6 research outputs found

    Colorectal carcinoma - case study of patient with liver metastases

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    Jetra je najčeŔće sijelo metastaza karcinoma debeloga crijeva. U većini slučajeva se prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze metastaza u startu detektiraju viÅ”ebrojni sekundarni depoziti unutar jetrenog parenhima koji se ne mogu operirati. U ovom članku prikazan je rijedak slučaj postizanja viÅ”egodiÅ”nje kontrole bolesti kod pacijenta operiranoga zbog karcinoma debeloga crijeva, stadija IIIB, kod kojega su se postoperativno u dva navrata razvile jetrene metastaze. U oba navrata prvo su metastaze kirurÅ”ki odstranjene (metastazektomija), a nakon toga je sprovedena postoperativna kemoimunoterapija. Kombinacija kirurÅ”koga liječenja (metastazektomija) i postoperativne kemo(imuno)terapije predstavlja najučinkovitiji način liječenja u pacijenata s primarno resektibilnim jetrenim metastazama. Rezultat je dugotrajna kontrola bolesti.The liver is the most frequent center of metastases of colorectal carcinoma. In most cases, upon diagnosing metastases, numerous secondary deposits are detected at the beginning within the liver parenchyme and these cannot be operated. This article shows a rare case of achieving long-term follow up of the disease with patients having surgery due to colorectal carcinoma stage IIIB where liver metastases developed post-operatively on two occasions. On both occasions, the metastases were surgically removed (metastasectomy) and later postoperative chemoimmunotherapy was performed. A combination of surgical treatment (metastasectomy) and post-operative chemoimmunotherapy represents the most efficient manner of treatment in patients with primary resectable liver metastases. The result is a long-term remision of the disease


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    Diet plays crucial role in colorectal cancer (CRC), from incidence to progression. It is the second cause of death due to carcinoma in Croatia, with significant regional differences. The aim of this observational study was to determine dietary habits of CRC patients, and whether their diet differs by region. A total of 60 patients with non-metastatic CRC, 30 from Slavonia and 30 from Dalmatia participated in the study. Two thirds of patients from both regions changed their diet for better after CRC diagnosis. However, one third of patients do not get any physical activity. Patients do not differ in their energy intake or intake of vitamins or minerals. Still, high contribution of fats (>40%) and low contribution of carbohydrates in the total daily energy intake was found. Contribution of proteins is higher in Slavonia (p=0.040). More patients from Dalmatia have intake of calcium <700 mg/day (43.3% vs 33.3%). Alcohol is consumed more often by patients from Dalmatia (p<0.001) and higher consumption of alcohol correlates with the high risk diet profile which was found in 66.7% of patients from Dalmatia in comparison to 36.7% patients from Slavonia (p=0.020). The results point out some regional differences in the diet which need further analysis

    Mjesto i važnost nekliničkih bolničkih centara u liječenju bolesnika sa zloćudnim bolestima u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Onkologija predstavlja važan segment sveukupnoga hrvatskoga zdravstvenog sustava. Sama onkologija jedna je od trenutačno najpropulzivnijih medicinskih struka te smo svakodnevno svjedoci ekspanzivnog rasta novih modaliteta onkoloÅ”kog liječenja. Ove činjenice nameću imperativ stvaranja onkoloÅ”ke mreže koja bi kao zadatak imala standardiziranje onkoloÅ”kog liječenja i osiguravanje dostupnosti novih modaliteta liječenja za sve oboljele od zloćudnih bolesti, neovisno o njihovom mjestu boravka.Ā¹ Hrvatska već ima prepoznate i definirane regionalne onkoloÅ”ke centre u sklopu kliničkih bolničkih centara u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Splitu. Nasreću, u Hrvatskoj postoji tradicija, stara nekoliko desetljeća, razvoja onkoloÅ”kih centara u općim i županijskim bolnicama. Poimence, to su neklinički onkoloÅ”ki centri u Županijskoj bolnici Čakovec, Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik, Općoj bolnici Karlovac, Općoj bolnici Koprivnica, Općoj bolnici Pula, Općoj bolnici Slavonski Brod, Općoj bolnici Å ibenik, Općoj bolnici Varaždin i Općoj bolnici Zadar. Svrha ovoga istraživanja, provedenog u svim nekliničkim onkoloÅ”kim centrima Hrvatske te koriÅ”tenjem podataka Državnog zavoda za statistiku i Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, bila je uvidjeti kako je trenutno organizirana onkoloÅ”ka skrb u Republici Hrvatskoj i koja je uloga nekliničkih onkoloÅ”kih centara u liječenju bolesnika sa zloćudnim bolestima u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Ishodi liječenja bolesnica s BRCA mutiranim recidivom karcinoma jajnika u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split

