33 research outputs found

    Lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (CAEV e Maedi-Visna): revisão e perspectivas

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    Homoclinic Orbits In Degenerate Reversible-equivariant Systems In R6

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    We study the dynamics near an equilibrium point p0 of a Z2xZ2-reversible vector field in R6 with the reversing symmetry or symmetry φ satisfying φ2=I and dimFix(φ)=3. We deal with systems such that X presents at p0 a degenerate resonance of type 0:p:q or 0-non-resonant. We are assuming that the linearized system of X (at p0) has as eigenvalues: λ1=0 λj=±iαj, j=2, 3. Our main concern is to find conditions for the existence of families of homoclinic orbits associated to periodic orbits near the equilibrium. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.4031155166Bochner, S., Compact groups of differentiable transformation (1945) Ann. of Math. (2), 46 (3), pp. 372-381Bochner, S., Montgomery, D., Locally compact groups of differenciable transformations (1946) Ann. of Math. (2), 47 (4), pp. 639-653Buzzi, C.A., Lamb, J.S.W., Reversible equivariant Hopf bifurcation (2005) Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 175, pp. 39-84Lamb, J.S.W., Roberts, J.A.G., Time-reversal symmetry in dynamical systems: a survey (1998) Physica D, 112, pp. 1-39Lima, M.F.S., Teixeira, M.A., Families of periodic orbits in resonant reversible systems (2009) Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., 40 (4), pp. 511-537Lombardi, E., Oscillatory Integral and Phenomena Beyond all Algebraic Orders (2000) Lec. Notes in Math., , 1741Rodrigues, H.R., Introdução ao Metodo Alternativo (1997), Notes of ICMC-USP, Brazil, JulWang, L.-J., Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for the 02 or 02iω singularity in the presence of two reversibility symmetries (2009) Quart. Appl. Math., 67 (1), pp. 1-3

    Ecological-friendly Pigments From Fungi

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    The dyestuff industry is suffering from the increases in costs of feedstock and energy for dye synthesis, and they are under increasing pressure to minimize the damage to the environment. The industries are continuously looking for cheaper, more environmentally friendly routes to existing dyes. The aim of this minireview is to discuss the most important advances in the fungal pigment area and its interest in biotechnological applications. Characteristic pigments are produced by a wide variety of fungi and the chemical composition of natural dyes are described. These pigments exhibit several biological activities besides cytotoxicity. The synthetic pigments authorized by the EC and in USA and the natural pigments available in the world market are discussed. The obstacle to the exploitation of new natural pigments sources is the food legislation, requesting costly toxicological research, manufacturing costs, and acceptance by consumers. The dislike for novel ingredients is likely to be the biggest impediment for expansion of the pigment list in the near future. If the necessary toxicological testing and the comparison with accepted pigments are made, the fungal pigments, could be acceptable by the current consumer. The potentiality of pigment production in Brazil is possible due to tremendous Amazonian region biodiversity.4215366Goodwin, T.W., (1976) Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigments, , New York, Academic Press PublBritton, G., (1983) The Biochemistry of Natural Pigments, , Cambridge, Cambridge, University PressMargalith, P.Z., (1992) Pigment Microbiology, , New York, Chapman & Hall PublDurán, N., Song, P.