178 research outputs found

    Effects of climatic conditions and agro-ecological settings on the productive efficiencies of small-holder farmers in Ethopia

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    This study argues that the adaptation measures farmers take to reduce the negative impacts of climate change do affect farmersā€™ efficiency of production. To support this argument, two steps were followed to understand how climatic factors especially long term average seasonal rainfall and temperature; and agro-ecological settings affect production efficiency in Ethiopian agriculture. In the first step, the stochastic frontier approach was employed to analyze the farm level technical efficiency. In the second step, the tobit regression model was adopted to analyze how climatic and agro-ecological settings affect efficiency scores derived from the first step. Results from the first step indicated that the surveyed farmers have an average technical efficiency of 0.50; with significant output elasticits of labor, draft power and tractor. Results from the tobit regression model showed that soil types, run-off, seasonal climatic conditions and agro-ecological settings affect technical efficiency in Ethiopian agriculture.Technical efficiency, seasonal climate, agro-ecology, Ethiopia

    Measuring the economic impact of climate change on Ethiopian agriculture : Ricardian approach

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    This study uses the Ricardian approach to analyze the impact of climate change on Ethiopian agriculture and to describe farmer adaptations to varying environmental factors. The study analyzes data from 11 of the country's 18 agro-ecological zones, representing more than 74 percent of the country, and survey of 1,000 farmers from 50 districts. Regressing of net revenue on climate, household, and soil variables show that these variables have a significant impact on the farmers'net revenue per hectare.The study carries out a marginal impact analysis of increasing temperature and changing precipitation across the four seasons. In addition, it examines the impact of uniform climate scenarios on farmers'net revenue per hectare. Additionally, it analyzes the net revenue impact of predicted climate scenarios from three models for the years 2050 and 2100. In general, the results indicate that increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation are both damaging to Ethiopian agriculture. Although the analysis did not incorporate the carbon fertilization effect, the role of technology, or the change in prices for the future, significant information for policy-making can be extracted.Environmental Economics&Policies,Climate Change,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Global Environment Facility,Common Property Resource Development

    Applications and Challenges of One Health Approach in Relation to Ethiopian Context

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    As the human population continues to increase and expand across our world, the interconnection of people, animals and our environment becomes more significant and impactful. On the other hand, issues of global environmental change, global health, antibiotics resistant pathogens, food safety and emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases present some of the most complex challenges to the health of world population. As individual disciplines cannot address these issues in isolation, and the potential economic, health and environmental consequences of inaction are enormous. This review aimed at exploring some of the applications and challenges of one health approach. One Health offers a logical solution by recognizing the interconnected nature of human, animal and ecosystem health in an attempt to improve health and environmental policy, expand scientific knowledge, improve health care training and delivery, identify and address upstream solutions to public health challenges. This concept is founded on an awareness of the major opportunities that exist to protect public health through policies aimed at preventing and controlling pathogens at the interface between humans, animals and the environment. One Health can also enhance strategies for sustainable development, especially in areas, where health issues are relevant to threatened wildlife populations, people, and domestic animals. Despite its role in healthcare, operationalizing the concept of One Health requires overcoming many barriers including; difficulty in changing the mindset of health care providers from one of disease care to one of preventive medicine, general lack of awareness and need of education of physicians about one health. In developing nations, the lack of resources and informed personnel creates difficulty in establishing networks between animal, human and environmental health professionals. Although challenges to realization of one health certainly like financial constraints and lack of easy information exchange exist, it is critically important to develop this collaborative, cross-sectoral approach through focusing on specific investment in governance, particularly with regard to the allocation of public and private resources. Keywords: Challenges, Food safety, One health, Zoonotic diseas

    Teachersā€™ Perception of their Quality of Work Life and its Effect on Affective Commitment (A Study of Governmental Schools in Lalibela Town)

