46 research outputs found

    The presence of schistosoma mansoni antigens in solutions used for storing adult worms

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    Vaccination in murine schistosomiasis with adult worm derived antigens - II. Protective and immune response in inbred mice

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    Previous work in our laboratory, mainly foccused the prospects of achieving resistance against Schistosoma mansoni infection with adult worm-derived antigens in the form of a soluble extract (SE). This extract obtained by incubation of living adult schistosomes in saline, contains a large number of distinct molecules and was actually shown to be a significantly protective in different outbred animals models such as Swiss mice and rabbits. It thus appeared worthwile to investigate the potencial protective activity of SE in different inbred strains of mice, known to be highly susceptible to the infection. Herein we present data showing that DBA/2 mice, once immunized with SE acquire significant levels of resistance to a S. mansoni cercarial challenge. In addition, preliminary studies on the immune system of immunized animals reveled that, injection of SE caused no general inbalance of B or T cell responses


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    It was a renewed pleasure for me and the Organizing Committee to welcome and to host the VII International Symposium on Schistosomiasis, held in Rio de Janeiro, during 5-9 December, 1999


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