-S., Hypericin and its photodynamic action (1986) Photochem. Photobiol., 43, pp. 677-681Parisot, D., Devys, M., Barbier, M., Nahthoquinone pigments related to fusarubin from the fungus Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc (1990) Microbios, 64, pp. 31-47List of permitted food colours (1994) Off. J. Eur. Commun., L237-17FDA-USA Food Drug Administration. Listing of color additives subjected to certification. Title 21 (1995) Code of Federal Regulations, , 21 C.F.R. 74FDA-USA Food Drug Administration. Listing of color additives exempt from certification., Title 21 (1994) Code of Federal Regulations, , 21 C.F.R. 73Meggos, H., Food colors-an international perspective (1995) Manuf. Confect., 75, pp. 59-65Hendry, G.A.F., Natural pigments in biology (1996) Natural Food Colorants, pp. 1-39. , Hendry, G.A.F. and Houghton, J.D., EdsWissgott, U., Bortlink, K., Prospects for new natural food colorants (1996) Trends Food Sci. Technol., 7, pp. 298-302Mitchell, A.J., International trends and development in food additives (1995) Leatherhead Food Research Association, , Leatherhead, UKMcCarthy, B.J., Biotechnology and coloration (1997) Rev. Prog. Color. Relat. Top., 27, pp. 26-31Hill, D.J., Is there a future for natural dyes? (1997) Rev. Prog. Color. Relat. Top., 27, pp. 18-25Yoshihira, K., Natural additives for the future (1997) Shokuhin Kogyo, 40, pp. 80-84(1999) Chem. Abstr., 128, p. 47397Shenai, V.A., Eco-friendly textile chemicals and ban on certain azo dyes (1997) Colourages, 44, pp. 50-64Krauze, S., Dyes, the environment, and man. III. Research methods used (1997) Przegl. Wlok. Tech. Wlok., 11, pp. 30-32Krauze, S., Dyes, the environment, and man. IV. Effect of dyes on the water environment and soil (1998) Przegl. Wlok. Tech. Wlok., 2, pp. 11-15Krauze, S., Dyes, the environment, and man. Vb. Effect of dyes on mammals and man (1998) Przegl. Wlok. Tech. Wlok., 5, pp. 21-24Keymolen, P., The risks of a colorful world (1998) Polym. Paint Colour J., 188, pp. 13-14Natural colorants for the food and cosmetics industries (1998) Agro. Food Ind. Hi-Tech., 9, pp. 46-46Blanc, P., Les pigments rouges de Monascus (1998) Biofutur., 183, pp. 34-36Sekar, N., Towards cleaner environment and safer dyes (1998) Colourage, 45, pp. 39-40Fossen, T., Slimestad, R., Andersen, M., Focus on color: Anthocyanins in food (1998) Kjemi., 58, pp. 14-16(1999) Chem. Abstr., 129, p. 229755Carrubba, A., Calabrese, I., Vegetable extracts as natural sources of dyes (1998) Acta Hortic 457 (Symp. Plant Biotechnol. as a Tool for Explotation of Mountain lands, 1997), pp. 95-104(1999) Chem. Abstr., 129, p. 341617Babitskaya, V.G., Shcherba, V.V., Osadchaya, O.V., Melanin pigments from micromycetes (1998) Vestsi Nats. Akad. Navuk Belarusi, Ser. Biyal. Navuk., 3, pp. 83-88(1999) Chem. Abstr., 31, p. 29659Ainsworth, Bisby's, (1995) Dictionary of the Fungi, , D.L. Hawksworth, P.M. Kirk, B.C. Sutton and D.N. Pegler Eds) 8th ed., Wallingford, CAB International, 616 ppShin, C.S., Productivity increase of Monascus pigments (1998) Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP, , 10004988(1999) Chem. Abstr., 128, p. 101172Espinoza, R.M.D., Webb, C., Bioconversion of whole wheat flour for production of food colorants (1998) IchemE Res. Event. Two Day Symp., pp. 74-81(1999) Chem. Abstr., 129, p. 80684Hajjaj, H., Blanc, P.J., Groussac, E., Goma, G., Uribelarrea, J.L., Loubiere, P., Improvement of red pigment citrinin production ratio as a function of environmental conditions by Monascus ruber (1999) Biotechnol. Bioeng., 64, pp. 497-501Pimentel, M.C., Melo, E.H.M., Lima, J.L., Durán, N., Inhibition of citrinin production by Penicillium citrinum (1996) Mycophatologia, 132, pp. 