943 research outputs found

    Theory of Nonequilibrium Spin Transport and Spin Transfer Torque in Superconducting-Ferromagnetic Nanostructures

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    Spin transport currents and the spin-transfer torques in voltage-biased superconducting-ferromagnetic nanopillars (SFNFS point contacts) are computed. We develop and implement an algorithm based on the Ricatti formulation of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity to solve the time-dependent boundary conditions for the nonequilibrium Green's functions for spin transport through the ferromagnetic interfaces. A signature of the nonequilibrium torque is a component perpendicular to the plane spanned by the two ferromagnetic moments. The perpendicular component is absent in normal-metal-ferromagnetic nanopillars (NFNFN) contacts, but is shown to have the same order of magnitude as the in-plane torque for non-equilibrium SFNFS contacts. The out-of-plane torque is due to the rotation of quasiparticle spin by the exchange fields of the ferromagnetic layers. In the ballistic limit the equilibrium torque is related to the spectrum of spin-polarized Andreev bound states, while the {\sl ac} component, for small bias voltages, is determined by the nearly adiabatic dynamics of the Andreev bound states. The nonlinear voltage dependence of the non-equilibrium torque, including the subharmonic gap structure and the high-voltage asymptotics, is attributed to the interplay between multiple Andreev reflections, spin filtering and spin mixing. These properties of spin angular momentum transport may be exploited to control the state of nanomagnets.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Клан як квазі-інститут політичних систем близькосхідних країн

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    Розглянуто клан як специфічний фактор близькосхідного політичного процесу, проаналізовано його характерні особливості, а також подібності і відмінності з інститутами політичної системи плюральної демократії, такими як первинна соціалізаційна група, політична партія, неурядова організація.Clan as special actor of Middle Eastern political processis considered. Its specialties are analysed and similarities and differences with such institutes of plural democracy political system as first socialization group, NGO, political party are defined

    Covid-19 pandemic related disclosures in corporate reports of Portuguese listed companies: an interpretation of evidence provided by accounting information systems

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    This work analyzes how Portuguese listed companies disclosed pandemic-related information in their annual reports in the years 2019 and 2020, focusing on the sections where information was presented, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions implemented, and the risks disclosed. Based on a manual content analysis, this work provides preliminary evidence on corporate disclosures made in the pandemic context, suggesting that institutional forces and stakeholder groups may have influenced the information disclosed and provided by accounting information systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Micropropagation of a recalcitrant pine (Pinus pinea L.): An overview of the effects of ectomycorrhizal inoculation

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    Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is an economically important forest species in some regions of Iberian Peninsula. Portugal and Spain have nearly 500,000 ha of stone pine stands, representing 85% of worldwide distribution. The main use of this species is for the production of seeds (pinion) for food industry. In addition to its enormous profitability as a producer of seeds, it has beneficial impact on soil protection, dunes fixation and is a pioneer species particularly for cork and holm oaks degraded ecosystems. Stone pine plantations are today a major source of income for forestry holdings. Investments have targeted breeding, reforestation, forest management and harvesting. The maternal inheritance of desirable characteristics such as cone weight, number of seeds per cone and seed length is considerably high in this species thus encouraging the selection of seeds from “plus” trees. The selected trees have been propagated by grafting and micropropagation. However, grafting generates high variability due to scion-rootstock interaction that varies production levels. The production of clonal plants from selected seeds by micropropagation techniques has advanced very slowly due to the recalcitrance of this species in tissue culture and particularly to adventitious rooting of microshoots. Due to the tremendous importance of developing a reproducible tissue culture method for clonal propagation, a study has been carried out for over a decade to enhance rooting and acclimation. During this period of time, continuous increments in the multiplication rate and rooting frequency were achieved by introducing variations in culture media composition and conditions. Auxins, carbohydrates, light quality and duration, temperature at different concentrations and levels as well as compounds such as coumarin; salicylic acid, polyamines, etc. were tested for induction and expression phases of adventitious rooting. Despite these efforts, microshoots regenerated through organogenesis from mature embryo cotyledons failed to root or to have sustained root growth. At this point, an in vitro co-culture technique of stone pine microshoots with ectomycorrhizal-fungi was introduced to overcome the adventitious root growth cessation in vitro and improve root development during acclimation phase. An overview of the results showing the positive effect of fungal inoculation in promoting root growth in vitro and on plantlet survival during acclimation will be presented. Preliminary results of biochemical signals between Pinus pinea/Pisolithus arhizus during early steps of in vitro culture detected by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry that might be responsible for the positive effect on root growth will be also presented

