6 research outputs found

    Practical Indicators for Risk of Airborne Transmission in Shared Indoor Environments and Their Application to COVID-19 Outbreaks

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    Some infectious diseases, including COVID-19, can undergo airborne transmission. This may happen at close proximity, but as time indoors increases, infections can occur in shared room air despite distancing. We propose two indicators of infection risk for this situation, that is, relative risk parameter (Hr) and risk parameter (H). They combine the key factors that control airborne disease transmission indoors: viruscontaining aerosol generation rate, breathing flow rate, masking and its quality, ventilation and aerosol-removal rates, number of occupants, and duration of exposure. COVID-19 outbreaks show a clear trend that is consistent with airborne infection and enable recommendations to minimize transmission risk. Transmission in typical prepandemic indoor spaces is highly sensitive to mitigation efforts. Previous outbreaks of measles, influenza, and tuberculosis were also assessed. Measles outbreaks occur at much lower risk parameter values than COVID-19, while tuberculosis outbreaks are observed at higher risk parameter values. Because both diseases are accepted as airborne, the fact that COVID-19 is less contagious than measles does not rule out airborne transmission. It is important that future outbreak reports include information on masking, ventilation and aerosol-removal rates, number of occupants, and duration of exposure, to investigate airborne transmission

    Arrêt cardiaque peropératoire et œdème pulmonaire retardé consécutif à l’injection intramuqueuse accidentelle de naphazoline chez un adulte

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    International audienceDuring neurosurgery for hypophysary adenoma under general anaesthesia in a prone position, a 34 year-old-women received accidental 6 ml intramucosal injection of lidocaine with naphazoline. The patient presented a severe bradycardia associated with a major increase in arterial blood pression followed by a brief cardiac arrest. She also presented a prolonged awakening and a pulmonary oedema, which lead to mechanical ventilation. The patient rapidly recovered a normal clinical state.Au cours d’une chirurgie d’exérèse d’un adénome hypophysaire à prolactine par voie transrhinoseptale sous anesthésie générale en position assise, une patiente de 34 ans a reçu accidentellement l’injection intramuqueuse sous-rhino-labiale de 6 ml de lidocaïne naphazolinée. Au décours de celle-ci, elle a présenté une bradycardie majeure et une hypertension artérielle majeure suivies d’un arrêt cardiaque. Elle a secondairement présenté un retard de réveil et un œdème pulmonaire qui a nécessité une réintubation. Sous ventilation assistée, l’état de la patiente s’est amélioré rapidement et les suites ont été simples

    The de novo reference genome and transcriptome assemblies of the wild Ttmato species solanum chilense highlights birth and death of NLR genes between tomato species.

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    Wild tomato species, like Solanum chilense, are important germplasm resources for enhanced biotic and abiotic stress resistance in tomato breeding. S. chilense also serves as a model to study adaptation of plants to drought and the evolution of seed banks. The absence of a well-annotated reference genome in this compulsory outcrossing, very diverse species limits in-depth studies on the genes involved.We generated similar to 134 Gb of DNA and 157 Gb of RNA sequence data for S chilense, which yielded a draft genome with an estimated length of 914 Mb, encoding 25,885 high-confidence predicted gene models, which show homology to known protein-coding genes of other tomato species. Approximately 71% of these gene models are supported by RNA-seq data derived from leaf tissue samples. Benchmarking with Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) analysis of predicted gene models retrieved 93.3% of BUSCO genes. To further verify the genome annotation completeness and accuracy, we manually inspected the NLR resistance gene family and assessed its assembly quality. We find subfamilies of NLRs unique to S. chilense. Synteny analysis suggests significant degree of the gene order conservation between the S. chilense, S. lycopersicum and S. pennellii genomes.We generated the first genome and transcriptome sequence assemblies for the wild tomato species Solanum chilense and demonstrated their value in comparative genomics analyses. These data are an important resource for studies on adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress in Solanaceae, on evolution of self-incompatibility and for tomato breeding

    Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings:If some countries lead by example, standards may increasingly become normalized

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    People living in urban and industrialized societies, which are expanding globally, spend more than 90% of their time in the indoor environment, breathing indoor air (IA). Despite decades of research and advocacy, most countries do not have legislated indoor air quality (IAQ) performance standards for public spaces that address concentration levels of IA pollutants. Few building codes address operation, maintenance, and retrofitting, and most do not focus on airborne disease transmission. But the COVID-19 pandemic has made all levels of society, from community members to decision-makers, realize the importance of IAQ for human health, well-being, productivity, and learning. We propose that IAQ standards be mandatory for public spaces. Although enforcement of IAQ performance standards in homes is not possible, homes must be designed and equipped so that they could meet the standards

    Antifungal therapy for patients with proven or suspected Candida peritonitis: Amarcand2, a prospective cohort study in French intensive care units

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    International audienc