119-123Araujo, A.I.C., Carrazzoni-Pereira, A.R., Porto, A.L.F., Pimentel, M.C.B., Tambourgi, E.B., Lima, J.L., Melo, E.H.M., Liquid-liquid extraction of citrinin from fermentation broth using aqueous two-phases systems (1998) XXVII Annual Meet. Braz. Biochem. Soc., Caxambu, M.G., Brazil, G83, p. 77Yamaji, K., Fukushi, Y., Hashidoko, Y., Yoshida, T., Tahara, S., Characterization of antifungal metabolites produced by Penicillium species isolated from seeds of Picea glehnii (1999) J. Chem. Ecol., 25, pp. 1643-1653Li, H., Huang, D., Xu, X., Zhang, D., Shi, Q., Wu, S., Studies on the chemical composition in Russula vinosa (1998) Junwu Xitong., 17, pp. 68-71(1999) Chem. Abstr., 129, p. 227849Armstrong, G.A., Hearst, Carotenoids. II. Genetics and molecular biology of carotenoid pigment biosynthesis (1996) FASEB J., 10, pp. 228-237Johnson, E.A., An, G.H., Astaxanthin from microbial sources (1991) Crit. Rev. Biotechnol., 11, pp. 297-326Johnson, E.A., Schroeder, W., Astaxanthin from the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma (1995) Studies Mycol., (38), pp. 81-90Babitskaya, V.G., Shcherba, V.V., Phenolic compounds produced by some basidiomycetous fungi (1999) Microbiology, 68, pp. 58-62Hobson, D.K., Wales, D.S., Green dyes (1998) J. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 114, pp. 42-44Gill, M., Pigments of fungi (Macromycetes) (1996) Nat. Prod. Rep., 13, pp. 513-528Gill, M., Pigments of fungi (Macromycetes) (1999) Nat. Prod. Rep., 16, pp. 301-317Hobson, D.K., Edwards, R.L., Wales, D.S., Cyanodontin: A secondary metabolite and dyestuff intermediate (1997) J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 70, pp. 343-348Baker, R.A., Tatum, J.H., Novel anthraquinones from stationary cultures of Fusarium oxysporum (1998) J. Ferment. Bioeng., 85, pp. 359-361Buchanan, M.S., Gill, M., Yu, J., Pigments of fungi. Part 45. The cardinalins 8-12, unique pre-naphthoquinone dehydro dimers from the New Zealand toadstool, Dermocybe cardinalis (1997) Australian J. Chem., 50, pp. 1081-1089Buchanan, M.S., Gill, M., Gimenez, A., Pigments of fungi. Part 46. New dimeric dihydroanthracenones of the flavomannin type from an Australian toadstool of the genus Dermocybe (1998) Australian J. Chem., 51, pp. 103-109Buchanan, M.S., Gill, M., Millar, P.M., Phonh-Axa, S., Raudies, E., Yu, J., Pigments of fungi. Part 51. Structure and streochemistry of coupled pre-anthraquinones of the pseudophlegmacin type from Australian toadstools belonging to the genus Dermocybe (1999) J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans., 1, pp. 795-801Gill, M., Morgan, P.M., White, J.M., Yu, J., Pigments of fungi. Part. 47. Cardinalic acid, a new anthraquinone carboxylic acid from the New Zealand toadstool Dermocybe cardinalis and the synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of methyl 1,7,8-tri-O-methylcardinalate (1998) Australian J. Chem., 51, pp. 213-218Buchanan, M.S., Gill, M., Milanovic, N.M., Phonh-Axa, S., Steel, P.J., Pigments of fungi. Part 48. Cavorubin from two Australian toadstools of the genus Cortinarius and the X-ray crystal structure of the methyl ester of 6-O-methylclavorubin (1998) Australian J. Chem., 51, pp. 347-352Gill, M., Gimenez, A., Jhingran, A.G., Milanovic, N.M., Palfreyman, A.R., Pigments of fungi. Part 49. Structure and biosynthesis of dermocanarin 4, a naphathoquinone-dihydroanthracenone dimer from fungus Cortinarius sinapicolor Cleland (1998) J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans., 1, pp. 3431-3436Elsworth, C., Gill, M., Giḿenez, A., Milanovic, N.M., Raudies, E., Pigments of fungi. Part 50. Structure, biosynthesis, and stereochemistry of new dimeric dihydroanthracenones of the phlegmacin