437 research outputs found

    Tree-level Quartic for a Holographic Composite Higgs

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    We present a new class of composite Higgs models where an adjustable tree-level Higgs quartic coupling allows for a significant reduction in the tuning of the Higgs potential. Our 5D warped space implementation is the first example of a holographic composite Higgs model with a tree-level quartic. It is inspired by a 6D model where the quartic originates from the Tr [A_5,A_6]^2 term of the gauge field strength, the same model that led to the original little Higgs construction of Arkani-Hamed, Cohen, and Georgi. Beyond the reduction of the tuning and the standard composite Higgs signatures, the model predicts a doubling of the KK states with relatively small splittings as well as a Higgs sector with two doublets in the decoupling limit.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    The Quantum Spectral Method: From Atomic Orbitals to Classical Self-Force

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    We present the Quantum Spectral Method for the analytical calculation of observables in classical periodic and quasi-periodic systems. It is based on a novel application of the correspondence principle, in which classical Fourier coefficients are obtained as the 0\hbar\rightarrow 0 limit of quantum matrix elements. Our method is particularly suited for self-force calculations for inspiralling bodies, where it could, for the first time, provide fully analytical expressions. We demonstrate our method by calculating an adiabatic electromagnetic inspiral, along with its associated radiation, at all orders in the multipole expansion

    Continuum Naturalness

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    We present a novel class of composite Higgs models in which the top and gauge partners responsible for cutting off the Higgs quadratic divergences form a continuum. The continuum states are characterized by their spectral densities, which should have a finite gap for realistic models. We present a concrete example based on a warped extra dimension with a linear dilaton, where this finite gap appears naturally. We derive the spectral densities in this model and calculate the full Higgs potential for a phenomenologically viable benchmark point, with percent level tuning. The continuum top and gauge partners in this model evade all resonance searches at the LHC and yield qualitatively different collider signals

    Massive vector particle tunneling from Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black hole under generalized uncertainty principle

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    The quantum tunneling of charged massive vector boson particles across the event horizon of Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black hole is investigated under the influence of quantum gravity effects. The modified Hawking temperatures and heat capacities across the event horizon of KNdS black hole are derived in 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional frame dragging coordinates. It is found that due to quantum gravity effects the modified Hawking temperatures and heat capacities depend on the mass and angular momentum of the emitted vector boson particles. For 3-dimensional KNdS black hole, the modified Hawking temperature is lower than the original Hawking temperature but the modified heat capacity is higher than the original heat capacity due to quantum gravity effects. In the case of 4-dimensional KNdS black hole, the modified Hawking temperature and heat capacity are lower or greater than the original Hawking temperature and heat capacity depending upon the choices of black hole parameters due to quantum gravity effects. We also discuss the remnant and graphical analysis of the modified Hawking temperatures and heat capacities

    The Radial Action from Probe Amplitudes to All Orders

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    We extract the relativistic classical radial action from scattering amplitudes, to all orders in perturbation theory, in the probe limit. Our sources include point charges and monopoles, as well as the Schwarzschild and pure-NUT gravitational backgrounds. A characteristic relativistic effect, that scattering trajectories may wind around these sources any number of times, can be recovered when all-order amplitudes are available. We show that the amplitude for scattering a probe off a pure NUT is given by the solution of a transcendental equation involving continued fractions, and explain how to solve this equation to any desired loop order