    Non-genetic factors affecting live weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of some non-genetic factors on birth weight, weaning weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids. Data from 8930 records were analysed. Results showed that birth weight (BW), adjusted live weight at 30 days of age (W30), adjusted weaning weight at 60 days of age (WW), average daily gain from birth until 30 days of age (ADG30) and average daily gain from birth until 60 days of age (ADG60) were influenced by sex, age of dam and birth season. BW, W30, WW, ADG30 and ADG60 of males were higher than female. The same variables increased with the dam’s age. Kids born in autumn were heavier than those born in spring, winter and summer. W30 was lower in kids born in winter. TheWWof kids born in spring was higher than of those born in winter, autumn and summer and the ADG30 of kids born in spring and summer were higher than those born in autumn or winter. ADG60 was higher for kids born in spring. Kids born singlewere heavier at BW, W30 and ADG30 whilst kids born triple were lighter. Males showed the greatest weights and average daily gains, in the offspring of 3–5 years old females, as well as in single born and in those which were born in autumn

    Effect of ohmic heating on the extraction yield, polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of olive mill leaves

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    This study examined the influence of ohmic heating (OH), compared to the conventional heating (Conven) and Control (solvent) methods, on the extraction of olive mill leaves. The main extraction parameters were: (i) solvent ratio (aqueous ethanol; 40%, 60%, and 80%, v/v), and (ii) extraction temperature; 45 °C, 55 °C, and 75 °C (for OH and Conven), and room temperature (for Control). The selected response variables were extraction yield (%), total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activity (ABTS and DPPH). The ohmic system, compared to Conven and Control, exhibited the greatest effects (p < 0.001) on increasing (i) extraction yield (34.53%) at 75 °C with 80% ethanol, (ii) TPC at 55 °C (42.53, 34.35, 31.63 mg GAE/g extract, with 60%, 40%, and 80% ethanol, respectively), and (iii) antioxidant potency at 75 °C detected by DPPH and ABTS, in the range of 1.21–1.04 mM TE/g, and 0.62–0.48 mM TE/g extract, respectively. Further, there were relatively similar trends in TPC and antioxidant activity (both methods), regardless of solvent ratios, p < 0.001. These findings demonstrate the potential of ohmic heating, as a green processing tool, for efficient extraction (15 min) of olive leaves. To date, no literature has described ohmic application for olive leave extraction.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2020 unit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subjective measurements of fat cover and kidney knob and channel fat for predicting leg and rib tissue composition of Blanca Celtibérica kids.

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    CCW, the assess of FC on two scores (1-5) and (1-15) and the assess of KKCF amount on two scores (1-3) and (1-9) were used as predictors of leg and rib tissue composition of 31 Blanca Celtibérica kids, with an average CCW of 6,9± 2,1 Kg. Proportionately 97% of the variation in muscle weight was accounted for by variation in CCW and the inclusion of KKCF amount scored from 1 to 9 improve the precision of the prediction 1%, reducing the RSD in 11,8%. The inclusion of KKCF amount (scored 1-3) did not improve the precision of the rib muscle composition but reduced the RSD in 6,2%. In relation to bone composition of both joints, 95% and 73% of the variation of the leg and rib bone weight, respectively were accounted for by variation on CCW. The 87 and 85% of the leg and rib fat weight variation were accounted for by variation in CCW associated with fat score (1-15) and KKCF amount (1-3) with a RSD of 17 and 32,4 g, respectively. El peso canal fría, grado de engrasamiento con dos escalas de (1-5) y de (1-15) puntos y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal con dos escalas de puntuación (1-3) y (1-9) fueron utilizados como predictores de la composición tisular de la pierna y costillar de 31 cabritos de raza Blanca Celtibérica, con una media de peso canal fría de 6,9± 2,1 Kg. La variación del peso canal fría explicó el 97% de la variación en el peso del músculo de ambas piezas y la entrada en el modelo de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-9) incrementó un 1% la precisión de la estimación del peso del músculo del costillar con una reducción asociada del RSD de un 11,8%. A su vez la entrada en la ecuación de predicción del peso del músculo del costillar, de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3) no mejoró la precisión de la estimación, pero sí que supuso un 6,2% de reducción del RSD. Respecto a la predicción del peso del hueso en ambas piezas, el 95% de la variación en el peso del mismo en la pierna, fue explicado por la variación en el peso de la canal fría, mientras que la variación en el peso de esta misma variable tan solo explicó el 73% de la variación en el peso del hueso del costillar. Finalmente, la variación del peso canal fría, engrasamiento (1-15) y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3) explicó el 87 y 85% de la variación en el peso de la grasa total de la pierna y costillar con unas RSD asociadas de 17,0 y 32,4 g, respectivamente

    Medidas subjetivas del grado de engrasamiento y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal para predecir la composición tisular de la espalda, cuello y bajos de cabritos Blanco Celtibéricos

