16 research outputs found

    Metal·locarborans i biologia molecular: la sorprenent interacció de dos mons aparentment independents

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    La capacitat d'autoassemblatge dels metal·locarborans ha estat molt investigada recentment. La seva habilitat per formar membranes monocapa ens induí a l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes membranes sintètiques amb membranes biològiques. Aquest treball evidencia que l'anió cobaltabisdicarballur, [3,3'-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), i el seu derivat diiodat, [3,3'-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), poden interaccionar amb membranes biològiques i creuar-les, de manera que s'acumulen a l'interior de cèl·lules vives. En aplicar aquests compostos a diferents tipus de cèl·lules en cultiu, s'indueix una inhibició completa, però alhora reversible, de la proliferació cel·lular, amb una recuperació total de l'activitat de divisió cel·lular un cop extret el metal·locarborà del medi.Metallacarborane’s self-assembly has been recently widely investigated. Its ability to form monolayer membranes led us to study the interaction of these synthetic membranes with biological membranes. This work evidences that the cobaltibisdicarbollide anion, [3,3’-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), and its di-iodinated derivative, [3,3’-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), can interact with biological membranes and cross them, accumulating inside living cells. When applying these compounds to different cells in culture, complete but reversible cell proliferation suppression is induced, with a total recovery of the cell division activity after removal of the metallacarborane from the media

    Sals de bor : anions que poden ajudar a reduir les emissions de CO2

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    Un dels 17 Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) per aconseguir en l'horitzó 2030 és assegurar una vida saludable en la població. Per a això, la millora de la qualitat de l'aire és un dels grans reptes a complir. En aquest article, Francesc Teixidor i Clara Viñas, de l'Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), presenten el seu estudi en el qual intenten millorar un dels components presents en supercondensadors, piles de combustible i bateries, això és, la membrana electrolítica polimèrica. Els resultats mostren que l'aplicació de sals de bor aporten unes propietats fisicoquímiques molt interessants.Uno de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para alcanzar en el horizonte 2030 es asegurar una vida saludable en la población. Para ello, la mejora de la calidad del aire es uno de los grandes retos a cumplir. En este artículo, Francesc Teixidor y Clara Viñas, del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), presentan su estudio en el que intentan mejorar uno de los componentes presentes en supercondensadores, pilas de combustible y baterías, esto es, la membrana electrolítica polimérica. Los resultados muestran que la aplicación de sales de boro aportan unas propiedades fisicoquímicas muy interesantes.One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030 is to ensure a healthy life of the population. To do so, improving air quality is one of the great challenges to be met. In this article, Francesc Teixidor and Clara Viñas, from the Barcelona Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB-CSIC), present their study in which they try to improve one of the components present in supercapacitors, fuel cells and batteries, that is, the polymeric electrolytic membrane. The results show that the application of boron salts provides very interesting physicochemical properties

    Metallacarbonares containing exo-thio and exo-phosphinocarbonare ligands. Tehir application in catalysis

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    S'han sintetitzat i caracteritzat nous metal·locarborans que contenen exo-tioèter o exo-fosfinocarborans com a lligand. Els complexos s'han obtingut fent reaccionar la sal de tetrametilamoni o de cesi del lligand nido corresponent amb complexos de Rh(I), Pd(II) ó Ru(II) amb altres lligands. Tot i que els nous complexos poden tenir dues estructures, la closo i la exo-nido, generalment només s'ha format el tautòmer exo-nido. El clúster es coordina amb el metall mitjançant l'àtom de sofre o de fòsfor i, depenent del metall, amb un o dos enllaços B-H'M. Aquests exo-nido rodi i rutenicarborans han catalitzat, amb molt bon rendiment, la reacció d'hidrogenació d'alquens terminals, però han estat poc actius en la d'alquens interns. Els rutenicarborans també han mostrat activitat catalítica en la hidrogenació de l'1- hexè, i una millor selectivitat que els corresponents complexos de rodi. Cal destacar que els complexos [Rh(7-PPh2-8-R'-7,8-C2B9H10)(PPh3)2] (R'= H, Me) catalitzen la reacció d'hidrogenació de la metaciclina a la doxiciclina amb un rendiment pràcticament del 100 % i una diastereoselectivitat > 99 %. Els complexos closo [closo-3-(C8H13)-1- SR-2-R'-3,2,1-RhC2B9H9] (R = Ph; R' = Me, Ph) que s'han obtingut a partir dels exo-nido [Rh(7-SR-8-R'-7,8-C2B9H10) (cod)] han estat uns catalitzadors molt actius en la hidrogenació del ciclohexè i, fins i tot, més que els seus precursors exo-nido. Tots els complexos han estat recuperats després del procés catalític. A més a més de la hidrogenació, els complexos exo-nido de rodi i de ruteni s'han provat com a catalitzadors en la inserció de carbens a enllaços C = C i O-H.Metallacarboranes containing exo-thioether or exo-phosphinocarboranes were synthesized and characterized. These complexes were obtained from the reaction of tetramethylammonium or cesium salt of the nido ligand with Rh(I), Pd(II) or Ru(II) complexes incorporating ancillary ligands. Although two molecular structures were possible, the closo and the exo-nido, generally only the exo-nido tautomer was formed. The cluster was coordinated with the metal through the S or P atom and one or two B-H?M interactions, depending on the metal. These exo-nido rhoda and ruthenacarboranes catalyzed the hydrogenation of terminal alkenes in very good yield but were not active in the hydrogenation of internal alkenes. Ruthenamonophosphinocarboranes were also active in the hydrogenation of the 1-hexene, with a higher selectivity than the respective rhodacarboranes. On the other hand, while [Rh(7-PPh2-8-R?-7,8- C2B9H10)(PPh3)2] (R?= H, Me) catalyzed the hydrogenation of methacycline to doxycycline with high yield (ca. 100%) and very high diastereoselectivity (> 99%), ruthenacarboranes were not active. The closo species [closo-3-(C8H13)-1-SR-2- R?-3,2,1-RhC2B9H9] (R= Ph; R?= Me, Ph) obtained from exonido-[ Rh(7-SR-8-R?-7,8-C2B9H10)(cod)] were very efficient catalysts in the hydrogenation of cyclohexene exhibiting higher activity than the parent exo-nido isomers. All these complexes were recoverable after completion of the catalytic reaction. In addition to hydrogenation, exo-nido rhoda and ruthenamonothio and monophosphinocarboranes were also tested as catalyst precursors in the insertion of carbenes into C=C and O-H bonds

