41 research outputs found

    The Effect of Mycorrhiza on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Requirement of Nursery Grown Eucalyptus

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    Eucalyptus is a potential forest species which is fast growing and has multipurpose uses. The forest plantation of PT. Inti Indorayon Utama in Indonesia faces serious problem of sending survival during transplanting. Furthermore, the budget for fertilizer in the nursery is also very expensive. The objective of this study therefore was to examine the effects of mycorrhiza application on nitrogen and phosphorus requirement of nursery grown eucalyptus. The study consisted of three components. The survey examined the occurrence of mycorrhizae in several plantation sectors. The effectivity trial evaluated the effectiveness of indigenous versus commercially produced mycorrhiza inoculum. The nursery trial examined the effect of selected mycorrhiza on nitrogen and phosphorus requirement of eucalyptus seedlings. Results from the survey showed that both ectomycorrhiza and arbuscular mycorrhiza were present in the almost all plantation sectors examined. plant age increased AM spore number, root colonization and presence of EM. Plantation management practices and the amount of soil organic matter in the forest were factors that contribute to the decrease in AM spore number under the young eucalyptus stands. The combined effect of spore number and several soil properties (Cu, Zn and pH) as well as the stage of eucalyptus stands affect percentage AM root colonization. The results from the effectivity study found that indigenous inoculum from Habinsaran was the most effective. However, its effectivity was lower than the commercially produced mycorrhiza. The results from the nursery study showed that mycorrhiza was able to increase seedling height, while reducing the amount of phosphorus fertilizer applied to the plants. However, mycorrhiza was not able to replace the nitrogen function in seedling growth. Application of combined indigenous with the commercial mycorrhiza inoculum gave the best overall seedlings ,growth compared to individual mycorrbi2'a inoculum (indigenous or commercial). The amount of N and P fertilizers applied also influenced the mycorrbiza role in increasing seedling growth. In conclusion growth of Eucalyptus seedlings was found to be significantly (p S; 0.05) affected by both mycorrhiza and fertilizer factors

    Enhancement of Phosphorus Solubilization from Phosphate Rocks and Plant Nutrient Availability Through Vermicomposting

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    Large amount of organic materials (OM), from oil palm by-products produced by plantations in Malaysia creates potential pollutants and habitat for certain parasitic insects and pathogen. Incorporation of these materials with phosphate rock (PR) and earthworm through vermicomposting process would promote the dissolution and plant availability of phosphorus (P) from PR. This study investigated the effect of oil palm by-products and earthworms in dissolution different types of PRs for production of vermiphosphocompost (VPC) in fulfilling the P requirement of Setaria splendida in comparison to the using of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in a glasshouse. The potential of earthworm in using oil palm by-products was investigated by surveying the population and diversity of earthworms in oil palm plantation with different types of soils and palm tree ages. Only exotic endogeic Pontoscolex corethrurus was found in oil palm plantation with low population (0 - 42 individual m-2). Heterogeneity of earthworm population in oil palm plantation attributed to food and soil physical habitat as determined by a principal component analysis (PCA). Vermicomposting of PR mixed EFB using Eisenia fetida in the laboratory gave a higher dissolution of P with morocco PR (MPR) >gafsa PR (GPR) > togo PR (TPR) than that of normal compost system. The corresponding values for frond were 165, 52, and 30%. This was attributed to higher humic acid content in VPC (0.07 g), the population of bacteria, extractable Ca, and enzymes phosphomonoesterase in the gut of earthworm. The bacteria in EFB-earthworm intestine was identified as Pseudomonas nitroreducens, and P. citronellolis, and Cellulomonas flavigena in frond-reared earthworm. Fresh EFB contain a significant value of total extractable phenol (10 g GAE 100 g-1 extract) at the beginning of composting process and decreased gradually after 4 weeks decomposition. The compound identified in fresh EFB was 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethyl)phenol, composted and field composted EFB was 2,6- bis(1,1-dimethyl) phenol. In contrast, there was no phenol detected in vermicomposted EFB. The direct application of 3 types earthworms in the glasshouse study using Setaria grass did not gave a significant difference on P availability, total nutrients in soil, nutrient-uptake and dry matter (DM) yield of grass. The VPC showed better growth of Setaria grass compared to EFB and conventional compost. Setaria needed about 75 ton ha-1 VPC to achieve a maximum DM for this experiment Inorganic fertilizer (GPR) mixed with EFB, AM and worm enhanced Setaria grass yield (60%) compare to GPR only and by using VPC (79%). The contribution of AM, earthworm of GPR on P uptake was varied depend on the interaction among them. In conclusion, VPC is the best way to managing EFB. Its nutrients content can support Setaria growth. Improvement of Setaria grass growth and plant availability of P and other nutrients (N and K) as indicated by nutrients uptake was obtained by mixing EFB with worm, AM, and inorganic fertilizers

    Effect of mixed organic-inorganic fertilizer on growth and phosphorus uptake of setaria grass (Setaria splendida).