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    Teachers prove to be the biggest asset not only for their colleges but also for the country. Besides their responsibility for transferring knowledge, they now have to be able to perform a variety of tasks, such as working in teams, assisting in integrating pupils with special educational needs and contributing to school management. The purpose of this study is to examine teachersā€™ perception of their quality of work life and its effect on affective commitment. This study makes use of Waltonā€™s model to measure ā€˜Quality of Working Lifeā€™ and Allen and Meyerā€™s questionnaire for gathering data about ā€˜Affective Commitmentā€™. A survey was conducted with 104 teachers from governmental schools in Lalibela town and found dissatisfaction among teachers, with the exception of safe and healthy working conditions, social integration at work and work and personal life balance. Moreover, affective commitment attributes scores below average and the results of binary logistic regression have shown that adequate and fair compensation is the most significant predictor of affective commitment. Keywords: Teachersā€™ Perception, Quality of Work Life, Affective Commitment

    Review on Status and Constraints of Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle in Developing Countries: The Case of Ethiopia

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    Artificial insemination (AI) is the manual placement of semen in the reproductive tract of the female by a method other than natural mating whichĀ  is one of a group of technologies commonly known as ā€œassisted reproduction technologiesā€ (ART), whereby offspring are generated by facilitating the meeting of gametes (spermatozoa and oocytes). AI is by far the most common method of breeding of intensively kept dairy cattle. In relation to the status, there is a big gap in biotechnology use in general between developed and developing countries, with Artificial insemination (AI) being the biotechnology most widely applied in developing countries as compared to other biotechnologies. In developed countries, advances in Artificial insemination have already had a major impact on livestock improvement programmes. Similarly, most developing countries express the wish to increase the utilization of Artificial insemination even though in many cases clear plans for incorporating this technology into animal genetic resource management are lacking. AI speeds up genetic progress, reduces the risk of disease transmission and expands the number of animals that can be bred from a superior parent. In Ethiopia, even though this service has been in operation for over 30 years with different levels of intensification, its efficiency has remained at a very low level due to infrastructural, managerial and financial constraints and also due to poor heat detection, improper timing of insemination and embryonic death. Keywords: Artificial insemination, Biotechnology, Constraints, Developing countries, Ethiopi

    Evaluation of irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under irrigation condition at Dasenech Distinct, South Omo Zone

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    Rice crop is essential in a country. Still, the production and productivity are low due to uncovering a suitable area for rice production and the shortage of improved and unedited well-adapted variety. To solve this problem, the study was conducted in Dasenech district during (2020/21 and 2021/22) cropping seasons to select well-adapted varieties. The study contains 6 varieties (Gode, Shebele, Chewaqa, Kallafo, Nerica-15, and Pawe-2). For this study used a randomized complete block design with three replications. Yield and other trait data were collected and subjected to analysis of variance. The result of the analysis of variance showed that all parameters were significantly affected among tested rice varieties. The Pawe-2Ā varietyĀ gave the highest grain production (6284.7 kg ha-1) among the testedĀ varieties.Ā  Based on the study result, it can beĀ suggestedĀ that variety Pawe-2Ā perform well and is suitable forĀ agro-pastoral in the Dasenech area under irrigation condition and itsĀ similar agro-ecology. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 13(1): 38-41, June 202

    Factors affecting the choices of coping strategies for climate extremes: The case of farmers in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia

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    This study adopted the multinomial logit model to analyze factors affecting the choice of coping strategies in response to climate extreme events for the Ethiopian Nile River Basin. Results from the multinomial logit model show that different socioeconomic and environmental factors affect coping with climate extreme events. Factors that positively influence coping include education of the head of household, gender of household head being male, farm income, livestock ownership, access to extension for crop and livestock production, farmer-to-farmer extension, temperature, ownership of radio, and better-quality house. Thus, to increase coping with covariate shocks, such as climate extreme events, policies should encourage income generation and asset holding (especially livestock), both of which will support consumption smoothing during and immediately after harsh climatic events. Moreover, government policies should focus on developing institutions that enhance access to education and extension services.climate extremes, coping, Nile Basin, multinomial logit model,