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    CCW, the assess of FC on two scores (1-5) and (1-15) and the assess of KKCF amount on two scores (1-3) and (1-9) were used as predictors of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast tissue composition of 31 Blanca Celtibérica kids, with an average CCW of 6,9± 2,1 Kg. Proportionately 97, 91 and 92% of the variation in muscle weight of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast, respectively were accounted for by variation in CCW. The variation in CCW also explained 96, 49 and 86% of the variation of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast bone tissue composition. The inclusion in the prediction equation for neck bone weight of FC (1-15), increase the precision in 7% and reduced the RSD in 5,7%. Finally the variation in CCW and FC (1-15) explained 87, 76 and 90% of the variation in fat weight of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast, respectively. Nevertheless the inclusion of KKCF amount (1-3) in the prediction equations of fat weight of shoulder and flank plus breast increase the precision in 2% and reduced the RSD in 6,1 and 10,2%, respectively. El peso canal fría, grado de engrasamiento con dos escalas de (1-5) y de (1-15) puntos y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal con dos escalas de puntuación (1-3) y (1-9) fueron utilizados como predictores de la composición tisular de la espalda, cuello y bajos de 31 cabritos de raza Blanca Celtibérica, con una media de peso canal fría de 6,9± 2,1 Kg. La variación del peso canal fría explicó el 97, 91 y 92% de la variación en el peso del músculo de la espalda, cuello y bajos respectivamente. Así mismo, la variación del peso canal fría explicó el 96, 49 y 86% de la variación en el peso del hueso de las mismas piezas y en el mismo orden. No obstante la entrada en la ecuación de predicción del peso del hueso del cuello, del engrasamiento (1-15) mejoró la precisión de la estimación en 7 puntos porcentuales, con una reducción del RSD asociado del 5,7%. Finalmente la variación del peso canal fría y engrasamiento (1-15) explicó el 87, 76 y 90% de la variación en el peso de la grasa total de la espalda, cuello y bajos. No obstante la entrada en la ecuación de predicción de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3), mejoró la precisión de la estimación de la variación del peso de la grasa total de la espalda y bajos en un 2%, con una reducción del RSD asociado de un 6,1 y 10,2% respectivamente

    Efecto del sexo y el peso de sacrifício sobre la calidad de la canal en cabritos de raza Serrana variedad Transmontana

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    EI objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las canales de 60 cabritos Serranos variedad Transmontana. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el procedimiento GLM del SAS (2003) con base en un modelo facto rial de 2 x 3, considerando como efectos fijos las variables sexo (hembra y macho) y peso canal (4, 6 Y 8 kg). Las diferencias significativas entre las medias fueron sometidas a la prueba de Tukey. EI efecto del sexo solo fue significativo (P<O,05) en la medida S. EI efecto del peso de la canal fue significativo (P<O,01) en todas las medidas de la canal, excepto en el rendimiento de la canal fría y el índice de conformación de la pierna (P>O,05). En términos generales, las canales de mayor peso fueron las que tuvieron mayor valor en el rendimiento de canal caliente (RCC), longitud de la pierna (F), longitud de la canal (K), amplitud de la cadera (G), amplitud del pecho (Wr), amplitud de la espalda (5), perímetro del tórax (U), peri metro del anca (AA), conformación de pierna (G/F) y conformación de canal (PCQ/K)

    Sustainable extraction of biocompounds from the green seaweed ulvarigida using ohmic heating

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    The development of new green and sustainable extraction technologies with low environmental impact and providing high nutritional functionalities, safety and applicability, has become relevant. Ohmic heating (OH) has emerged as a novel electric-based technology which allows high heating rates, higher selectivity of interest compounds, less energy and solvent consumption and energetically more efficient.[1,2] Ulva rigida is a green seaweed with high exploitation potential for commercial application. Its major compound of interest is ulvan, a sulfated polysaccharide present in the cell wall that has a wide range of possible applications in nutraceuticals, functional foods, agriculture and biomaterials.[3] The aim of this work was to access the feasibility of OH assisted extraction as an alternative extraction technology in the recovery of biocompounds (e.g.: polysaccharides, proteins, phenolic compounds and pigments) from Ulva rigida using different ratios of water/ethanol in different times of extraction. Extractions were made using a solid:solvent ratio of 1:30 and water/ethanol mixtures ranging from 0 to 75 % ethanol to extract different seaweeds fractions. The extractions were performed at 82 °C during 1 h, 2 h and 3 h, and the frequency was set at 25 kHz. Control extractions were made using a water bath (conventional extraction) with the same conditions, but without the presence of an electric field. Different parameters were assessed including extraction yield, lipids, ashes, moisture, total polysaccharides, protein, total phenolic compounds and pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) content, antioxidant activity and gelling ability. Higher extraction and ulvan-fraction yields, as well as total polysaccharides were obtained after 3 h of extraction for aqueous extracts. Total phenolic compounds, proteins and pigments content and antioxidant activity were higher for mixtures with higher amounts of ethanol. For antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds, the 50:50 H2O/EtOH mixture under OH proved to be more efficient, with an increase up to 10 %, when compared to conventional extraction. Also, for pigments and protein content, the 25:75 H2O/EtOH mixture allowed promising results for 1 h of extraction. Gelling ability was identical in all produced extracts. As conclusion, these results showed that OH is a good alternative for a low cost and environmental-friendly extraction technology, for the recovery of bioactive compounds from green seaweeds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio