10 research outputs found

    Chemical and X-ray analyses of five brands of dental gutta-percha cone

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    Aim To determine the chemical composition of five commercially available nonstandardized gutta-percha points. Methodology The organic fraction (gutta-percha polymer and wax/resin) of nonstandardized gutta-percha points (Dentsply(TM), Tanari(TM), Konne(TM), Obtura Spartan(TM) and Analytic Endodontics(TM)) was separated from the inorganic fraction (ZnO and BaSO4 ) by dissolution in chloroform. Gutta-percha polymer was precipitated with acetone. Zinc oxide was partially separated from barium sulphate by reaction with HCl. Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and X-ray diffraction were employed to identify the chemical elements and compounds (barium sulphate and zinc oxide). The barium sulphate content was calculated by percentage of sulphur from elemental microanalysis. All analyses were repeated three times. Results The means and standard deviations of the percentage by weight of gutta-percha in the points were: Dentsply(TM) (14.5 +/- 0.70%), Tanari(TM) (15.6 +/- 0.66%), Obtura(TM) (17.7 +/- 0.35%), Konne(TM) (18.9 +/- 0.32%) and Analytic(TM) (20.4 +/- 0.40%). The mean and SD of the zinc oxide content were: Dentsply(TM) (84.3 +/- 0.50%), Tanari(TM) (82.0 +/- 0.72%), Obtura(TM) (69.5 +/- 0.21%), Konne(TM) (78.0 +/- 0.05%) and Analytic(TM) (66.5 +/- 0.50%). Conclusions The method was appropriate to quantify gutta-percha and resin/wax components of gutta-percha points, but not barium sulphate and zinc oxide. An alternative procedure to determine barium sulphate and zinc oxide contents has been proposed based on elemental microanalysis of sulphur. Some brands of gutta-percha did not contain barium sulphate.36430230

    Contribuições do campo crítico do lazer para a promoção da saúde Contributions from the critical leisure field to the health promotion

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    Nos estudos do lazer para a promoção da saúde, ainda predomina a lógica da ocupação ativa do corpo no tempo de não-trabalho (lazer ativo), revelando a influência do pensamento funcionalista, o qual, ao reduzir os vínculos entre sociedade e processo saúde-doença, indiscutivelmente não condiz com o propósito de promover a saúde da população. Em face deste quadro, e partindo da premissa de que na educação física brasileira, desde o início dos anos oitenta, proliferam diferentes concepções que discutem a superação do discurso do lazer funcionalista, mas que tais formulações ainda são praticamente desconhecidas da Saúde Coletiva e Saúde Pública brasileiras, a partir de revisão bibliográfica sobre o desenvolvimento do campo do lazer no país, buscando reflexões conjunta aos pressupostos da promoção da saúde, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar concepções críticas e alternativas do lazer em sua relação com a saúde, fundamentando-se numa proposta político-pedagógica denominada lazerania. Em linhas gerais, esta é uma concepção de lazer emancipatório que, partindo da problematização do fenômeno esportivo, proporciona o sentir, pensar e agir da população, visando à construção de uma sociedade fundada na solidariedade e com a participação de todos.<br>The studies about leisure for health promotion still tend to choose the active body occupation in the free-time (leisure activities), revealing the influence of the functionalist way of thinking, which trying to reduce the links between society and health-disease process, undoubtedly do not keep with the purpose of population health promotion. Focusing on this idea, and keeping in mind the premise that in the Brazilian physical training there are different opinions since the earliest 80s which try to achieve the purpose to avoid the ideas of the functionalist way of thinking. However, those opinions are almost unknown both in the Brazilian public health system and the collective health system, once the bibliography revision about leisure activities development was made in the country, looking for ideas taken in common knowledge for health promotion presuppositions, this report has the aim to show critical and alternatives concepts of leisure in the way it is linked to healthy as a real social change, using a political-pedagogical proposal called lazerania. In general, this is an emancipatory concept of leisure, which comes from the sport phenomenon as a problem and provides the feeling, thinking and behavior of the population, trying to build a society based on solidarity and consumer participation

    Revisão sistemática da produção acadêmica brasileira sobre causas externas e violências contra a pessoa idosa Systematic review of the Brazilian academic production about external causes and violence against the elderly

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    Apresenta-se revisão sistemática sobre violência contra a pessoa idosa no período de 2000 a 2009. A base de dados para a pesquisa é o acervo de artigos, livros, capítulos de livros, manuais e planos de ação da Biblioteca Virtual em Violência e Saúde. Foram categorizados e analisados 115 documentos segundo os subtemas: quedas; causas externas e violência em geral; estudos epidemiológicos e socioepidemiológicos; prevenção da violência; violência e acidentes no contexto familiar; revisão conceitual e metodológica; ordem legal e denúncias; violência sob o olhar de quem a vivencia; serviços de saúde, profissionais e cuidadores; e construção e revalidação de instrumentos de pesquisa. Os resultados mostram relevante aumento da produção e aprimoramento metodológico nas áreas de saúde pública, serviço social, direito, fisioterapia, enfermagem, psicologia, otorrinolaringologia e na formulação de políticas e planos de ação. No entanto, há temas pouco aprofundados como acidentes de trânsito, homicídios, suicídios, afogamentos e sufocações.<br>This article presents a review about violence against the elderly, covering the period of 2000 to 2009. The database used in this research was the collection of articles, books, book chapters, manuals and plans of action of the Virtual Library on Violence and Health. We analyzed 115 documents divided into the following categories: falls; external causes and violence in general; epidemiological and socio-epidemiological studies; prevention of violence; violence and accidents in the family; conceptual and methodological review; legal order and denunciation; violence from the elderly's point of view; health services, professionals and caretakers; and construction and validation of research instruments. The results show a relevant increase in production and methodological improvement in public health, social work, law, physiotherapy, nursing, psychology and otorhinolaryngology. However, there are issues that have not been sufficiently approached such as traffic accidents, homicides, suicides, drowning and suffocation