88 research outputs found

    Metodología de diseño, observación y cálculo de redes geodésicas exteriores para túneles de gran longitud = Methedology for designing, observing and computing external geodetic networks of long lengths tunnels

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    RESUMEN: La realización de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles ha adquirido un gran auge en los últimos años. En España se han abordado proyectos de estas características, no existiendo para su ejecución una metodología completa y contrastada de actuación. Las características geométricas, de observación y de trabajo en túneles hace que las metodologías que se aplican en otros proyectos de ingeniería no sean aplicables por las siguientes causas: separación de las redes exteriores e interiores de los túneles debido a la diferente naturaleza de los observables, geometría en el interior siempre desfavorable a los requerimientos de observación clásica, mala visibilidad dentro del túnel, aumento de errores conforme avanza la perforación, y movimientos propios del túnel durante su ejecución por la propia geodinámica activa. Los patrones de observación geodésica usados deben revisarse cuando se ejecutan túneles de gran longitud. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes exteriores. ABSTRACT: The realization of long railway tunnels has acquired a great interest in recent years. In Spain it is necessary to address projects of this nature, but ther is no corresponding methodological framework supporting them. The tunnel observational and working geometrical properties, make that former methodologies used may be unuseful in this case: the observation of the exterior and interior geodetical networks of the tunnel is different in nature. Conditions of visibility in the interior of the tunnels, regardless of the geometry, are not the most advantageous for observation due to the production system and the natural conditions of the tunnels. Errors increase as the drilling of the tunnel progresses, as it becomes problematical to perform continuous verifications along the itinerary itself. Moreover, inherent tunnel movements due to active geodynamics must also be considered. Therefore patterns for geodetic and topographic observations have to be reviewed when very long tunnels are constructed

    Geovisualization of green spaces with augmented reality

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    The management of green spaces in urban areas requires new techniques and instruments that provide all the information available to people. It is intended to facilitate data-based services to citizens through the use of mobile devices in green spaces, parks and most visited public gardens. The selected area of study has been the Plaza de Oriente (Madrid) and its surroundings. Maps and images from different sources of information have been implemented in this research work.Then we proceeded to develop a database with woodland and existing cultural heritage. Finally, related this information using geolocation and augmented reality system. We have created a system that allows the user to interact with the single orientation of the camera on your mobile device. This application allows efficient use through the integration of mobile devices and the knowledge of the cultural heritage associated with the public space

    Geodetic network design and strategies followed for drilling a 25 km tunnel for high speed railway in Spain

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    During the last years several large high-speed railway tunnels have been built in Spain. To solve these projects, technical and scientific problems have been solved from the geodetic and surveying point of view. These studies have allowed us to set a methodology that optimizes the performance of this kind of works in the world of Civil Engineering. We have applied our studies to the Tunnels of Pajares that are the second longest ones in Spain with a total longitude of about 25 km. The studies summarize the design of the geodetic networks to support the guidance of the TBMs used as well as the election of the observations to be done, the instrumental to be used and the observation and computation procedures to be followed. A special emphasis has been taken into account for the treatment of the uncertainty of the coordinates, displacements and breakthrough obtained during the drilling tasks. The article shows the results obtained and the conclusions that can be followed in order to successfully complete a similar project

    Metodología de diseño, observación y cálculo de redes geodésicas interiores en túneles de ferrocarril de alta velocidad

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    El guiado de las Tuneladoras durante su avance debe apoyarse en los puntos determinados inmediatamente detrás de ellas. Conseguir las precisiones requeridas presentaría algunas dificultades en condiciones normales con respecto al exterior, pero en el interior de un túnel se plantean ciertos factores que ensombrecen el panorama. El más importante y difícil de tratar es el de la refracción lateral. El diseño de redes interiores es uno de los principales problemas, desde el punto de vista geodésico y topográfico, el cual tiene unas características tales que todos los textos de topografía de precisión aconsejan evitar. Con estas redes se va guiando la tuneladora y en ningún momento dicha red vuelve a tener comprobación sobre otros puntos de control. A medida que la red va avanzando, las precisiones obtenidas de sus coordenadas van empeorando de forma exponencial. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes planimétricas interiores. ABSTRACT The guiding of TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) along their advance must be based on points placed immediately behind them. Achieving good accuracies results would present some difficulties for normal exterior conditions, but inside a tunnel certain factors clouding the outlook arise. The most important and difficult factor to deal with, has to do with lateral refraction. Internal geodetic networks design is one of the more challenging problems from the geodetic and topographic point of view, as the bibliographical review dealing with this subject, advises to avoid this practice. This network allows only guiding the TBM, so that it is not used for further checking or quality control. As the network progresses, the reached coordinate accuracies deteriorate exponentially. This work establishes a methodology for the design of internal horizontal networks

    Técnicas de Geovisualización aplicadas al Paisaje Cultural y el Patrimonio: el caso de Atauta

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    La integración por un lado de la perspectiva espacial en el análisis del paisaje a través de conceptos escalares, territorio, ubicación, distancia, proximidad y lejanía, o elementos que lo configuran como objetos constructivos, vegetación..., y de otro lado el uso de las tecnologías de geovisualización y la información geográficamente referenciada, sirven de eje para abordar en el presente caso la investigación del BIC Conjunto Etnológico de bodegas de Atauta

    Web 2.0 en Topografía, Cartografía y Fotogrametría

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    La metodología 2.0 que desarrollamos se basa en la colaboración, compartiendo y trabajando en grupo, con la revisión permanente del entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito de la Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica

    Tutorial 2.0 on Technical Drawing 3D and Visualization

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    In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process (1). The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management (2)

    Use of the gyrotheodolite in underground networks of long high-speed railway tunnels

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    The quality of geodetic networks for guiding Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) inside long tunnels depends largely on the correct use of a gyroscope. These networks are based on a series of control points at the tunnel entrance, and link each station by means of survey observations as they advance along the tunnel. Once, the networks are used to guide the TBM, they are no longer checked again. It is necessary to perform high accuracy astronomical observations to stars in order to determine the gyrotheodolite constant. Since astronomical observations cannot be made inside tunnels, geodetic azimuths have to be used for the computations. However, these azimuths cannot theoretically be compared with the astronomical azimuths obtained by the gyrotheodolite. An alternative is to compute the instrument constant using the values of the deviation of the vertical derived from a geoid model. That is the approach used in this work where a methodology for the design of underground networks in long tunnels is also presented. This procedure has been implemented during the construction of the Guadarrama and Pajares high-speed railway tunnels (Spain)

    Management and planning of urban trees by mobile mapping system

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    Countless problems that have arisen in urban woodland, because they don't complete a planning and proper management, arise currently numerous studies to streamline the implementation of sustainable green areas. Based on the sustainable management model, we create a database and use a set of Geographic Information Technology (GIT), in order to solve the current problems of urban woodline

    Assessment of Underground Wine Cellars Using Geographic Information Technologies

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    Geographic information technologies (GIT) are essential to many fields of research, such as the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage buildings, a category which includes traditional underground wine cellars. This article presents a methodology based on research carried out on this type of rural heritage building. The data were acquired using the following sensors: EDM, total station, close-range photogrammetry and laser scanning, and subsequently processed with a specific software which was verified for each case, in order to obtain a satisfactory graphic representation of these underground wine cellars. Two key aspects of this work are the accuracy of the data processing and the visualization of these traditional constructions. The methodology includes an application for geovisualizing these traditional constructions on mobile devices in order to contribute to raising awareness of this unique heritage
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