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    Aim: To evaluate the treatment outcomes, with emphasis on the efficacy and safety of olaparib, in patients with platinum-sensitive, BRCA-mutated, recurrent ovarian cancer treated at the University Hospital Center Split in the period from June 2016 to April 2021. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from a medical history of 28 patients with platinum-sensitive, BRCAmutated, recurrent ovarian cancer. Medical records were reviewed for clinico-pathological characteristics, number of previous chemotherapy lines and platinum-free interval before olaparib, response to olaparib, survival outcomes (time to disease progression, time from first cycle of olaparib to the first cycle of chemotherapy for the first and second relapse / progression, overall survival) and safety. Median follow up time was 27 months. Results: All patients were BRCA mutated, with a 75% predominance of BRCA1 mutation. The median platinum-free interval was 13 months. Most patients were treated after the first relapse (64%) with a three weekly TC protocol (68%). Olaparib maintenance therapy provided clinical control rate in 43% of cases. The median progression free survival was 24 months. Discontinuation of olaparib treatment was reported due to disease progression in 16 patients. The median time to first subsequent chemotherapy was 31 months and time to second subsequent chemotherapy was 38 months. The tolerability of olaparib was good and the side effects were low intensity. The median overall survival is not reached. Conclusion: This retrospective analysis of patients with platinum-sensitive, BRCA-mutated, recurrent ovarian cancer showed that the treatment outcomes, ie efficacy and tolerability of olaparib after platinum based chemotherapy in everyday clinical practice, are comparable to those observed in clinical trials with olaparib in the same indications.Cilj: Ispitati ishode liječenja, s naglaskom na učinkovitost i sigurnost olapariba, kod ispitanica s platina-osjetljivim, BRCA mutiranim recidivom karcinoma jajnika liječenih u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split u razdoblju od lipnja 2016. do travnja 2021. godine. Metode: Retrospektivno su prikupljeni podatci iz povijesti bolesti 28 bolesnica s platina-osjetljivim, BRCA mutiranim recidivom karcinoma jajnika. Iz medicinske dokumentacije pregledane su kliničko-patoloÅ”ke karakteristike, broj prethodnih linija kemoterapije i interval bez platine prije olapariba, odgovor na olaparib, ishodi preživljavanja (preživljenje do progresije bolesti, preživljenje od prvog ciklusa olapariba do prvog ciklusa kemoterapije za prvi i drugi recidiv/progresiju, ukupno preživljenje) i podnoÅ”ljivost liječenja olaparibom. Medijan praćenja bio je 27 mjeseci. Rezultati: Sve bolesnice su bile BRCA mutirane, sa 75% prevlasti BRCA1 mutacije. Medijan platina slobodnog intervala iznosio je 13 mjeseci. Većina bolesnica liječena je nakon prvog relapsa (64%) trotjednim TC protokolom (68%). Terapija održavanja olaparibom osigurala je kliničku kontrolu bolesti u 43% slučajeva. Medijan preživljavanja bez progresije bio je 24 mjeseca. Prekid liječenja olaparibom prijavljen je zbog progresije bolesti u 16 bolesnica. Medijan vremena do prve sljedeće kemoterapije bio je 31 mjesec, a do druge sljedeće kemoterapije bilo je 38 mjeseci. PodnoÅ”ljivost olapariba bila je dobra, a nuspojave slabog intenziteta. Medijan ukupnog preživljenja nije postignut. Zaključak: Ova retrospektivna analiza liječenja bolesnica s platina-osjetljivim, BRCA mutiranim recidivom karcinoma jajnika je pokazala da su ishodi liječenja, odnosno učinkovitost i podnoÅ”ljivost olapariba nakon kemoterapije temeljene na platini u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi, usporedivi s rezultatima kliničkih istraživanja s olaparibom u istoj indikaciji

    Clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with invasive breast cancer ā€“ Croatian Oncology Society (BC-3 COS)

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    Rak dojke je najčeŔći zloćudni tumor u žena koji se može probirom, redovitim kontrolama i zdravstvenim odgojem otkriti u ranim stadijima bolesti i uspjeÅ”no liječiti. Metode liječenja uključuju kirurgiju, kemoterapiju, radioterapiju, endokrinu terapiju, imunoterapiju, ciljanu terapiju te simptomatsko-suportivnu terapiju, koja se primjenjuje ovisno o stadiju bolesti, bioloÅ”kim obilježjima tumora i općem stanju, dobi i komorbidetima bolesnica. Plan liječenja definira multidisciplinarni tim. S obzirom na pojavnost ove bolesti, mogućnost ranog otkrivanja i mogućeg značajnog učinka terapijskih postupaka na tijek bolesti, potrebno je definirati i pravilno standardizirati pristup u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju ovih bolesnica. U tekstu su iznesene smjernice s ciljem primjene standardiziranih postupaka u svakodnevnom radu s bolesnicama s rakom dojke u Republici Hrvatskoj.Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, which can be diagnosed early through screening, early detection and through education. When diagnosed early, it can be successfully treated. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endocrine therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and supportive therapy applied depending on the stage of the disease, tumor and patientĀ“s characteristics. Treatment should be defined by a multidisciplinary team. Due to the incidence of this disease, opportunity of early detection and possible significant influence of various treatment modalities on the course of the disease, it is important to define and implement a standardized approach for diagnosis , treatment and monitoring algorithm. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the procedures and criteria for diagnosis,treatment and monitoring of breast cancer patients in the Republic of Croatia