6 research outputs found

    A Price-elastic Approach for Optimal Scheduling of Small-scale Storage Devices in Smart Houses with Short-term and Long-term Constraints

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    Consecutive charging and discharging of storage devices (SDs) might deem beneficial from the perspective of short-term operation. However, it highly impacts the life span of the embedded battery and render restrictions on energy storage capacity. We investigate short-term and long-term constraints of SDs through a three-stage price-elastic approach to the optimal operation of small-scale SDs in smart houses. The first stage deals with data and scenario characterization where the data for determining short-term and long-term operation constraints of SD are acquired. Proper number of scenarios are generated to represent uncertain parameters such as long-term demand forecasting, daily load profile, electricity price, and photovoltaic (PV) generation. The second stage optimizes the long-term operation of SD using the envisioned scenarios subject to the long-term operation constraints and the installment costs of SDs. The outputs of this stage are two indicators referred to as price elasticity and price offset coefficients, which are used as the inputs for the third stage. The third stage is responsible for decision-making on short-term operation of SDs. The outputs of the second stage along with short-term forecasting for daily electricity price, daily load and daily PV generation are acquired. Based on the acquired data, proper price elasticity and price offset are determined for optimal operation. Comprehensive simulations are performed for different demand forecasting and electricity prices. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    METU Smart Campus Project (iEAST)

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    With the rise of urbanization, cities around the world have embraced applications and benefits of leveraging advanced technologies to deliver a range of services while promoting efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable eco-systems. By harnessing technology to improve the quality of life of citizens, these advanced technological tools have become critical in transforming urbanized cities across the globe into smart cities. Universities in particular have served as an ideal platform to showcase smart applications to promote smart campuses. This paper presents METU Smart Campus Project which addresses necessary analysis and recommendations for the implementation of a smart and sustainable campus at METU. Scope of the project includes development of a 10 year smart campus roadmap and a plan for implementation of near-term smart and sustainable campus activities. The project will assist METU in planning and implementing the smart intelligence, Energy, Aquatic (Water), Security, and Transportation Campus (iEAST)