219 research outputs found

    Soybean Seed Quality Survey

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    During the past four years soybean acreage has nearly tripled in Kentucky to 1.1 million acres in 1973. Even though the total acreage has increased substantially, the average yield per acre has declined slightly during the same period to 28 bushels per acre in 1973. Why this low statewide average yield when we know that some Kentucky farmers consistently produce yields of over 40 bushels per acre? Many factors can contribute to this problem including; improper use of herbicides and pesticides, inadequate soil fertility, non-adapted varieties, low quality planting seed, and timely management of all production practices. The objective of this survey was to determine the varieties and quality of soybean seed being planted by Kentucky farmers in the major soybean producing areas of the state in the spring of 1973. To accomplish this, personnel were hired that lived in the areas and could readily travel to farms and collect samples at planting time

    The Effects of Swathing Wheat on the Date of Harvest, Yield and Seed Quality

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    In 1975 approximately 350,000 acres were double-cropped using small grain and soybeans in Kentucky. Due to the low acreage of winter barley (48,000 acres) most of the soybeans were either planted by no-till or conventional means following winter wheat. The major problem with winter wheat in a double-cropping system is that the date of planting for soybeans is delayed. Research at the West Kentucky Experiment Station at Princeton indicates that this delay can reduce soybean yields from 7 to 11 bushels per acre depending upon the soybean variety used. The research at Princeton also indicates no reduction in soybean yields following Barsoy barley; however disease and winter-kill problems have reduced acreage in Kentucky in recent years. If barley fits the farming program, however, it could still be considered on part of the acreage double-cropped

    Tips for Small Grain Seeding

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    TEST YOUR SOIL AND SUPPLY THE SUGGESTED LIMING AND FERTILIZER MATERIALS. A soil test is the first step to profitable small grain production. A pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is best, and nitrogen should be applied both in the fall and spring. If your small grains are part of a double cropping system the P and K requirements for both crops should be applied in the fall

    The Influence of Soil Temperature on Soybean Seed Emergence

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    The best way to obtain adequate soybean stands is to plant high quality seed in an optimum soil environment. But this year many farmers may not be able to obtain enough high quality soybean seed and some acreage may be planted with seed of lower than normal quality. Thus it will be even more important to have an optimum soil environment

    Tall Fescue Seed Production in Kentucky

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    Producing tall fescue seed has traditionally been a profitable venture for many Kentucky farmers. It can still provide additional income if: (1) it is properly managed and fertilized and (2) it is integrated into a total farming program which in most cases includes livestock

    Temperature during soybean seed storage and the amount of electrolytes of soaked seeds solution

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    The electrical conductivity test measures the electrolytes that leach out of seeds when they are immersed in water and this leakage is an indication of seed vigor. The level of standardization reached by the procedures of this test is such that the test is recommended for pea seeds and suggested for other large seeded legumes, including soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. This study was conducted to contribute to the standardization of this test for soybean seeds by verifying whether the seed storage temperature influences the composition of the leachate from soaked seeds solution. Two soybean seed lots of distinct physiological potential were stored in moisture-proof containers either at constant temperatures of 10ºC and 20ºC or at the temperature of 20ºC during the first seven months of storage followed by a change to 10ºC for the rest of the storage time (nine months). The chemical composition of the soaked water was evaluated every three months from January to October 1998. The highest amount of leakage was observed for potassium, followed by calcium and magnesium, iron and sodium regardless of temperature and storage period. The amount of electrolytes in the soaked water increased as the period of time and the temperature of storage increased. On the other hand the amount of leakage decrease along the time for those seeds stored at 10ºC or transferred from the temperature of 20 to that of 10ºC. The temperature at which soybean seeds remain during storage may affect the amount of electrolytes in the soaked water and consequently the results of the electrical conductivity test.O teste de condutividade elétrica mede a quantidade de eletrólitos liberada das sementes quando imersas em água, sendo um indicador do vigor da semente. O teste é recomendado para sementes de ervilha e sugerido para outras leguminosas, incluindo a soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. O presente trabalho visa contribuir para a padronização do referido teste para avaliação do vigor de sementes de soja, procurando verificar se a temperatura de armazenamento da semente pode influenciar a liberação de eletrólitos na solução de embebição das sementes. Dois lotes de sementes de soja de potenciais fisiológicos distintos foram acondicionados em embalagens herméticas e armazenados em três ambientes: 10 e 20ºC (constantes) e 20ºC por sete meses, com transferência para 10ºC até o final do armazenamento (mais nove meses). A composição química da solução de embebição das sementes foi analisada a cada período de três meses, de janeiro a outubro de 1998. Os maiores valores de lixiviação foram observados para potássio, seguido de cálcio e magnésio, ferro e sódio. Verificou-se acréscimo na quantidade de eletrólitos na solução de embebição em função do aumento do período e da temperatura de armazenamento. Por outro lado, observou-se decréscimo na quantidade de lixiviados ao longo do tempo para as sementes armazenadas a 10ºC ou transferidas da temperatura de 20ºC para 10ºC. A temperatura de armazenamento de sementes de soja pode interferir na liberação de eletrólitos na solução de embebição e, conseqüentemente, nos resultados do teste de condutividade elétrica
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