755 research outputs found
From student nurse to nurse professional:The shaping of professional identity in nursing
Het tekort aan verpleegkundigen is door een verminderd aanbod van verpleegkundigen en een toenemende zorgvraag een groot probleem. Yvonne ten Hoeve onderzocht waarom studenten kiezen voor een carrière in de verpleging, waarom de één stopt met de studie en wat een ander motiveert om te blijven. Het blijkt dat goede begeleiding en emotionele steun van docenten en mentoren onmisbare ingrediënten zijn om studenten te motiveren om hun studie af te ronden. Daarnaast spelen intrinsieke factoren (de uitdrukkelijke wens om verpleegkundige te worden en doorzettingsvermogen) en extrinsieke factoren (steun en aanmoediging van familie en vrienden) een belangrijke rol. Ze heeft vervolgens onderzocht met welke praktijksituaties jonge verpleegkundigen worden geconfronteerd. De resultaten laten zien dat de transitie van student naar professioneel verpleegkundige een uitdagend proces is dat gepaard gaat met existentiële en stressvolle situaties. De toenemende complexiteit van de zorg heeft een negatieve invloed op hun commitment met het beroep. Confrontaties met ernstig zieke patiënten en negatieve ervaringen met agressieve patiënten zijn geen redenen om het beroep te verlaten, maar hebben wel een grote impact op hun emoties, zoals gevoelens van verdriet, machteloosheid en boosheid. Een belangrijke strategie om met deze gevoelens om te gaan is het delen van emotionele ervaringen met hun collega’s en leidinggevenden. Om het tekort aan verpleegkundigen tegen te gaan is het essentieel om commitment van studenten en verpleegkundigen te bevorderen door het bieden van een veilige werkomgeving. Steun van collega’s en leidinggevenden is van fundamenteel belang voor het aantrekken en behouden van een gemotiveerde en goed-opgeleide beroepsgroep
Turnover prevention:The direct and indirect association between organizational job stressors, negative emotions and professional commitment in novice nurses
Aims: Getting insight in the most crucial organizational job stressors for novice nurses' professional commitment and whether the job stressors are mediated through negative emotions. Design: The study used an observational cohort design. Methods: Organizational job stressors were derived from 580 diary entries by 18 novice nurses combined with measures on emotions and commitment. The diaries were collected from September 2013–September 2014. Results: Path modelling revealed that lack of support from colleagues, negative experiences ith patients and confrontations with existential events were most strongly negatively related to professional commitment through negative emotions. Other indirectly and negatively related organizational job stressors to commitment were complexity of care, lack of control and work-life imbalance; only conflicting job demands, and lack of control related to professional commitment directly. Conclusion(s): To enhance professional commitment, it is important to reduce negative emotions in novice nurses by collegial support in dealing with negative experiences with patients, complexity of care and existential events and to prevent lack of control and an imbalance between private life and work. Nurse supervisors and managers can encourage nurses to share negative patient experiences, issues related to complexity of care and existential events. Impact: Considering the worldwide nursing shortage and early turnover, more understanding is needed about how negative emotions mediate the relationship between organizational negative job stressors and professional commitment and the relative impact of organizational job stressors to professional commitment. The study stresses the importance of a supportive role of supervisors and nurse managers to improve the work environment and hence increase novice nurses' commitment and retention
SNMP Trace Analysis: Results of Extra Traces
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SMMP) was introduced in the late 1980s. Since then, several evolutionary protocol changes have taken place, resulting in the SNMP version 3 framework (SNMPv3). Extensive use of SNMP has led to significant practical experience by both network operators and researchers. Since recently, researchers are in the possession of real world SNMP traces. This allows researchers to analyze the real world application of SNMP. A publication of 2007 made a significant start with this. However, real world trace analysis demands a continual approach, due to changing circumstances (e.g., regarding the network and SNMP engine implementations). Therefore, this paper reports on a lot more traces than in the mentioned paper, which are also more recent
Dietitians in the Netherlands and dietary supplements: Practices, personal use and beliefs
The use of dietary supplements is increasingly common in the United States and Europe. Dietitians are among the health care professionals regarded as experts on healthy diet and lifestyle and as such, their recommendations and beliefs regarding dietary supplements may have a significant influence on the use of dietary supplements by consumers. Recommending practices, personal use and beliefs were evaluated in this cross-sectional pilot study. 64% reported using dietary supplements, sometimes, often or very often, themselves for prevention of a health condition, 60% for treatment of a health condition and 44% for enhancing physical or mental performance. 71% indicated recommending supplements sometimes, often or very often for prevention, 82% for treatment of a health condition and 43% for enhancement of performance. Dietary supplements were considered at least moderately safe by 94% of the participating dietitians, while 75% of the dietitians considered dietary supplements at least moderately effective in preventing a health condition, 91% for treatment of a health condition and 59% for performance enhancement
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