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    Increasing phosphorus (P) availability in tropical P deficient soils is a challenging task. Vermicomposting of organic wastes in the presence of phosphate rock facilitates the release of P and this has the potential to address crop P needs. A study was conducted to assess and compare the effects of application of gafsa phosphate rock (GPR) alone and GPR in combination with empty oil palm fruit bunches, earthworms (Pontoscolex corethrurus), arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (Glomus mosseae), and P-enriched vermicompost, in fulfilling the P requirements of the setaria (Setaria splendida L.,) grass. Application of mixed organic fertilizer combined with GPR was effective in increasing dry matter yield of grass, with 19% higher dry matter production as compared to the use of GPR alone. Among the organic fertilizers, application of P-enriched vermicompost was the best to support the grass growth. Nitrogen, P, Ca, and Mg uptake of the grass treated with P-enriched vermicompost was higher. Nitrogen and P utilization efficiency of the setaria grass treated with P-enriched vermicompost was also high. Residual P in soil treated with GPR was higher as compared to that treated with P-enriched vermicompost. However, plant available P was higher than that for the other GPR application techniques. The different types of earthworms had no effect on the quantum of nutrient uptake and the dry matter yield of the setaria grass. Application of a mixture of GPR and empty oil palm fruit bunch to the soil increased the dry matter of setaria compared to the use of inorganic fertilizer alone. We conclude that soil treated with P-enriched vermicompost was an efficient treatment for increasing availability of P (24.28 mg kg-1), N, P, Ca and Mg uptake (53.76, 41.83, 13.58 and 15.16 mg pot-1, respectively); which ultimately enhanced root volume (163 cm3) and dry matter yield (5.75 to 6.46 g pot-1)


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    Kehadiran gulma pada budidaya jagung dapat menurunkan produksi jagung. Cara pengelolan gulma yang tepat diperlukan untuk menenkan pertumbuhan gulma dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung pada lahan budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh herbisida terhadap cara pengelolaan gulma di kabupaten Deli Serdang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun Balai Benih Induk Tanaman Palawija, Tanjung Selamat Kecamatan Sunggal Sumatera Utara pada bulan Juli-September 2013, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan 10 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan pengelolaan gulma. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, berat 100 biji dan berat pipil per plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara pengelolaan gulma berpengaruh tidak nyata pada tinggi tanaman umur 3,6 dan 9 MST dan Bobot 100 biji namun berpengaruh nyata terhadap aplikasi herbisida dengan menggunakan calaris produksi tongkol per plot sebesar 11.47 kg dibandingkan dengan gulma tidak dikendalikan 3.04 kg, dan Produksi Pipil Per Plot

    The analysis of decomposition rate of Vermigot fertilizer (vermicompost and kasgot) by utilizing of Black Soldier Fly larvae and earthworms with and without technique feeding

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    ABSTRACT   One of the efforts in managing waste is to carry out environmentally friendly bioconversion with one of the most popular composting is vermicomposting. The use of insects in composting is also one of the new technologies, namely the Black Soldier Fly larvae. The combination of two types of decomposing organisms that are synergistic can increase the effectiveness of the decomposition process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the rate of decomposition of vermigot fertilizer in the treatment of cow manure and banana stem waste by utilizing a combination of BSF larvae and earthworms. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design method with 2 techniques (feeding and without feeding), namely D0 = without decomposers; D1 = earthworm (100%); D2 = BSF larvae (100%); D3 = earthworms: BSF larvae (50% : 50% kg); D4 = earthworms : BSF larvae (25% : 75%); D4 = earthworms: BSF larvae (75% : 25%). The results of this study showed that the pH of the vermigot ranged from neutral to slightly alkaline (6.4 - 7.8) in the non-feeding technique, while the pH of the vermigot in the feeding technique was slightly acidic (5.7 - 5.8). The temperature of the vermigot in the non-feeding and feeding technique is the same, ranging from (26 - 31oC) but in the non-feeding technique the temperature tends to rise until the 5th day and tends to decrease on the 7th day to the 21st day. Meanwhile, the temperature of the vermigot with the feeding technique tends to experience fluctuations

    Deskripsi Makrofauna pada Tanah Andisol di Kabupaten Karo dengan Berbagai Ketebalan Abu Vulkanik Gunung Sinabung

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    Changed soil conditions will result in the changed population and diversity in the soil. The eruption of Sinabung Mount caused the surface of the soil covered with volcanic ash with various thicknesses. This research was to study a description of macrofaunal communities at different thicknesses of Sinabung volcanic ash on andisol soil in Karo Regency. The experiment was conducted in May 2017. The experiment plot was located at four locations, location I was not covered by ash (0 cm), location II was covered with thin ash (≤2 cm), location III was covered with medium ash (2-8 cm), location IV was covered with thick ash (≥8 cm) using the transect sampling method. Samples was collected by using the Pitfall Trap, Monolith quadrant, and the Hand Sorting method. Macrofaunal communities found 3 phyla, 6 classes, 11 orders, 17 families, and 18 species at location I. Macrofaunal communities found 3 phyla, 7 classes, 11 orders, 16 families, and 17 species at location II. Macrofaunal communities found 2 phyla, 3 classes, 7 orders, 9 families, and 9 species at location III. Macrofaunal communities found 1 phylum, 2 classes, 5 orders, 7 families, and 7 species at location IV

