15 research outputs found

    Relationship between body mass index, waist circumference, fat mass and fat percentage as a measurement of obesity among Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris students

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of obesity based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, and fat mass and fat percentage and to examine the relationship between BMI, waist circumference, fat mass and fat percentage as the measurement of obesity among university students. The participants were 305 students from Univesiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) aged between 18-25 years old with males (n =101) and females (n =204). Digital InBody Stadiometer was used to measure height. Body Composition Analyzer was used to determine body mass, fat percentage, fat mass and body mass index. Seca - SC100 tapes was used to measure waist circumference. The data was analysed using descriptive statistic to determine the prevalence of obesity and the Pearson correlation was used to determine the relationship between the variables being studied. Results showed that the prevalence of obesity based on BMI in male was 34.6. % overweight and 12.9 % obese and 31% was overweight and 12% obese among female participants.  The prevalence of obesity according to BMI was higher in men if compare to women. The results of waist circumference showed the greater number of females (71.6%) being overweight compared to males (64.3 %). Overall, there was a strong, positive correlation between body mass index, waist circumference, fat mass and fat percentage in measuring obesity.Keywords: Overweight, Obese, BMI, Waist circumference, and Fat mas

    Performance analysis of the Malaysian elite youth squash players

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    This study analysed the frequencies and court locations of squash strokes performed by elite Malaysian youth players before and during a national tournament. One hundred and seventy nine matches participated by six players (three men and three women) were analysed. Data collected via video recordings and coded post match using Studiocode® analysis software. The straight and cross court drives were the most frequent strokes used by both genders, with more on the backhand side. The drop shot and straight drives contributed to most winners for the men and women respectively. Most winners were produced by the players when they occupied the middle areas of the court. The areas that resulted most errors were the four corners of the court for the men whilst the women was on their backhand side areas. Objective feedback on the performance prior to a major competition provided some positive results.Keywords: performance analysis, squash, youth

    Design of Serial-Fed Bend-Array and Measured Results

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    For the next generation mobile system (5G), a cylindrical lens antenna is developed for mobile base station application. As for the feed radiator for this lens antenna, bendarray configuration that produces a bifurcated beam is also developed. The bend-array configuration consisting of four rectangular patch array elements with serial feed network. In previous work, achievement of the bifurcated beam by bendarray configuration was shown by electromagnetic simulations. In this paper, a practical bend-array composed of four numbers of patch elements is fabricated. To verify the radiation characteristics, measured results of antenna input characteristic and radiation pattern are compared with the designed results. Through good agreement of measured and designed results, achievement of practical antenna is ensured

    Characterization of Lens Antenna in Wireless Communication System

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    The focus of this paper is to design lens and analyze the lens behavior in lens antenna. This lens antenna is designed to enhance the gain of conventional antenna. A few factors that influenced the design of lens and gain of lens antenna is investigated. CST software is used to design the lens. At the end of this experiment, the lens gain increased from 8.782 dB to 11.07 dB

    Ola! Cereal Scientists Meet in Barcelona, Spain

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    Гострі фізіологічні реакції і працездатність після повторних вправ CrossFit «CINDY» з соком Zea Mays

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological responses and performance following subsequent repeated high intensity exercise with consumption of Zea may juice ( ZM ) Materials: Total of seventeen participants involved in the study. They were physically active who had cardio and strength training at least 3 times per week. The age of participants was 21.8±1.7 years old, body weight 65.4±11.2 kg and height 169.7±7.2 cm. Crossfit ‘CINDY’ exercise were repeated between two hours of rest. Treatment beverage of ( ZM ) juice vs Carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) drinks were consumed immediately after exercise in double blind cross over manner. Number of complete set of exercise, heart rate, blood lactate and rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE) were recorded at the end of each exercise session. Results: Total number of complete ‘CINDY’ exercise significantly increased in ZM juice group during second bout of exercise compared to CE drink group. There were no significant difference in heart rate, blood lactate and RPE in both groups Conclusions: ZM juice has potentials an alternative recovery beverage to promote subsequent repeated exercise within short rest time.Цель: Целью данного исследования было изучение физиологических реакций и работоспособности после последующих повторных упражнений высокой интенсивности с потреблением сока Zea may (ZM) Материалы: Всего в исследовании приняли участие семнадцать участников. Они были физически активны, у которых были кардио и силовые тренировки, по крайней мере, 3 раза в неделю. Возраст участников 21,8 ± 1,7 года, масса тела 65,4 ± 11,2 кг, рост 169,7 ± 7,2 см. Упражнения Crossfit «CINDY» повторяли между двумя часами отдыха. Напиток - сок (ZM) против напитков, содержащих углеводы и электролиты (CE), потребляли сразу после тренировки в режиме двойного слепого кроссинговера. Количество завершенных упражнений, частоту сердечных сокращений, уровень лактата в крови и уровень ощущаемого истощения (RPE) регистрировали в конце каждого сеанса упражнений. Результаты: Общее количество полных упражнений «CINDY» значительно увеличилось в группе, употребляющих сок ZM во время второго упражнения, по сравнению с группой с CE. Не было значимых различий в частоте сердечных сокращений, лактата в крови и RPE в обеих группах. Выводы: сок ZM обладает потенциалом альтернативного восстановительного напитка, способствующего повторным упражнениям в течение короткого времени отдыха.Мета: Метою даного дослідження було вивчення фізіологічних реакцій і працездатності після наступних повторних вправ високої інтенсивності з споживанням соку Zea may (ZM) Матеріали: Всього в дослідженні взяли участь сімнадцять учасників. Вони були фізично активні, у яких були кардіо і силові тренування, не менше, ніж 3 рази на тиждень. Вік учасників 21,8 ± 1,7 року, маса тіла 65,4 ± 11,2 кг, зріст 169,7 ± 7,2 см. Вправи Crossfit «CINDY» повторювали між двома годинами відпочинку. Напій - сік (ZM) проти напоїв, що містять вуглеводи і електроліти (CE), споживали відразу після тренування в режимі подвійного сліпого кросинговеру. Кількість завершених вправ, частоту серцевих скорочень, рівень лактату в крові і рівень відчувається виснаження (RPE) реєстрували в кінці кожного сеансу вправ. Результати: Загальна кількість повних вправ «CINDY» значно збільшилася в групі, що вживала сік ZM під час другого вправи, в порівнянні з групою з CE. Не було значущої різниці в частоті серцевих скорочень, лактату в крові і RPE в обох групах. Висновки: сік ZM має потенціал альтернативного відновлювального напою, що сприяє повторним вправам протягом короткого часу відпочинку

    Eye Disorders in Children with Celiac Disease

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