEs, Malaysia.Research type: conceptual paper

    The association of shift work and coronary heart disease risk factors among male factory workers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Shift work is one of the work hour systems in which a relay of employees extends the period of production beyond the conventional 8-hour working day. It has been found to be associated with various health problems and there is concern that shift workers are at higher risk to develop risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). The study was undertaken to examine relationships between shift work and CHD risk factors, namely hypertension, dyslipidaemia (either hypercholesterolaemia, hyper-low density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hypo-high density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridaemia), high body mass index (BMI), hyperglycemia and physical inactivity among male factory workers in a factory in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. METHODS: This study was a contrived cross-sectional study of 76 shift and 72 day workers from one ofthe factories in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Data was collected through a questionnaire on psychosocial and life-style factors, anthropometric and blood pressure measurement, fasting blood sugar and fasting lipid proJiles analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and high body mass index (BMO were significantly higher among shift workers compared to day workers. There was no difference in the prevalence of hyperg[ycemia, hypo-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hyper-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia and physical inactivity. When the shiji workers were compared with the day workers, the aajusted odds ratio (OR) for hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity were 9.1 (95% CI 1.4-56.8), 2.9 (95% CI 1.3-6.1) and 7.7 (95% CI 2.1-27.5) respectively. There was neither association of shift work with dyslipidaemia, nor with hyperglycemia. CONCLUSIONS: There were positive association between shiji work and hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity which denotes a higher risk of CHD risk factors among shift workers compared to day workers

    Evaluasi Modal Kerja dan Profitabilitas

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    This study aims to determine whether the working capital which predetermined CV. Koki Teppanyaki have given the increase in profitability. Used theoretical basis of management accounting, working capital, and profitability. Hypotesis : working capital predetermined CV. Koki Teppanyakihas profided an increase in profitability. The data used are financial statements for 2012 - 2013. Analysis tool used is as follows : 1. The working capital consists of 3 phases : 1. Working capital turnover, 2. Sales forecast phase, and 3. Working capital requirements. 2. Profitability consists of 2 ratios : Return On Investment and Net Profit Margin. For working capital research done by calculating working capital turnover, sales forecasts, and working capital requirements. While the profitability of research conducted by calculating return on investment and the net profit margin for the year 2012 ā€“ 2013. Then look for changes and growth of the ratio of proficiency level, then known causes of changes in the level of profitability CV. Koki Teppanyaki period 2012 ā€“ 2013. The conclusions of the research working capital requirements CV. Koki Teppanyaki show that working capital available at the end of 2013 amounted to Rp. 130.584.550 working capital is not sufficient for the next period in 2014, amounting to Rp. 174.778.500, in which the difference value is Rp. 44.193.950. Whereas the the level of profitability in CV. Koki Teppanyaki period 2012 ā€“ 2013 decreased the net profit margin in 2013 of 1.85%, and an increase in the return on investment in 2013 amounted to 59.79%. Of research findings should be to facilitate the operations of the company should CV. Koki Teppanyaki financial companies particularly regarding the calculation of working capital is to conduct planning and controlling working capital carefully and thoroughl

    Analisis Daya Saing Ekonomi Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan menjadi penentu daya saing ekonomi Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai pada tahun 2014 dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan kuisioner dan wawancara terhadap 30 responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, pengajar, tokoh masyarakat, birokrasi perbankan, non perbankan, dan pengusaha.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam penentuan daya saing ekonomi di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai yaitu faktor infrastruktur fisik yang memiliki nilai bobot sebesar 0, 255. Kemudian diikuti oleh faktor perekonomian daerah (0,244) faktor tenaga kerja dan produktifitas (0,208), faktor kelembagaan (0,164), dan pada posisi terakhir adalah faktor social politik (0,128)

    Effects of electromagnetic field of 33 and 275 kV influences on physiological, biochemical and antioxidant system changes of leaf mustard (Brassica chinensis)

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    The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from 33 and 275 kV high voltage transmission line on biochemical and antioxidant system changes in mustard leaf (Brassica chinensis) were investigated under field condition. Mustard leaves were exposed to EMF from power lines at distances of 0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 30, 40, 50 and 60 m away from the 33 kV power line and at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 m away from the 275 kV transmission lines. The effects of EMF from 33 kV power lines on leaf mustard planted at different distances from the line showed that leaf mustard planted within 20 m from the line had significantly (p< 0.05) higher protein, soluble protein, soluble nitrogen and chlorophyll contents due to the higher EMF strength which decreased with increasing distance from the line. Higher EMF strength nearer to the 275 kV power line resulted in higher peroxidase enzymatic activity, and chlorophyll content. Protein electrophoretic profile obtained from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) analysis revealed no drastic alterations in the leaf mustard protein profiles. This suggests that electromagnetic field could be used as a tool to promote mustard growth via photosynthesis once the right EMF strength and duration of exposure has been established through future studies.Keywords: Mustard, electromagnetic field, biochemical marker

    Concentration of Chlorophyll-a as the Determinant of Trophic Status in the Samsam Swamp, Kandis Sub District, Siak District, Riau Province

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    Samsam Swamp is a lowland swamp that receives water from the Samsam River during the rainy season. To understand the trophic status of Samsam Swamp, a present study based on the concentration of chlorophyll-a was conducted in March-April 2016. The method used was a survey method. There were four sampling stations namely Station 1, Station 2, Station 3 and Stasion 4. Samplings were conducted 3 times, once a week. Results shown that concentration of chlorophyll-a was 4.05 ā€“ 7.69 Ī¼g/L; temperature 28 ā€“ 33ā° C, transparency 28 ā€“ 46.9 cm, water pH 4 ā€“ 5, orthophosphate 0.37 ā€“ 0.65 mg/L, nitrate 0.33 ā€“ 0.63 mg/L, dissolved oxygen 3.69 ā€“ 4.93 mg/L, free carbon dioxide 4.00 ā€“ 11.99 mg/L and depth 39 ā€“ 170 cm. Based on the concentration of chlorophyll-a, Rawa Samsam is classified as mesotrophic waters

    Local Genius dan Implementasi Pengarusutamaan Gender pada Pemerintahan Kabupaten di Sumatera Utara

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    The value of local genius have a big role to influence the public\u27s attitudes andparticipation, in order to create an equal role between men and women in governmentpolicies. Therefore, we need to identify which local genius have an added value, so that thelocal government could put more interest on it when they make the policy (JPJMP). Thisresearch was conducted in two areas in Sumatera Utara, Kabupaten Karo and KabupatenNias Selatan with the qualitative method. The data collection was done by in-depthinterviews with the institution that responsible to implement the responsive gender budget(ARG), community leaders, and traditional leaders. Focused group discussion also done tosynergize the opinion that was founded in the interview. The results of this research wasconcluded that the regional government of Kabupaten Karo and Kabupaten Nias Selatanstill have not identify the local genius that have added value and to be developed intothe policy making of RPJMP
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