    Pengaruh Pemberian Azolla dan Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.) Di Tanah Sulfat Masam

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    Tanah sulfat masam adalah tanah yang bermasalah yang memiliki pH rendah, ketersediaan hara P yang rendah, dan tingginya kelarutan Al. Upaya untuk mengoptimlkan produktivitas tanah sulfat masam adalah melalui pemanfaatan tanaman toleran sulfat masam, mikroorganisme tanah dan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian azolla dan bakteri pelarut fosfat terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi padi sawah ( Oryza sativa L. ) di tanah sulfat masam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara di mulai pada bulan September sampai Desember 2017. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 4 ulangan. Faktor pertama pemberian azolla segar dengan 4 taraf, yaitu A0 = 0 g/pot, A1= 30 g/pot, A2= 60 g/pot, A3= 90 g/pot dan faktor kedua bakteri pelarut fosfat dengan 2 taraf, yaitu P0= tanpa bakteri pelarut fosfat dan P1= aplikasi bakteri pelarut fosfat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan dosis azolla mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan padi sawah, Sedangkan aplikasi bakteri pelarut fosfat mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi. Pemberian azolla segar 60 g/ember dan pemberian bakteri pelarut posfat merupakakan perlakuan terbaik yaitu ( jumlah anakan 4 anakan, jumlah malai 8,25 malai, jumlah gabah berisi 272,5 gabah, bobot bruto gabah kering 6,75 g, bobot jerami kering 18,27 g)

    Test of effectiveness decompocers on some types of compost material

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    Organic residues resulting from agricultural activities are nutrients for plants, but must go through a process of decomposition by soil microorganisms called decomposers. This study aims to examine the effect of several types of decomposers on several types of compost materials. This research was conducted at university faculty of agriculture of North Sumatera. This research was conducted starting from November 2017 - January 2018. In this research the design used is factorial randomized block design consisting of 2 factors of treatment that is compost material (TKKS, bagasse, straw) and decomposer type comes from, (TKKS, Bagasse, straw). the results showed that the compost material derived from TKKS was compost material containing N-total 1.31%, K-total 0.880%, C-organic 34.02%, C / N 30.51% and total microbial 2.5 x 108 CFU, higher than other compost materials. Decomposers derived from TKKS are decomposers capable of lowering the C / N ratio lower than the decomposers derived from other materials of 26.59, with total K-content of 0.556%, higher than others, C-organic 23.79% lower than others , but the highest N-total content comes from straw material that is 0.94%. The interaction between the compost and the decomposer derived from the isolates reduced C-organic and C / N lower than the others, but the reaction from the original decomposer to the N-total content of the TKKS was higher at 1.24%, the lower bagasse, 1.10 % and higher straw is 0.72% and K-total compost from TKKS is 0.91%, bagasse 0.21% and straw lower is 0.22%

    Prediksi Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Dengan Metode USLE Di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Desa Balian Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Palembang : Prediction of Erosion Hazard Level by USLE Method in Palm Plantation on Balian Village Mesuji Raya Sub-district Ogan Komering Ilir District Palembang

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    Beberapa area di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan memiliki faktor penghambat untuk pertumbuhan kelapa sawit yang optimal karena penyebaran curah hujan yang tidak merata sepanjang tahun, sehingga sering mengalami bulan kering yang panjang (Juli - Oktober), dan bulan lainnyamerupakan bulan hujan yang dapat menyebabkan erosi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat bahaya erosi melalui prediksi erosi menggunakan metode USLE dan membuat rekomendasi untuk tindakan konservasi di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT. Mutiara Bunda Jaya – Kebun Inti Permata Bunda Dua di Desa Balian Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Palembang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui survey lapangan dengan teknik sampling berdasarkan Satuan Peta Lahan, dilanjutkan menggunakan metode USLE untuk memprediksi erosi.Parameter yang diamati yaitu erosivitas hujan, erodibilitas tanah, panjang dan kemiringan lereng,tanaman, dan tindakan konservasi tanah.Hasil penelitan menunjukkan laju erosi di Perkebunan kelapa sawit PT. MBJ - IPBD berkisar 2,49 - 18,00 ton/ha/tahun. Laju erosi terendah terjadi pada SPL 28 dengan jenis tanah Plinthic Kanhapudults, kelerengan datar dengan tanaman tahun tanam 2008.Laju erosi tertinggi terjadi pada SPL 16 dengan jenis tanah Typic Dystrudepts, kelerengan landai dengan tanaman tahun tanam 2006.Tingkat bahaya erosi sangat rendah sebesar 91,21% atau 1.077,96 Ha dan tingkat bahaya erosi ringan sebesar 8,79% atau 103,88 Ha dari keseluruhan area sampelpada PT. MBJ - IPBD. Tindakan konservasi yang direkomendasikan yaitu pembuatan rorak