260 research outputs found

    Quetiapine modulates anxiety-like behaviours and alleviates the decrease of BDNF in the amygdala of an APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Quetiapine, an atypical antipsychotic drug, is effective in treating the behavioural and the psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). The objective of this study was to examine the effects of quetiapine on anxiety-like behaviour in the amyloid precursor protein (APP)/ presenilin 1 (PS1) double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The mice were treated with quetiapine (0, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg/day) orally in drinking water for 7 or 10 months starting from 2 months of age. Conditioned anxiety was measured using the elevated T-maze (ETM). To measure memory, the Y-maze and the Morris Water maze were employed. After behavioural testing, ñ-amyloid (Añ) plaques in the hippocampus and cortex of transgenic mice were stained using Congo Red. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the hippocampus of mice was examined using immunohistochemical methods. The statistics revealed an interaction between quetiapine and APP/PS1 double transgenic mice in the avoidance phase of the ETM. Quetiapine modulates anxiety-like behaviours in the ETM. The anxiety-like behaviours were associated with reductions in BDNF levels in the BLA and hippocampus of the transgenic mice. This was reversed by treatment with quetiapine. Furthermore, chronic administration of quetiapine attenuated the memory impairment and decreased the Añ plaque load in the brain. This study demonstrates that quetiapine normalizes anxiety-like behaviour and up-regulates cerebral BDNF levels in the APP/PS1 mice, suggesting that quetiapine may function as a neuroprotectant as well as an antipsychotic in treating the BPSD associated with AD

    Une validation québécoise du Satisfaction with Life Domains Scale

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    La version quĂ©bĂ©coise de l'Échelle de satisfaction avec les domaines de la vie (ESDV), dĂ©veloppĂ©e aux Etats-Unis auprĂšs de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale et adaptĂ©e pour des personnes avec des problĂšmes sĂ©vĂšres et persistants de santĂ© mentale a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e auprĂšsI d'un Ă©chantillon de 266 personnes de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, et de 245 personnes avec des troubles mentaux sĂ©vĂšres. Les analyses factorielles ont permis d'identifier quatre sous-Ă©chelles dans la population clinique et cinq dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. La consistance interne de l'Ă©chelle globale (alpha = 0,90) et des sous-Ă©chelles (alpha entre 0,60 et 0,84) s'est avĂ©rĂ©e excellente et la stabilitĂ© temporelle de l'instrument s'est avĂ©rĂ©e bonne (r = 0,73). De plus, des analyses de la variance et l'analyse discriminante permettent de constater que les sous-Ă©chelles ont un pouvoir discriminant Ă©levĂ© ; elles permettent de distinguer la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, les bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires d'aide sociale et les personnes psychotiques. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que l'ESDV possĂšde de trĂšs bonnes qualitĂ©s psychomĂ©triques et constitue une mesure valide de qualitĂ© de vie subjective pour desI Ă©tudes descriptives ou Ă©valuatives.This article presents the results of the Quebec validation of the Sa-tisfaction With Life Domains Scale. This scale was dĂ©veloppĂ©e in theUnited States for the general population and adapted for severely men-tally ill individuals. Two hundred and sixty six individuals from the ge-neral population and 245 severely mentally ill persons participated inthis study. Factor anlysis allowed the identification of four sub-scalesfor the clinical population and five for the general population. The scale(alpha=0,90) and the sub-scales (alpha between 0,60 et 0,84) show ex-cellent internal consistencies and the test-retest reliability was good (r=0,73). Moreover, analysis of the variance and the discriminant analysisallow to acknowledge that the sub-scales have a high discriminatingpower; they allow to distinguish the general population from welfare re-cipient and people suffering from psychosis. The overall results suggestthat l'Échelle de satisfaction des domaines de vie have good psychome-tric properties and can be considered as a valid instrument for assessingsubjective quality of life in descriptive or evaluative studies

    Différences et similitudes dans la perception de la schizophrénie entre les omnipraticiens et la population générale québécoise

