1,760 research outputs found

    Pressure Induced Charge Disproportionation in LaMnO3_{3}

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    We present a total energy study as a function of volume in the cubic phase of LaMnO3_{3}. A charge disproportionated state into planes of Mn3+^{3+}O2_{2}/Mn4+^{4+}O2_{2} was found. It is argued that the pressure driven localisation/delocalisation transition might go smoothly through a region of Mn3+^{3+} and Mn4+^{4+} coexistence.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Conference Proceedings: Nanospintronics: Design and Realization (Kyoto, Japan 24-28 May, 2004

    Testate amoebae as proxy for water level changes in a brackish tidal marsh

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    Few studies have examined testate amoebae assemblages of estuarine tidal marshes. This study investigates the possibility of using soil testate amoebae assemblages of a brackish tidal marsh (Scheldt estuary, Belgium) as a proxy for water level changes. On the marsh surface an elevation gradient is sampled to be analyzed for testate amoebae assemblages and sediment characteristics. Further, vegetation, flooding frequency and soil conductivity have been taken into account to explain the testate amoebae species variation. The data reveal that testate amoebae are not able to establish assemblages at the brackish tidal marsh part with flooding frequencies equal to or higher than 36.5%. Further, two separate testate amoebae zones are distinguished based on cluster analysis. The lower zone’s testate amoebae species composition is influenced by the flooding frequency (~ elevation) and particle size, while the species variability in the higher zone is related to the organic content of the soil and particle size. These observations suggest that the ecological meaning of elevation shifts over its range on the brackish tidal marsh. Testate amoeba assemblages in such a brackish habitat show thus a vertical zonation (RMSEP: 0.19 m) that is comparable to the vertical zonation of testate amoebae and other protists on freshwater tidal marshes and salt marshes

    Ecosystem services, a useful concept for the restoration of estuaries?

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    The Schelde estuary was subjected to major human impacts leading to major environmental problems such as pollution, habitat loss, but also increasing water levels leading to higher risks of inundations. In this paper we describe how an approach using the ecosystems service concept was applied as a basis for restoration of the estuary

    Small-scale sediment transport and deposition patterns within a salt-marsh basin, Paulinaschor, Western Scheldt

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    During inundation of tidal marshes, fine-grained suspended matter is transported to and partly deposited on the marsh surface. In this research the complex spatial patterns of sediment transport and deposition are studied at the temporal scale of individual inundations and spatial scale of a small tidal creek basin (ca. 6 ha) within the salt Paulina marsh, Western Scheldt. Field measurements are used for the implementation and validation of 2-dimensional numerical models for tidal marsh sedimentation. Near the mouth of the creek system, the incoming and outgoing sediment mass is estimated, by way of water level, flow velocity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) measurements. Spatial variations in SSC, at the moment of marsh inundation, are measured at about 35 locations within the creek system and above the marsh surface, using siphon samplers. Finally the sediment that is deposited on the marsh surface is sampled with sediment traps on 50 sites, both during 4 individual inundations (about 4-5 hours) and 2 spring-neap tidal cycles (15 days). First, it is investigated how the 2-dimensional pattern of SSC and sedimentation can be described by statistical models, incorporating detailed topographic information on the creek network, surface elevation and vegetation pattern. Secondly, the application of physically-based hydrodynamic models, coupled with sediment transport models, is explored and evaluated against the field data. Once validated, these models may be useful to simulate flooding and sedimentation patterns in other tidal marshes and controlled inundation areas in the Scheldt estuary
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