type from Cortinarius sinapicolor Cleland (1999) J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans., 1, pp. 119-125Thomson, R.H., (1971) Naturally Occurring Quinones, p. 198. , Academic Press Publ., LondonTanaka, H., Koyama, Y., Awaya, J., Marumo, H., Oiwa, R., Katagiri, M., Nagai, T., Omura, S., Nanaomycins, new antibiotic produced by strain of Streptomyces. I. Taxonomy, isolation, characterization and biological properties (1975) J. Antibiotics, 28, pp. 860-867Medentsev, A.G., Akimenko, V.K., Fungal naphthoquinone metabolites (1996) Appl. Biochem. Microbiol., 32, pp. 7-29Medentsev, A.G., Akimenko, V.K., Naphthoquinone metabolites of the fungi (1998) Phytochemistry, 47, pp. 935-959Takahashi, N., Iwahori, A., Kawai, K.-I., Fukui, T., Induction of differentiation in human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60 by a new type of polyenes, falconensone A and its derivatives (1998) Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 360, pp. 113-120Tricard, Z.C., Cazabeil, J.M., Medina, B., Identification of natural dyes to food products (1998) Sci. Aliments, 18, pp. 25-40Li-Chan, E.C.Y., The application of Raman spectroscopy in food science (1996) Trend. Food Sci. Technology, 7, pp. 361-370Schrader, B., Dippel, B., Erb, I., Keller, S., Lochte, T., Schulz, H., Tatsch, E., Wessel, S., NIR Raman spectroscopy in medicine and biology: Results and aspects (1999) J. Mol. Structure, 481, pp. 21-32Schreiner, T., Hildebrandt, U., Bothe, H., Marner, F.J., Chemical and biological characterization of corticrocin, a yellow pigment formed by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Piloderma croceum (1998) Zeits. Naturforsch. C-A., J. Biosci., 53, pp. 4-8Kamijo, M., Suzuki, T., Kawai, K., Fujii, T., Murase, H., Ytterbium-decreasing Streptomyces sp. and its naphthoquinone-pigment production in the presence of rare-earth elements (1999) J. Biosci. Bioeng., 87, pp. 340-343Chodurek, E., Latocha, M., Kurkiewicz, S., Buszman, E., Swiatkowska, L., Wilczok, T., Chemical characteristics of melanin from Cladosporium cladosporioides (1998) Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Biol. Sci., 46, pp. 51-58Green, F.J., The Sigma-Aldrich Handbook of stains, dyes and indicators (1991) Alsrich. Chem. Corp., p. 776Fink-Gremmels, J., Sabater-Vila, M., Pharmacological and toxicological aspects of Monascus and the role of citrinin (1998) Proc. Symp. Monascus Culture Appl., , Toulouse, France, JuneFranceSabater-Vilar, M., Maas, R.F.M., Fink-Gremmels, J., Mutagenicity of commercial Monascus fermentation products and the role of citrinin contamination (1999) Mutation Res. Gen. Toxicol. Environ. Mutagenesis, 444, pp. 7-16Martinkova, L., Juzlova, P., Vesely, D., Biological-activity of polyketide pigments produced by the fungus Monascus (1995) J. Appl. Bacteriol., 79, pp. 609-616Martinkova, L., Juslova, P., Kren, V., Kucerova, Z., Havlicek, V., Olsovsky, P., Hovoka, O., Prikrylova, V., Biological activities of oligoketode produced by Moascus purpureus (1999) Food Add. Contamintans, 16, pp. 15-24Tong, Q., Gao, K., Zhou, Z., Study on antibacterial activity of Monascus pigment (1997) Shipin Gongye Keji, 5, pp. 5-6(1999) Chem. Abstr., 128, p. 125721Esposito, E., Canhos, V.P., Durán, N., Screening of lignin degrading fungi for removal color from Kraft wastewater with no additional extra carbon source (1991) Biotechnol. Lett., 13, pp. 571-574Esposito, E., Innocentini-Mei, L., Ferraz, A., Canhos, V.P., Durán, N., Phenoloxidases and hydrolases from Pycnoporus sanguineus (UEC-2050 strain): Its applications (1993) J. Biotechnol., 29, pp. 219-224Carvalho, S.M., De Teixeira, M.F.S., Esposito, E., Machuca, A., Ferraz, A., Durán, N., Amazonian lignocellulosic materials-I: Fungal screening for decayed Laurel and Cedar trees (1992) Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 37, pp. 33-37Castroe Silva, A., Esposito, E., Ferraz, A., Durán, N., Amazonian lignocellulosic materials II. Pycnoporus sanguineus acting on Parkia oppositifolia Wood. Its Potentiality (1993) Holzforschung., 47, pp. 361-367Curotto, E., Aguirre, C., Concha, M., Nazal, A., Campos, V., Esposito, E., Angelo, R., Durán, N., New methodology for fungal screening: Xylanolytic enzymes (1993) Biotechnol. 