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    Le rĂŽle potentiel des omnipraticiens Ă  l’égard d’une maladie comme la schizophrĂ©nie a Ă©tĂ© redĂ©finie lors du dernier Plan d’organisation de la santĂ© mentale au QuĂ©bec en 2006. Dans cet article les auteurs prĂ©sentent des rĂ©sultats concernant la perception et les attitudes des omnipraticiens du QuĂ©bec vis-Ă -vis des patients souffrant de cette affection. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  travers un sondage sont comparĂ©s Ă  ceux obtenus grĂące Ă  5 questions communes posĂ©es Ă  la population quĂ©bĂ©coise en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Un court questionnaire, composĂ© de 5 items choisis Ă  partir d’un questionnaire plus Ă©largi et prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© aux omnipraticiens du QuĂ©bec. Ces items sondaient la perception et l’attitude des mĂ©decins Ă  l’égard de la schizophrĂ©nie. À partir d’un Ă©chantillon alĂ©atoire de 3 500 omnipraticiens, un taux de 29 %, soit un peu plus de mille (1003, 46 % de femmes et 54 % d’hommes), rĂ©pondants a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©. Les auteurs ont constatĂ© des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les omnipraticiens et la population quĂ©bĂ©coise gĂ©nĂ©rale dans la tendance Ă  vouloir offrir de l’aide aux personnes souffrant de schizophrĂ©nie (omnipraticiens = 58 % versus population gĂ©nĂ©rale : 45 %). Également, un plus haut pourcentage d’omnipraticiens (72 %) a dit ressentir de la compassion envers les patients souffrant de schizophrĂ©nie versus 27 % dans la population en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Les omnipraticiens ont dit se sentir moins Ă  l’aise de discuter ouvertement de la maladie Ă  un membre de la famille si ce dernier Ă©tait affligĂ© de la schizophrĂ©nie (26 % versus 48 %). Il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence entre les deux populations en ce qui concerne le jugement de la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la schizophrĂ©nie dans le champ des maladies y compris des maladies mentales.This paper presents results concerning the perceptions and attitudes of Quebec physicians towards patients with schizophrenia and compares data obtained from a previous poll to data drawn from answers of five common questions asked to the general population. A short questionnaire with 5 items selected earlier from a broader questionnaire submitted to the general population, has been distributed to Quebec physicians. These items inquired about the perceptions and attitudes of physicians towards schizophrenia. A randomized sample of physicians was performed. Three thousand and five hundred (3 500) physicians were selected and distributed questionnaires. A response rate of 29 %, a little more than one thousand (1003 responses) was observed, 46 % women and 54 % men. The authors have found significant differences between physicians and the general population in the tendency of wanting to offer help to those suffering from schizophrenia (physicians = 58 % versus general population : 45 %). Also, a higher percentage of physicians (72 %) have expressed feelings of compassion towards patients with schizophrenia versus 27 % in the general population. Results indicate that physicians, with a family member suffering from schizophrenia, are less comfortable discussing openly about the family member’s illness (26 % versus 48 %). With regards to preconception of the severity of schizophrenia, in the field of health, and more specifically mental health, there are no differences observed amongst the physicians and the general population.En este artĂ­culo, los autores presentan los resultados concernientes a la percepciĂłn y las actitudes de los mĂ©dicos generales de QuĂ©bec con respecto a los pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia y comparan los datos obtenidos a travĂ©s de una encuesta con aquellos obtenidos gracias a 5 preguntas comunes realizadas a la poblaciĂłn quebequense en general. Se propuso a los mĂ©dicos generales de QuĂ©bec un cuestionario corto, compuesto de 5 temas escogidos previamente a partir de un cuestionario mĂĄs largo y presentado a la poblaciĂłn en general. Estos temas exploran la percepciĂłn y la actitud de los mĂ©dicos en relaciĂłn con la esquizofrenia. Un poco mĂĄs de mil (1,003) mĂ©dicos generales (46% de las mujeres y 54% de los hombres) respondieron a partir de una muestra aleatoria. De los 3,500 cuestionarios enviados, la tasa de respuesta fue de 29%. Los autores constataron diferencias significativas entre los mĂ©dicos generales y la poblaciĂłn quebequense en general en cuanto a la tendencia a querer ofrecer ayuda a las personas que sufren de esquizofrenia (mĂ©dicos generales = 58% comparado con la poblaciĂłn general: 45%). Del mismo modo, un porcentaje mayor de mĂ©dicos generales (72%) dijeron sentir compasiĂłn por los pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia, comparado con 27% de la poblaciĂłn en general. Los mĂ©dicos dijeron sentirse menos cĂłmodos para discutir abiertamente acerca de la enfermedad con un miembro de la familia si Ă©ste sufre de esquizofrenia (26% comparado con 48%). No hubo diferencia entre las dos poblaciones en cuanto al juicio de la severidad de la esquizofrenia en el campo de las enfermedades, incluyendo las enfermedades mentales.Neste artigo, os autores apresentam resultados a respeito da percepção e das atitudes dos mĂ©dicos generalistas do Quebec com respeito aos pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia e comparam os dados obtidos com uma sondagem aos obtidos graças a cinco questĂ”es comuns enviadas Ă  população quebequense em geral. Um curto questionĂĄrio, composto de cinco itens escolhidos previamente a partir de um questionĂĄrio mais abrangente e apresentado Ă  população em geral, foi proposto aos mĂ©dicos generalistas do Quebec. Estes itens sondavam a percepção e a atitude dos mĂ©dicos com respeito Ă  esquizofrenia. Pouco mais de mil mĂ©dicos generalistas (1.003 - 46% mulheres e 54% homens) responderam a partir de uma amostragem aleatĂłria. Dos 3.500 questionĂĄrios enviados, a taxa de resposta foi de 29%. Os autores constataram diferenças importantes entre os mĂ©dicos generalistas e a população quebequense em geral na tendĂȘncia de querer oferecer ajuda Ă s pessoas que sofrem de esquizofrenia (mĂ©dicos generalistas: 58% versus população geral: 45%). Igualmente, uma porcentagem mais alta de mĂ©dicos generalistas (72%) disseram sentir compaixĂŁo pelos pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia, versus 27% na população em geral. Os mĂ©dicos generalistas disseram sentir-se menos Ă  vontade para discutir abertamente sobre a doença a um membro da famĂ­lia, se este sofrer de esquizofrenia (26% versus 48%). NĂŁo havia diferença entre as duas populaçÔes com respeito ao julgamento da gravidade da esquizofrenia no campo das doenças, incluindo doenças mentais