    Metallacarbonares containing exo-thio and exo-phosphinocarbonare ligands. Tehir application in catalysis

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    S'han sintetitzat i caracteritzat nous metal·locarborans que contenen exo-tioèter o exo-fosfinocarborans com a lligand. Els complexos s'han obtingut fent reaccionar la sal de tetrametilamoni o de cesi del lligand nido corresponent amb complexos de Rh(I), Pd(II) ó Ru(II) amb altres lligands. Tot i que els nous complexos poden tenir dues estructures, la closo i la exo-nido, generalment només s'ha format el tautòmer exo-nido. El clúster es coordina amb el metall mitjançant l'àtom de sofre o de fòsfor i, depenent del metall, amb un o dos enllaços B-H'M. Aquests exo-nido rodi i rutenicarborans han catalitzat, amb molt bon rendiment, la reacció d'hidrogenació d'alquens terminals, però han estat poc actius en la d'alquens interns. Els rutenicarborans també han mostrat activitat catalítica en la hidrogenació de l'1- hexè, i una millor selectivitat que els corresponents complexos de rodi. Cal destacar que els complexos [Rh(7-PPh2-8-R'-7,8-C2B9H10)(PPh3)2] (R'= H, Me) catalitzen la reacció d'hidrogenació de la metaciclina a la doxiciclina amb un rendiment pràcticament del 100 % i una diastereoselectivitat > 99 %. Els complexos closo [closo-3-(C8H13)-1- SR-2-R'-3,2,1-RhC2B9H9] (R = Ph; R' = Me, Ph) que s'han obtingut a partir dels exo-nido [Rh(7-SR-8-R'-7,8-C2B9H10) (cod)] han estat uns catalitzadors molt actius en la hidrogenació del ciclohexè i, fins i tot, més que els seus precursors exo-nido. Tots els complexos han estat recuperats després del procés catalític. A més a més de la hidrogenació, els complexos exo-nido de rodi i de ruteni s'han provat com a catalitzadors en la inserció de carbens a enllaços C = C i O-H.Metallacarboranes containing exo-thioether or exo-phosphinocarboranes were synthesized and characterized. These complexes were obtained from the reaction of tetramethylammonium or cesium salt of the nido ligand with Rh(I), Pd(II) or Ru(II) complexes incorporating ancillary ligands. Although two molecular structures were possible, the closo and the exo-nido, generally only the exo-nido tautomer was formed. The cluster was coordinated with the metal through the S or P atom and one or two B-HM interactions, depending on the metal. These exo-nido rhoda and ruthenacarboranes catalyzed the hydrogenation of terminal alkenes in very good yield but were not active in the hydrogenation of internal alkenes. Ruthenamonophosphinocarboranes were also active in the hydrogenation of the 1-hexene, with a higher selectivity than the respective rhodacarboranes. On the other hand, while [Rh(7-PPh2-8-R-7,8- C2B9H10)(PPh3)2] (R= H, Me) catalyzed the hydrogenation of methacycline to doxycycline with high yield (ca. 100%) and very high diastereoselectivity (> 99%), ruthenacarboranes were not active. The closo species [closo-3-(C8H13)-1-SR-2- R-3,2,1-RhC2B9H9] (R= Ph; R= Me, Ph) obtained from exonido-[ Rh(7-SR-8-R-7,8-C2B9H10)(cod)] were very efficient catalysts in the hydrogenation of cyclohexene exhibiting higher activity than the parent exo-nido isomers. All these complexes were recoverable after completion of the catalytic reaction. In addition to hydrogenation, exo-nido rhoda and ruthenamonothio and monophosphinocarboranes were also tested as catalyst precursors in the insertion of carbenes into C=C and O-H bonds

