4 research outputs found

    Incidence and Survival Trends of Pancreatic Cancer in Girona: Impact of the Change in Patient Care in the Last 25 Years.

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    (1) Background: We investigated the incidence and survival trends for pancreatic cancer (PC) over the last 25 years in the Girona region, Catalonia, Spain; (2) Methods: Data were extracted from the population-based Girona Cancer Registry. Incident PC cases during 1994-2015 were classified using the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Incidence rates age-adjusted to the European standard population (ASRE) and world standard population (ASRW) were obtained. Trends were assessed using the estimated annual percentage of change (EAPC) of the ASRE13. Observed and relative survivals (RS) were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier and Pohar Perme methods, respectively; (3) Results: We identified 1602 PC incident cases. According to histology, 44.4% of cases were exocrine PC, 4.1% neuroendocrine, and 51.1% malignant-non-specified. The crude incidence rate (CR) for PC was 11.43 cases-per-100,000 inhabitants/year. A significant increase of incidence with age and over the study period was observed. PC overall 5-year RS was 7.05% (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.63; 8.84). Longer overall survival was observed in patients with neuroendocrine tumours (5-year RS 61.45%; 95% CI 47.47; 79.55). Trends in 5-year RS for the whole cohort rose from 3.27% (95% CI 1.69-6.35) in 1994-1998 to 13.1% (95% CI 9.98; 17.2) in 2010-2015; (4) Conclusions: Incidence rates of PC in Girona have increased in the last two decades. There is a moderate but encouraging increase in survival thorough the study period. These results can be used as baseline for future research.S

    Para de pensar: procés reflexiu entorn el pensament crític, l'educació i les arts

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    Curs 2020-2021Aquest Treball de Final de Grau es tracta d’un procés reflexiu, en què s’enllaça pensament crític, educació i arts. Des de l’humil perspectiva i curiositat d’una estudiant de grau es reflexiona i s’indaga en conceptes i idees que han format el pensament crític de la societat occidental, es qüestiona i s’investiga com s’ha vist aquest pensament crític plasmat en l’educació i finalment, en una posició de defensa a la cultura, s’evidencia com les arts són portadores i desenvolupen el pensament crític en entorns educatius. La narrativa del treball no és la mateixa que la de qualsevol treball acadèmic d’investigació, sinó que enllaça la reflexió amb textos que justifiquen aquesta. El propòsit d’aquest document és l’autoreflexió i autoafirmació d’una futura mestra, però així mateix, vol fer reflexionar a qui el llegeixi, ja que són molts els aspectes socials que conflueixen en l’educació.This dissertation is a reflective process which links critical thinking, education and the arts. From the humble perspective and curiosity of an under graduate student, one reflects and investigates concepts and ideas that have shaped the critical thinking of the Western society. One questions and researches on how this critical thinking has been embodied in education and finally it becomes clear how the arts are carriers and help to develop that critical thinking in educational settings. The narrative of the document is not the same as any other academic research work, it links the reflection with texts that justify it. The purpose of this document is the self-reflection and self-assurance of a future teacher. At the same time, this document invites those who will read it to reflect as there are many social aspects that come together in education

    Visualizing nuclear pore complex assembly in situ in human cells at nanometer resolution by correlating live imaging with electron microscopy

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    In eukaryotic cells that undergo open mitosis, nuclear pore complex assembly proceeds via two distinct pathways: postmitotic and interphase assembly. Studying both assembly processes is challenging because postmitotic assembly is fast, interphase assembly is rare and sporadic, and assembly intermediates in both pathways are very small with a diameter below 100 nm. Here, we present a protocol for studying nuclear pore complex biogenesis in situ in cultured human cells in a spatiotemporally resolved and quantitative manner by combining live imaging with three-dimensional electron microscopy. The method described here can also be applied for studying other cell cycle–associated events with high spatiotemporal resolution

    Sculpting nuclear envelope identity from the endoplasmic reticulum during the cell cycle

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    ABSTRACTThe nuclear envelope (NE) regulates nuclear functions, including transcription, nucleocytoplasmic transport, and protein quality control. While the outer membrane of the NE is directly continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the NE has an overall distinct protein composition from the ER, which is crucial for its functions. During open mitosis in higher eukaryotes, the NE disassembles during mitotic entry and then reforms as a functional territory at the end of mitosis to reestablish nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization. In this review, we examine the known mechanisms by which the functional NE reconstitutes from the mitotic ER in the continuous ER–NE endomembrane system during open mitosis. Furthermore, based on recent findings indicating that the NE possesses unique lipid metabolism and quality control mechanisms distinct from those of the ER, we explore the maintenance of NE identity and homeostasis during interphase. We also highlight the potential significance of membrane junctions between the ER and NE