    Perspective d’usagers suivis en clinique externe d’établissements de premiĂšre, deuxiĂšme et troisiĂšme lignes

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    L'Ă©tude regroupe les rĂ©sultats de quatre enquĂȘtes majeures sur la satisfaction de la clientĂšle de services de consultation externe en santĂ© mentale de MontrĂ©al. Elle implique des milieux offrant des services de base, des services spĂ©cialisĂ©s et des services ultra-spĂ©cialisĂ©s. EffectuĂ©e Ă  l'aide d'entrevues individuelles auprĂšs d'un total de 856 patients, elle a permis de documenter la perspective de ces usagers. Les principales tendances observĂ©es indiquent que les patients sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement trĂšs satisfaits de la façon d'ĂȘtre des intervenants et de l'alliance thĂ©rapeutique Ă©tablie avec eux. L'organisation et le fonctionnement des services gĂ©nĂšrent toutefois des taux de satisfaction nettement infĂ©rieurs. Ces rĂ©sultats semblent reflĂ©ter l'impact des transformations rĂ©centes dans le systĂšme de services en santĂ© mentale.This study is based on results of four major surveys on the satisfaction of the clientele regarding external consultation of mental health services in MontrĂ©al. It covers milieux offering primary care, specialized and ultra-specialized services. Conducted with 856 patients through personal interviews, this study has allowed to document consumers' perspectives. The major tendencies observed indicate that patient are generally highly satisfied with the work of mental health professionals and the therapeutic alliance they establish with them. Organization as well as functioning of services however, generate less satisfaction. These results appear to reflect the impact of recent transformation of the mental health system.El estudio reagrupa los resultados de cuatro grandes encuestas sobre la satisfacciĂłn de la clientela de los servicios de consulta externa en salud mental de Montreal. Esta implica los medios que ofrecen servicios de base, servicios especializados y servicios ultra especializados. Efectuada por medio de entrevistas individuales a 856 pacientes, la misma ha permitido documentar la perspectiva de estos usuarios. Las principales tendencias observadas indican que en general los pacientes se encuentran satisfechos de la manera de ser de los trabajadores y de la alianza terapĂ©utica que se ha establecido con ellos. La organizaciĂłn y el funcionamiento de los servicios generan sin embargo algunos porcentajes de satisfacciĂłn, netamente inferiores. Estos resultados parecen reflejar el impacto de las recientes transformaciones en el sistema de servicios en salud mental