    AMMI Analysis for Green Pod Yield Stability of Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Evaluated in East Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The experiment was conducted at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center (ATARC), Lume and Dugda Districts during the 2019 and 2020 main cropping seasons to identify adaptable and high yielder snap bean genotypes for East Shewa Zone and similar agro ecologies. Ten snap bean genotypes were used as planting material. The experiment was laid down in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The AMMI model shows that the environment accounted for 40.93%, GXE 31.79%, and genotype 12.70% of the total variation. The high percentage of the environment indicates that the major factor influencing the yield performance of snap beans is the environment. The first two IPCAs are the most accurate model that could predict the genotypeā€™s stability and explained by IPCA-I (53.10%) and IPCA-II (21.1%) of GEI. This result revealed that there were differential yield performances among snap bean genotypes across testing environments due to the presence of GEI. According to stability parameters (ASV, and GGE Biplot) and mean yield results revealed that G-24 and G-12 genotypes are the most stable genotypes across test locations. Therefore, G-24 and G-12 were proposed as candidate genotypes for possible release

    Trends and Outcomes of Emergency Pediatric Surgical Admissions from a Tertiary Hospital in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Pediatric surgical emergency condition is a broad spectrum of surgical pathologies/disorders occurring in pediatric age group requiring proper emergency surgical care as the only option of management to salvage life, avoid/minimize disability or palliation. The objective of this study is to analyze the pattern and outcome of pediatric surgical emergencies managed at Tikur Anbesa Hospital and the factors associated with outcome.METHODS: Retrospective analysis of medical records of patients was conducted to assess the pattern, outcome and factors associated with outcome of pediatric surgical emergencies admitted and managed at Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Data was checked for completeness and entered into SPSS version 20 for statistical analysis.RESULTS: A total of 454 patientsā€™ medical records were analyzed. The presentation was after 5 days of illness in 182(40%), and >3 days in 243(53.4%), while only 89(19.6%) of them come within 24 hours of the illness. The etiologies were abdominal/gastrointestinal emergencies 210(46.3%), foreign body in aero digestive system in 133(29.3%), urogenital surgical emergencies in 27(5.9%). The other causes include superficial and deep tissue abscess collections in 22(4.8%), trauma /injury related cases in 24(5.3%) and others in 38(8.4%) respectively while congenital malformations were only 57(12.6%) of the cases. Finally, 439(96.7%) were discharged cured or improved without major disabilities documented, while 9(2%) died.CONCLUSIONS: Delayed presentation, unstable condition on arrival, younger age group and the nature of underlying pathology could have contributed for the death, but this needs further study.KEYWORDS: Pediatric surgery, Emergency Surgery, Ethiopi

    Genotype X Environment Interaction and Yield Stabliity of Breade Wheat (Triticum Eastivum L.) Genotype in Ethiopia using the Ammi Analisis

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    The G x E interaction makes it difficult to select the best performing as well as the most stable genotypes and so its efficient interpretation is important issue in plant improvement in Ethiopia. The study cried out with objectives of to estimate the effect of genotype x environment interaction on the grain yield and stability and estimate magnitude of Genotype x Environment interaction of bread wheat genotypes inĀ Ā  Ethiopia. Thirty Bread wheat genotypes were evaluated by Alpha lattice design using three replications at eight locations in Ethiopia during 2014/2015 cropping season. The genotypes performed best at Asassa with mean grain yield of 5.71 tons/ha. Most genotypes had however, low yield at Holleta with mean gain yield of 3.05tons/ha. AMMI analysis for the additive main effect and multiplicative interaction effect revealed significant difference for genotype, testing location and genotype by testing location interaction. The first interaction principal component (IPCA 1) captured the most of interaction 39.56% and the second interaction principal component explains additional 27%. Totally the tow interaction principal component captured 66.56% of the genotype by location interaction. According to ASV Genotype ETBW8515 (20) and ETBW8513 (16) were high yielding and stable. Using AMMI analysis Asassa (As), Debre Tabor (D), Segure (Se), Adet (Ad) and Bekoji (Be) testing locations were favorable locations while testing location Holetta (Ho), Kulumsa (Ku) and Areka (Ar) were unfavorable. Keywords: AMMI, ASV, Genotype x Environment Interaction
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