3 research outputs found

    Association of mitochondrial DNA 10398 polymorphism with breast cancer and apoptosis in Malay population.

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    Polimorfisma 10398 mitokondria DNA telah didapati berkait dengan kanser payu dara dalam beberapa populasi. Dalam kajian ini, polimorfisma 10398 mitokondria DNA telah disaring pada 101 pesakit kanser payu dara wanita Melayu dan 90 wanita yang sihat sebagai kawalan dengan menggunakan kaedah penjujukan mini. Hasil menunjukkan perbezaan statistik yang signifikan dengan nilai P, p = 0.007 (OR, 2.29; 95% CI, 2.252- 4.200) dengan jumlah varian G lebih tinggi (73%) daripada varian A (27%) dalam pesakit dan juga dalam kawalan (G = 54%, A = 46%). Tisu kanser payudara kemudian dianalisis menggunakan kaedah immunohistokimia bagi mengkaji perkaitan polimorfisma ini dalam mempengaruhi aras apoptosis sel. Tiada perbezaan signifikan didapati antara aras pengekspresan protein pro (Bax) dan anti (Bcl-2) apoptosis antara pesakit yang membawa varian A ( p = 0.48). Bagaimanapun, terdapat perkaitan yang signifikan antara proteinprotein ini dalam pesakit yang mempunyai varian G (p = 0.016). Hasil ini menunjukkan polimorfisma 10398 mtDNA mungkin berguna sebagai penanda risiko kanser payu dara dalam populasi ini. The mitochondrial DNA 10398 polymorphism has been observed to associate with breast cancer in several populations. In this study, mitochondrial DNA 10398 polymorphism was screened in 101 Malay female patients with invasive breast cancer and 90 age-matched healthy female controls using minisequencing method. The results showed a statistically significant difference with P value of p = 0.007 (OR, 2.29; 95% CI, 1.252-4.200) with the proportion of G variant was higher (73%) than A variant in patients (27%) as well as in controls (G = 54%, A = 46%). The breast cancer tissues were then analyzed using immunohistochemistry method to investigate the relation of this polymorphism in affecting apoptotic level in breast cancer. No significant difference was observed between the expression of pro (Bax) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2) proteins among patients carrying A variant (p = 0.48). However, significant difference was observed in patients with G variant (p = 0.016). These results indicate that mtDNA 10398 polymorphism may be useful as a breast cancer risk marker in this population

    Information, Motivation and Behavioural Factors in Influencing Diabetes Self-Care: A Conceptual Paper

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    Globally, diabetes is a major public health concern and has impacted an estimated 425 million adults.  The increasing trend of diabetes incidence has impacted the Malaysian population and healthcare system. Evidence from studies suggested that diabetes can be treated and controlled through behavioural intervention. These include combining lifestyle with pharmacotherapy. Scholars in health behaviour highlighted the importance of assessing and monitoring the behavioural intervention among diabetic patients in terms of psychosocial aspects, such as information, motivation and behavioural factors, in relations with diabetes self-care. This article provides an overview of the empirical evidence regarding the importance of identifying information, motivation and behavioural factors, in relations with diabetes self-care. Information is among the prominent factors in establishing good diabetes management. Motivation can be conceptually defined as factors that predispose one to action and cues to behaviour change. Behavioural factors identified in this review includes compliance towards diabetes self-care. The outcome of this review could provide a better understanding of information, motivation and behavioural factors, and its relations with diabetes self-care

    Diabetes Knowledge and Perceived Information Needs: The Experiences, Views, and Challenges of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia (A Qualitative Study) Diabetes Knowledge and Perceived Information Needs Among T2DM Patients

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    Objective Amidst the increased diabetes prevalence in Malaysia, it is important to look into matters that influence patients’ self-management. Patients’ knowledge has been determined as an initiator for the improvement in diabetes self-management. This study aimed to explore patients’ experiences, views, and challenges in obtaining diabetes knowledge as well as to assess the information needs among patients. Method Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients (n=21) were recruited from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah and Meru Health Clinic in Klang via purposive sampling. In-depth Interviews (IDI) were performed using a semi-structured interview guide comprising open-ended questions. All data were analysed thematically. Results The patients aged between 29 to 79 years old and the majority were male. Most of the patients had T2DM for more than 5 years. Their main sources of information were healthcare providers (HCP) and the media. Although patients obtained the required knowledge on diabetes from the HCP, they still faced certain challenges, including the need for further information, especially on medication and dietary practice. Conclusion T2DM patients mainly sought information from the HCP and media since both sources were easily accessible and approachable. However, certain information, particularly on medication and diet, was vague and redundant. Thus, patients often requested further detailed information to aid the development of their self-management skills. An individual-based diagnostic instrument can be beneficial as it can serve as the guideline to oversee the needs and issues in tackling patients’ issues in DM management. Furthermore, government and other relevant stakeholders can diversify the approaches to improve the information delivery process by optimising effective communication channels (i.e., printed, internet, broadcasting) to cater to T2DM patients’ information needs