    Sur la premiÚre ligne : sondage pour un partage. Les omnipraticiens et la schizophrénie

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    Contexte : Les omnipraticiens (MFs) jouent un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans le traitement des patients atteints de schizophrĂ©nie. Buts : DĂ©couvrir le nombre de patients atteints de schizophrĂ©nie qui sont traitĂ©s par les MFs ; les besoins et attitudes des MFs, leurs connaissances en matiĂšre de diagnostic, et le traitement qu’ils prodiguent. MĂ©thodologie : Un sondage postal a Ă©tĂ© conduit auprĂšs de MFs du QuĂ©bec choisis de façon alĂ©atoire. RĂ©sultats : Un total de 1 003 MFs ont rĂ©pondu au sondage. Parmi eux, un faible pourcentage a Ă  rencontrer une schizophrĂ©nie dĂ©butante et les MFs dĂ©sirent ĂȘtre plus informĂ©s sur l’accessibilitĂ© aux services des spĂ©cialistes. Les rĂ©sultats objectivĂ©s aux questions portant sur les diagnostics et les connaissances sur les traitements sont inconsistants. La majoritĂ© des MFs traite les premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques avec des antipsychotiques. Seulement un tiers d’entre eux proposent de maintenir le traitement aprĂšs un premier Ă©pisode psychotique, conformĂ©ment aux recommandations internationales et au rĂ©cent guide de pratique canadien qui prĂ©conisent au moins de 6 Ă  12 mois de traitement aprĂšs la rĂ©ponse clinique partielle ou complĂšte. Le temps consacrĂ© par les MFs masculins Ă  un premier contact s’étale entre 10 et 20 minutes, tandis que 80 % des MFs femmes y consacrent au moins 20 minutes Les effets secondaires des antipsychotiques les plus prĂ©occupants sont les gains de poids avant les signes neurologiques. Conclusion : un certain nombre de donnĂ©es de ce sondage devraient ĂȘtre reprises par les diffĂ©rentes associations professionnelles et gouvernementales, afin de bonifier la place des MFs dans un plan de santĂ© Ă  l’égard de la schizophrĂ©nie.Context: General practitioners (GP) play a preponderant role in the treatment of patients suffering of schizophrenia. Objectives: Discovering the number of patients with schizophrenia who are treated by GPs ; the needs and attitudes of GPs, their knowledge concerning diagnosis, and the treatment they provide. Methodology: A postal survey was conducted with Quebec GPs who were randomly chosen. Results: A total of 1 003 GPs have participated in the survey. Among them, a small percentage have to treat an early onset schizophrenia and the GPs have expressed their wish to be more informed on the accessibility of specialized services. Results pertaining to questions on diagnoses and knowledge on treatments are inconsistent. The majority of GPs treat the first psychotic episodes with antipsychotic medication. Only a third of GPs surveyed propose maintaining the treatment after a first psychotic episode, in accordance with international recommendations and the recent Canadian guidelines on practices that recommends at least 6 to 12 months of treatment after a partial or complete clinical response. Time given by male GPs to a first contact varies between 10 and 20 minutes, while 80 % of female GPs spend at least 20 minutes. The adverse effects of antipsychotic medication that raise most concern is weight gain before neurological signs. Conclusion: some of this survey’s data should be considered by various professional and governmental associations, in order to improve the place of GPs in a health plan destined to treat