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Lignins and Other Wood Comp., 4, pp. 376-380Teixeira, M.F.S., Oliveira, L.P., Carvalho, S.M.S., Durán, N., Potential enzymes for recycling paper and in biobleaching pulp from thermophilic and thermotolerant Fusarium strains (1995) Proc. Fourth Brazilian Symp. Chem. Lignins and Other Wood Comp., 5, pp. 256-258Teixeira, M.F.S., Lima Filho, J.L., Durán, N., Carbon Sources effect on Pectinase production from Aspergillus japonicus 586 (2000) Brazilian J. Microbial., 31, pp. 286-290Fernandes, O.C.C., Teixeira, M.F.S., Oliveira, L.P., Durán, N., Potential enzymes for recycling paper from Aspergillus strains (1995) Proc. Fourth Brazilian Symp. Chem. 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    Produção de biocompostos com atividade antimicrobiana de Streptomyces sp. ante isolados de mastite caprina

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    Actinomicetos são um dos principais produtores de enzimas, vitaminas e metabólitos secundários, destacando-se o gênero Streptomyces, o qual tem uma ampla capacidade de produção de antibióticos eficazes no combate a diferentes microrganismos, entre eles o Staphylococcus sp. Em virtude dessa eficiência no combate a patógenos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de metabólitos com atividade antimicrobiana produzidos por 67 Streptomyces isolados de liquens da região amazônica, ante isolados de mastite caprina (Staphylococcus aureus) do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial para avaliar a influência das fontes de carbono (glicose) 0%, 0,5% e 1% e de nitrogênio (farinha de soja) 1%, 2,5% e 4% na produção dos antimicrobianos, bem como das variáveis pH, biomassa e atividade antimicrobiana. Dos Streptomyces estudados, o DPUA 1566 foi o que se destacou por formação de halos de inibição entre 18 e 26mm ante os isolados de mastite caprina. Foi possível verificar que a fonte de carbono inibiu a produção de antimicrobianos quando submetidos a uma concentração de glicose de 1%; com a retirada desta, os Streptomyces apresentaram uma elevada capacidade de produção de metabólitos com atividade antimicrobiana tendo potencial para o tratamento de mastite caprina

    Amazonian Lignocellulosic Materials-i Fungal Screening From Decayed Laurel And Cedar Trees

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    Fungi were screened for important industrial enzymes produced from industrial chips and sawdust of laurel (Louro inamui, Ocotea cymbarum) and cedar (Cedro, Cedrella odorata). Seven hyphomycetes and one zygomycete were isolated and characterized. Two different media for testing the enzymatic activities were used. In general, in potato dextrose (1%) medium (M-3) a preponderancy of ligninolytic over cellulolytic enzymes was observed. In potato infusion-sawdust wood (1%) medium (M-4) the cellulolytic, xylanolytic, and lipolytic enzymes were efficiently induced. Significant modulation of enzyme production by the carbon source was found in the extracted fungi from self-heated industrial chips piles of cedar and laurel trees at the Amazonian region. © 1992 The Humana Press Inc.371334