    Hückel's Rule of Aromaticity Categorizes Aromatic Closo Boron Hydride Clusters

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    A direct connection is established between tridimensional aromatic closo boron hydride clusters and planar aromatic [n]annulenes for medium and large size boron clusters. In particular, our results prove the existence of a link between the two-dimensional Hückel rule followed by aromatic [n]-annulenes and Wade-Mingos' rule of three-dimensional aromaticity applied to the aromatic [BnHn]2- closo boron hydride clusters. Our results show that closo boron hydride clusters can be categorized into different series according to the n value of the Hückel (4n+2) rule. The distinct categories studied in this work correspond to values of n = 1, 2, and 3. Each category increases in geometrical difficulty but, more importantly, it is possible to associate each category with the number of pentagonal layers in the structure perpendicular to the main axis. Category 1 has one pentagonal layer, category 2 has two, and category 3 has threeThis work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain (Projects CTQ2014-54306-P and CTQ2013-44670-R) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (projects 2014SGR931 and 2014SGR149, Xarxa de Referència en Química Teòrica i Computacional, and ICREA Academia 2014 prize for M.S.). The EU under the FEDER grant UNGI10-4E-801 (European Fund for Regional Development) has also funded this researc

    Icosahedral boron clusters: A perfect tool for the enhancement of polymer features

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    Boron clusters and organic molecules display manifestly different electronic, physical, chemical and geometrical characteristics. These differences highlight the complementarity of organic synthons and boron clusters, and therefore the feasibility of producing hybrid polymers incorporating both types of fragments. This review focuses on the development of hybrid organic-inorganic π conjugated, silane, siloxane and coordination polymers containing icosahedral boron clusters in the last few decades, which have received considerable academic and technological interest due to the combination of the electronic, optical and thermal properties of traditional inorganic materials with many of the desirable properties of organic plastics, including mechanical flexibility and low production costsThis work was supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (2014/SGR/149), and MINECO (CTQ2013-44670-R and CTQ2015-66143-P

    Carboranycarboxylate Complexes as Efficient Catalysts in Epoxidation Reactions

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    This work presents the first examples of carboranylcarboxylate complexes as precatalysts in epoxidation reactions with the use of peracetic acid as the oxidant. The manganese [Mn(μ-H2O)(1-CH3-2-CO2-1,2-closo-C2B10H10)2]n·(H2O)n (1), [Mn2(1-CH3-2-CO2-1,2-closo-C2B10H10)4(2,2'-bpy)2] (2, bpy = bipyridine), [Mn(1-CH3-2-CO2-1,2-closo-C2B10H10)2(bpm)]n (3, bpm = bipyrimidine), and [Mn(1-CH3-2-CO2-1,2-closo-C2B10H10)2(2,2'-bpy)2] (4) complexes and the cobalt [Co2(μ-H2O)(1-CH3-2-CO2-1,2-closo-C2B10H10)4(thf)4] (6) complex, all containing the carboranylcarboxylic 1-CH3-2-CO2H-1,2-closo-C2B10H10 (LH) ligand, together with Mn3(OAc)6(2,2'-bpy)2 (5) displayed good performance with high conversions and selectivity values in short reaction times, in most cases. This work highlights that the coordination of the carboranylcarboxylic ligand to the metal ions is crucial to the performance of the complexes as catalystsThis research has been financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2015-66143-P; CTQ2016-75150-R) and Generalitat de Catalunya through project 2014-SGR-14

    Diethyl 2,2'-[1,3-phenylenebis(methylthio)]dibenzoate

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    The title molecule, C26H26O4S2, assumes C2 symmetry with two C atoms and two H atoms of the central phenyl ring located on the twofold axis. The S atoms are synplanar with the benzene moiety, so the observed geometry is suitable for CS2 coordination. The o-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenylthiomethyl moiety is approximately planar and its orientation is almost perpendicular with respect to the central phenyl group


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    The title molecule, C12H16OS2, is partially disordered with the O and H atoms of the -CH2-O-CH2- group occupying two positions. The molecule assumes C2 symmetry and the twofold axis is located midway through the triene group and across the two partially occupied O-atom positions

    Bis[1,3-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3-propanedionato]bis(ethanol)zinc(II), C34H34O10Zn

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    Mr=668.0, triclinic, P1, a=13.028 (2), b=11.872(2), c=10.971(2) A, a=102.28 (1), β = 87.14(1), a=112.53(2)º, V = 1530.6(7)A3, Z = 2, Dx = 1.45 Mg m-3, (Mo Ka)=0.71069 A, µ= 0.889 mm-1, F(000)=696, T=295 K. Final R = 0.06 for 3025 observed reflections. The structure consists of chains of molecules parallel to [011] linked by hydrogen bonds. The Zn2+ ion is surrounded by six O atoms in a distorted octahedral shape. The 1,3-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3, propanedionato anions act as bidentate ligands. The six-membered Zn-propanedione rings have half-chair form