schizophrenia.Contexto: Los mĂ©dicos familiares (MFs) desempeñan un papel preponderante en el tratamiento de pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia. Objetivos: Descubrir el nĂșmero de pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia y que son tratados por los MFs; las necesidades y actitudes de los MFs, sus conocimientos en materia de diagnĂłstico y el tratamiento que ofrecen. MetodologĂ­a: Se realizĂł una encuesta por correo con los MFs de Quebec elegidos de modo aleatorio. Resultados: Un total de 1,003 MFs respondieron a la encuesta. Entre ellos, un porcentaje bajo han encontrado una esquizofrenia inicial y los MFs desean estar mĂĄs informados sobre la accesibilidad a los servicios de los especialistas. Los resultados asociados a las preguntas sobre los diagnĂłsticos y los conocimientos acerca de los tratamientos son inconsistentes. La mayorĂ­a de los MFs tratan los primeros episodios psicĂłticos con antipsicĂłticos. Solamente un tercio de ellos propone mantener el tratamiento despuĂ©s de un primer episodio psicĂłtico, conforme a las recomendaciones internacionales y a la reciente guĂ­a de prĂĄctica canadiense que preconiza al menos de 6 a 12 meses de tratamiento despuĂ©s de la respuesta clĂ­nica parcial o completa. El tiempo consagrado por los MFs masculinos en un primer contacto se extiende de 10 a 20 minutos, mientras que el 80% de los MFs femeninas consagran al menos 20 minutos. Los efectos secundarios de los antipsicĂłticos mĂĄs preocupantes son el aumento de peso antes que los signos neurolĂłgicos. ConclusiĂłn: un cierto nĂșmero de datos de esta encuesta deberĂ­an ser retomados por las diferentes asociaciones profesionales y gubernamentales a fin de bonificar el lugar de los MFs en un plan de salud con respecto a la esquizofrenia.Contexto: os clĂ­nicos gerais (mĂ©dicos de famĂ­lia - MFs) representam um papel preponderante no tratamento dos pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia. Objetivos: descobrir o nĂșmero de pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia que sĂŁo tratados por MFs, as necessidades e atitudes dos MFs, seus conhecimentos em matĂ©ria de diagnĂłstico, e o tratamento que prescrevem. Metodologia: uma sondagem postal foi realizada com MFs do Quebec, escolhidos de maneira aleatĂłria. Resultados: um total de 1.003 MFs responderam Ă  sondagem. Dentre eles, uma pequena porcentagem encontrou uma esquizofrenia inicial e os MFs desejam ser melhor informados sobre a acessibilidade aos serviços de especialistas. Os resultados obtidos com as questĂ”es sobre os diagnĂłsticos e os conhecimentos sobre os tratamentos sĂŁo inconsistentes. A maioria dos MFs trata os primeiros episĂłdios psicĂłticos com antipsicĂłticos. Apenas um terço dentre eles propĂ”e manter o tratamento apĂłs um primeiro episĂłdio psicĂłtico, conforme as recomendaçÔes internacionais e o recente guia de prĂĄtica canadense, que preconiza pelo menos 6 a 12 meses de tratamento apĂłs a resposta clĂ­nica parcial ou completa. O tempo dedicado pelos MFs masculinos a um primeiro contato dura entre 10 e 20 minutos, ao passo que 80% das MFs femininas consagram, pelo menos, 20 minutos. O efeito colateral dos antipsicĂłticos mais inquietante Ă© o aumento de peso antes dos sinais neurolĂłgicos. ConclusĂŁo: um certo nĂșmero de dados desta sondagem deverĂŁo ser retomados por diferentes associaçÔes profissionais e governamentais, a fim de melhorar a importĂąncia dos MFs em um plano de saĂșde com respeito Ă  esquizofrenia

    Real-Time Experimental Comparison of Two Depth Control Schemes for Underwater Vehicles Regular Paper

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    International audienceThis paper deals with an experimental comparison be‐ tween the proportional integral derivative (PID) control law and the adaptive nonlinear state feedback control, both applied on the AC-ROV underwater vehicle. The experi‐ mental results evaluate the closed-loop behaviour of the system under each controller in various operating condi‐ tions in order to compare how robust they are towards parameters' change and how they can reject external disturbances. It was concluded that the adaptive controller ensures a faster convergence and can adapt to a change of parameters as well as compensate for external disturban‐ ces. The PID needs to be retuned for every parameter change and is more sensitive to external disturbances

    Clinical utility of combinatorial pharmacogenomic testing in depression: A Canadian patient- and rater-blinded, randomized, controlled trial

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    The pharmacological treatment of depression consists of stages of trial and error, with less than 40% of patients achieving remission during first medication trial. However, in a large, randomized-controlled trial (RCT) in the U.S. (“GUIDED”), significant improvements in response and remission rates were observed in patients who received treatment guided by combinatorial pharmacogenomic testing, compared to treatment-as-usual (TAU). Here we present results from the Canadian “GAPP-MDD” RCT. This 52-week, 3-arm, multi-center, participant- and rater-blinded RCT evaluated clinical outcomes among patients with depression whose treatment was guided by combinatorial pharmacogenomic testing compared to TAU. The primary outcome was symptom improvement (change in 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, HAM-D17) at week 8. Secondary outcomes included response (≄50% decrease in HAM-D17) and remission (HAM-D17 ≀ 7) at week 8. Numerically, patients in the guided-care arm had greater symptom improvement (27.6% versus 22.7%), response (30.3% versus 22.7%), and remission rates (15.7% versus 8.3%) compared to TAU, although these differences were not statistically significant. Given that the GAPP-MDD trial was ultimately underpowered to detect statistically significant differences in patient outcomes, it was assessed in parallel with the larger GUIDED RCT. We observed that relative improvements in response and remission rates were consistent between the GAPP-MDD (33.0% response, 89.0% remission) and GUIDED (31.0% response, 51.0% remission) trials. Together with GUIDED, the results from the GAPP-MDD trial indicate that combinatorial pharmacogenomic testing can be an effective tool to help guide depression treatment in the context of the Canadian healthcare setting (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02466477)

    Pharmacotherapy of Schizophrenic Patients: Preponderance of Off-Label Drug Use

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    Multiple drug class combinations are often prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia, although antipsychotic monotherapy reflects FDA labeling and scientific justification for combinations is highly variable. This study was performed to gain current data regarding drug treatment of schizophrenia as practiced in the community and to assess the frequencies of off-label drug class combinations. 200 DSM IV-diagnosed schizophrenic patients recruited from community treatment sources participated in this cross-sectional study of community based schizophrenic patients. Drug class categories include First and Second Generation Antipsychotic drugs (FGA and SGA, respectively), mood stabilizers, antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. 25.5% of patients received antipsychotic monotherapy; 70% of patients received an antipsychotic and another drug class. A total of 42.5% of patients received more than one antipsychotic drug. The most common drug class combination was antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer. Stepwise linear discriminant function analysis identified the diagnosis of schizoaffective schizophrenia, history of having physically hurt someone and high scores on the General Portion of the PANSS rating scale predicted the combined use of an antipsychotic drug and a mood stabilizer. “Real world” pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia has developed its own established practice that is predominantly off-label and may have outstripped current data support. The economic implications for public sector payers are substantial as well as for the revenue of the pharmaceutical industry, whose promotion of off-label drug use is an increasingly problematic. These data are consistent with the recognition of the therapeutic limitations of both first and second generation antipsychotic drugs
